see'ing as how Hazey, sunny, and myself are the only ones.


Just draggin around
May 6, 2002
Allow me to, ala Olivianna, give my eulogy, but for Lit.

Once you were a beacon of light shining from a culdron of dismay. Set apart from the moderated boards on this online wolrd, standing nearly alone in your quest for a place where people could share thought and dreams freely. I suppose with the passage of time, one must grow up and accept that the world is not filled with rational ideology, rather controlled by weak minded meddlers susceptible to knee jerk reactions.
I thought Lit was above that, able to steadfastly hold the rope and allow for all kinds. Obviously, as a wise man said earlier "all things must pass". So, to the Lit I knew, I bid you a heartfelt farewell. May we cross again someday. May the Gods rest upon your weary soul.
Relax, Toots.

For one, we don't know if it's permanent. It sounds like the board was flooded last night by Unreg posts, so it may be only a temporary measure.

How much harm do you really think will come from people having to stand behind their own comments?
Nicely said. It's not going to be the same and don't think it's for the better.

I'm sure people who dislike me are going to come in and claim that I got off on the cruelty on the board or the flamming but that's not the case. I hated when people insulted others unregistered, but one of the great things about Lit was that you did have the freedom to do it.

Yeah you can stilll get another ID. That isn't the point. The point is this place was a board where adults could come and discuss whatever they wanted without censorship of any kind. Now it isn't.

It's just another step that started a few weeks ago when peoples entire histories were deleted.

It's sad, and if you don't see that you never really got what Lit was about in the first place.
Again. Censorship is not allowing people to speak their minds. Not allowing anonymity is NOT the same as censoring people's "rights to free speech", which aren't applicable here anyway.
RH, my concern is more about a change in the fundemental basis as I saw the board. While in theory you are correct in that people should stand behind what they say, they had that right not to. I am not defending the actions of most unregs, but to broadstoke them out is, in my opinion, a violation of how things least how I saw them. We do not have to agree on this with me still considering you a very good online friend.
RawHumor said:
Again. Censorship is not allowing people to speak their minds. Not allowing anonymity is NOT the same as censoring people's "rights to free speech", which aren't applicable here anyway.


RawHumor said:
How much harm do you really think will come from people having to stand behind their own comments?

It's a precident. Think about it. Once something is done it's easy to do again or to take the next step.

Lavender had all of her posts removed because someone threatened her life and she didn't want any personal information on the board. That sounds totally reasonable, hell it IS totally reasonable.

So then bratcat's posts are all removed because she doesn't want to be held responsible in divorce court for her actions here.

I have no idea why Siren's were removed.

First the ignore feature was expanded and that was great! I love it. Now you can't post unregistered and despite the fact I never have, I'm saddened because it was another step.

You think we won't start loosing great posters? I've already been pm'd by one who says his days are numbered.

Woofuckinghoo. The whinning won.
In the nicest way possible, I'm going to say you all have to get over yourselves.

Laurel and Manu bring us this place for free.

They do a phenominal job of keeping it that way.

Is it unfortunate? Sure. Do we agree that it's the fault of the visitors of this board? Sure.

However, it's their decision and it should be respected.

If you're invited into someone's home and they serve you a dinner they prepared, do you whine that it's not *just* the way you want it?

Do you stand over their shoulder and tell them how to cook?

C'mon, people, don't bite the hand that feeds you.
brokenbrainwave said:
We do not have to agree on this with me still considering you a very good online friend.

Thanks, Pookie. I'd hate to lose the PM-sex that we had going.

Again, until we hear from Manu or Laurel, we don't know if it was a temporary measure or a permanent one.

The only nice thing that I've seen about allowing people to go Unreg was that they could test out the features of a chat room or whatever without having to go through the effort of registering.

With Lit, you can see the features. You can still read the board without registering. I just don't see the loss.
alexandraaah said:
Is it unfortunate? Sure. Do we agree that it's the fault of the visitors of this board? Sure.

However, it's their decision and it should be respected.

Whooaaaa there filly. lol I totally respect and understand Laurel and Manu's decision and I would never complain about them. In their place I would have done the same thing. It's become too much of a headache.

What I am speaking against is the whinning that caused the headache. People DID bite the hand and this is the result.

Laurel doesn't post here anymore, I wouldn't be surprised if she walked away completely and hired a moderator for this place to avoid the hassle. I sure as hell would.

That is what I'm saying. That is why I find it sad.
Its their decision, its their board, they have the right to do with it as they wish. Draah, it not like I was attacking them, I was merely voicing my concern about the said decision. Like sunny pointed out, what is potentially next? Does this show a crack in the foundation to where things will change 100% do to them being fed up with certain happenings? For the record I do give them, especially Laurel, props for having the patience to deal with the crap certain posters toss her way.

I suppose I will take a wait and see approach before I "get over myself".
Sunstruck, I don't think we're far apart in our opinion of this, nor was my post directed at you...we both agree that it's a shame it came to this, however, I'm certain it wasn't their first choice. I can see that you feel the same way and are simply upset that it came to this.

Personal responsibility has disintegrated on this board and it's sad.

While I understand the nature of the reasons people wanted all of their posts deleted, I don't agree with the requests at all.

I think it was the beginning of the end, frankly.
Imagine the hecklers being removed from the comedy club, that's the best analogy I can come up with.

Posting unregistered is cowardly, spineless and any other word you can come up with.

A lot of truth comes through the anonymity. Take that away, and you have less truth.

Shiney Happy Posterville!

Let's all have a group hug...
brokenbrainwave said:

I suppose I will take a wait and see approach before I "get over myself".

But think of how much fun it might be.

You may even be able to suck your own cock!

I realize that we're on the same page; I think I'm just defensive when it comes to Lit. and all the GOOD it has also brought all of us.

How many things in life are you able to enjoy freely without putting anything into?

Lit. requires no money and little effort on OUR end, y'know?
alexandraaah said:
You may even be able to suck your own cock!
if this was the case, I would never get online. Plus with my bad back, all would go to hell in a bodycast. Thanks though :D

you're right, it is free. That does not preclude me from being able to express concern over something however.
For the record, I'm an equal opportunity bitch. I think it's just as wrong for the other half to be thanking them for making this change, as though they were so dissatisfied with Lit. before now. It's not up to us anymore, people.

There was a time when this board was dictated by those whom posted here; unfortunately, too many of those people became a bunch of adult crybabies and now need a babysitter.

*wags my finger*
brokenbrainwave said:
if this was the case, I would never get online. Plus with my bad back, all would go to hell in a bodycast. Thanks though :D

you're right, it is free. That does not preclude me from being able to express concern over something however.

Of course not! That's what keeps us all coming back.
If someone want to post anonymously, all they have to do is register another name.

I hardly think this will kill the board.
alexandraaah said:
Of course not! That's what keeps us all coming back.
what, the free part? LOL, what a bunch of cheap bastards we are.

Seriously though, could this possibly at all be a dangerous new precedent, or are a couple of us getting our thongs in an uproar over nothing? Like Hazey said, "Posting unregistered is cowardly, spineless and any other word you can come up with.
A lot of truth comes through the anonymity. Take that away, and you have less truth."
I guess that is my greatest fear.
brokenbrainwave said:
what, the free part? LOL, what a bunch of cheap bastards we are.

Seriously though, could this possibly at all be a dangerous new precedent, or are a couple of us getting our thongs in an uproar over nothing? Like Hazey said, "Posting unregistered is cowardly, spineless and any other word you can come up with.
A lot of truth comes through the anonymity. Take that away, and you have less truth."
I guess that is my greatest fear.

This could very well just be how it is from now on, I have no idea what their plans are.

My point is that their decisions should not be judged; it's their home and they're free to make sure they know someone's name before they come in the door.

Trust me on at least this much: they are as sad about having to make this decision (temporary or not) as you are about it.

When people can't handle the responsibility of posting anymore, it becomes unmanagable and frankly, they ruin it for the rest of the class.

alexandraaah said:
Trust me on at least this much: they are as sad about having to make this decision
this I am fairly certain of. I do feel bad for them having to take this measure. It sorta goes against the grain.

If you thought I was being judgemental, then I apologize. That was not the intended reasoning. My hope was that people would open their eyes and realise sometimes when you get what you ask for you may not like the ramifacations that accompany your request.