Seducing the Step Brother (Fadrosa)


Really Really Experienced
May 19, 2013

Lexi could feel James' eyes on her as she twirled about on the dance floor. She'd been feeling the heat of his gaze for months now. Ever since she first met him, she'd known he'd been smitten with her. He was a tall young man, with dark hair and bright blue eyes. She was tall and slender like him, and they could almost pass for brother and sister, if not for his sapphire eyes contrasting sharply with her dark pools of brown. He was younger than her by several years, a graduating senior in high school this past June, but he'd developed nicely. Despite his tall and lean figure, he had some muscles and the sharp angles of a grown man's face. Lexi was attracted to him, but the only problem was, he was her family now, sort of.

It had came as a surprise, finding out her mother was to be remarried. The last she'd heard of the man her mother was seeing had been in a letter she'd received at college six months ago, then two months after that, they were announcing their engagement! Lexi didn't blame her mother. Her real father had died long ago and her mom had worked so hard. She deserved someone who really loved her and would take care of her. She'd met him and his son James at dinner a month prior to their announcement. Her mother had wanted to bring them together as a family, but Lexi found she didn't want to be family with this boy at all. She wanted to have him as her own.

As the fast beat song ended, Lexi turned her heels on the dance floor with ease and spotted her step brother seated at a table with a half eaten piece of wedding cake he didn't seem to have touched in a while. Lexi smiled coyly at him before strutting over. The formalities of the wedding had been done, and now it just time for the guests to let loose and have fun. "Heya sport," Lexi greeted him, using the nick name she'd bestowed upon him the night she met him. To her mother, she was being friendly, but to Lexi she was teasing and flirting with him. "So what's it like being my little bro?" she asked, taking the seat beside him and crossing one leg over the other, dress riding up her knee and to her thigh, revealing her smooth skin.
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James had been sitting by himself for a while now, pushing at a piece of cake he wasn’t quite interested in. The upbeat, overplayed wedding music was starting to get to him. He dad had encouraged him to live a little and get out on the dance floor, but his suit was too hot, too tight. He felt awkward sitting there trying to adjust his clothes and rubbing the back of his neck where his hair used to hang. He’d agreed to cut it at Mary’s request. ‘It’ll look nice for the wedding photos,’ she told him. ‘Please, as a favor to me? I’ll owe you one.’

He watched as his new step sister twirled around on the dance floor in her dark blue dress. With each spin the hem seemed to go higher and higher, showing off her smooth, not-yet-tan-for-the-summer legs. He adjusted himself again trying to act indifferent but inside he was burning. Since that first night when Lexi came over for dinner he’d had a crush on her and knew there wasn’t anything he could do about it. She had no idea how badly she turned him on that night—her long dark hair and deep eyes. She’d come in wearing a long coat and black boots that went almost to her knee. Tight jeans hugged her hips and he could barely see an outline of her bra underneath her sweater. It was just enough to send him into another world thinking about what she must look like under all those layers. And watching her now he had a better idea.

From the corner of his eye he saw her approach, heard her heels click against the parquet wood floor in between songs. He’d only met her a few times but each time she wore heels. Surely she had other shoes but the heels seemed so…sophisticated. They made him want her even more.

Heya, sport, she said. What’s it like being my little bro?

“I hate it when you call me ‘little’,” he said. James had finally begun filling out his tall frame but his lack of sexual experience made him feel ashamed and being called ‘little’ didn’t help.

Lexi picked up a glass of champagne and drank half of it in one gulp. She tilted the glass toward James and gave him a slight nod. She sensed his reluctance and leaned in close, whispering, “It’s okay. I’m your big sis and this is a party. You’re dad only gets married twice, right?”
“I hate it when you call me ‘little’,” he said. Lexi just laughed amicably at him and ruffled his newly cut hair. "I'm sorry. You're right. You're not little." And he wasn't. He was looking like a man, much more so than his cousins at the party who were his own age. He was tall and muscular, and looked sharp in a suit. "I've just been an only child all my life, so getting a cute little--oh I'm sorry--younger brother is pretty exciting to me."

Feeling a bit parched from her dancing, Lexi picked up a nearby glass of champagne that seemed to be available everywhere and downed half of it in one gulp. She smacked her lips afterwards and then placed what was left of the drink in front of James. He seemed reluctant about it, signifying he wasn't your typical rebellious teen, so she decided to goad him. “It’s okay. I’m your big sis and this is a party. You’re dad only gets married twice, right?" She prompted, soft lips grazing his ear lobe slightly as she spoke. She pulled back and smiled at him, curious if he would accept it, or go all good boy on her and refuse. Either way, it would only make her more curious about him.

James might have been a bit shy around his new sibling but he wasn’t about to let her think he was chicken. He picked up Lexi’s glass and with a coy smile tilted his head back and swallowed. The fuzzy sweetness hit him quick and he coughed slightly, turning red in the process, but he shook it off just as fast so that she wouldn’t think he couldn’t handle his alcohol. He grabbed another glass from the table to show her that it was no big deal, that she couldn’t phase him that easy. Again he finished it in one gulp.

He could still feel her lips on his ear, her sweet breath on his neck, and the slight brush of her left breast against his chest. Unable to hold back, he glanced quickly at her chest, unsure if he was actually seeing the outline of a nipple through the dark silk, then down to her crossed legs. He could feel the redness returning to his face, but he wasn’t sure if it was the glass and a half of champagne or the way Lexi’s dress exposed more of her thigh when she dangled her heel from her foot.

He took in her dark hair, pinned up just so a few strands fell free, her bare shoulders cut only by the spaghetti strap of her dress, her long neck accented by the glittering jewels clutched around it, and her deep red lips still glistening from the drink. His semi-erection from watching her dance was stiffening with each passing second.

What am I doing? he thought. She’s—I can’t—she would never anyway.

Growing uncomfortable from his own perversions, James knew he couldn’t sit still any longer. He stood, removed his jacket and loosened the deep blue tie that his stepmother had picked to match the bridal party. But looking down at the vision in front of him, cocky from hardly more than a sip of alcohol, James decided he didn’t care. Fuck it.

“C’mon, now I’m ready,” he said as turned toward the dance floor.
Lexi managed to contain her laughter as she watched her step brother struggle with the wine. It was so plain how inexperienced he was, but the only indication she gave of knowing this was the amused glint in her eyes. She wanted to teach him, to show him how to hold his alcohol and the proper way to ask a lady to dance. She felt more than saw the heat from his gaze directed at her breasts. Lexi was leaning too close to him to be called appropriate, she knew, but the wedding party was abuzz around them. No one was paying them the slightest bit of attention.

Her breast was just lightly resting against his chest and her bare leg gently stroked his in a subtle manner. Their closeness and the way he was pursuing her body discreetly had Lexi grow hot, and not from the win. He seemed like he was trying to impress her with his drinking, but seemed content to stay in their current position, which was why she was so surprised when he leaped up from his chair, loosened his tie, and insisted they dance. There were faint pink spots on his cheeks; he was already tipsy from the wine. It was adorable. Lexi smiled gracefully at him and rose to meet him. She was just a couple inches shorter than he was when she wore these heels. "All right, I'll take you up on that offer," She purred, placing her hand in his and walking side by side with him to the dance floor.

As luck would have it, the DJ began to play a slow ballad just as they entered the dance floor. Lexi raised an eyebrow at James, staring into his light blue eyes. "I assume you've been to enough high school dances to know how to slow dance, right?"
“Very funny,” James replied dryly. Truthfully, the slow music made him a bit uncomfortable. It wasn’t the romantic sentiment so much as his burning desire to feel her body close to his, and his embarrassment at the thought that she might notice his semi-erection.

He tried to keep a responsible distance between them as they swayed to the first few bars—his right hand on the small of her back, her right hand in his left, slightly aloft, his body angled gently askew—but Lexi startled him when the lyrics intruded and she pulled him closer, resting her head on his chest, tightening her grip on his torso. Her legs were interlocked with his, his upper thigh aligned with her crotch.

A few seconds in and James relaxed a bit. He closed his eyes and inhaled the elegant floral scent of her perfume. In that instant he didn’t want the song to end and he didn’t care what anyone else thought of their potentially awkward closeness.

“You look really nice tonight,” he told her, trying not to sound overly complimentary. At the sound of his words Lexi held him even tighter. James wasn’t quite sure but it felt like she was pushing her pelvis into him—why did he have such thoughts? He thought maybe it was the alcohol again, or his own inexperience with women. Maybe it was just that he was a horny teenager who thought that every time a girl spoke to him—let alone touched him—it meant that she wanted him. His heart beat faster and he just barley moved his hand lower on her back, trying to be a subtle as possible so that he could plead ignorance if called out.
The two began to dance to the slow music. She was glad he didn't do the typical, boy's hands on girl's waist move that's done back in high school. Instead, he grasped her hand firmly in his and the other resting in the small of her back. Lexi smiled approvingly at him. As a way to... reward him for his efforts, she leaned in closer, resting her head on his chest gently. Somehow, perhaps out of unconscious longing on both their parts, his thigh ground into her pelvis. A rush of pleasure hit her, and she swayed faster in response to more than the music.

"Thank you, you're looking quite handsome yourself," she informed him, tightening her grip on his shoulder slightly. "I have to keep reminding myself you're only 18," she laughed, but left it at that, leaving it to him to decide what she meant by the comment. James moved his hand subtly down her back, just above her ass. She hummed slightly and rocked into him, felt the start of an erection poking into her thigh.

"So you excited for college, sport?" Lexi asked, curious about him. "I bet you are. All the girls will be after you." She couldn't help it, flirtatious actions and words kept pouring out of her mouth. She was only 24, just six years older than him, but it still felt wrong somehow, but that fact only urged her on further.
At first he didn’t know if she was mocking him or complimenting him. Yes, I’m ‘only’ 18, he thought. Does that mean that she sees me as a little kid? Is that why she keeps calling me ‘sport’? Or does it mean that she thinks that I’m finally an adult—legally? Is that why she’s asking me about girls?

Feeling her rock into him, James grew more confident. He could tell that she was a bit tipsy and knew she was flirting. If that’s the game she wants to play, he thought, I’ll play along. She’s just trying to see how far she can push me, torment me like the kid brother she never had.

He liked this game. He wondered, too, if this was how all brothers and sisters or step siblings acted toward one another. He’d always heard that siblings were best friends and that no one else would understand, but did that work for siblings through marriage when they’d only met a few months prior? He badly wanted a sibling—a brother, really—when he was young. Living away from the city meant that there weren’t many kids to play with, especially after it got dark and he had to be home. Plus, whenever anything got broken, he didn’t have anyone to blame it on.

He thought of what a sister could do for him. “Well,” he said, laughing slightly, “I am excited about being in a coed dorm. Maybe you can come by and help me get to know some of them so it doesn’t seem so awkward, you know?”
"Excited huh?" she smirked at him. Of course he'd be excited. What male wouldn't be excited at the prospect of living next door to girls? His comment had her reminiscing to her first year of college. She'd been a model student in high school, but in college, without the watchful eye of her mother and teachers, she'd went a little wild. She'd been a frequenter of most of the parties and had brought several boys home on various occasions. She hadn't been a slut, but she certainly knew how to have fun.

At James' request, she chuckled, "Come on sport, you don't need my help in getting the ladies. You've already got one," she said with a wink. Her comment was similar to those your elder relatives made to you when they went on and on about how much you'd grown and developed into such a young man or woman. Except this time, Lexi's comment was not a complete joke. He had her attention and curiosity piqued, at least for the moment.

"You got much experience with girls?" she asked him suddenly, curiosity getting the better of her. He was a quiet fellow, but with those good looks of his she doubted he had much trouble in that department.
“Sure,” he said. He lied. He had only slept with a girl once in his life and it was awkward at best. Karen, his high school girlfriend, had made him wait. She teased him for two years, necking in the driveway or the movie theatre, but stopping him when he moved his hand underneath her shirt and tried to unhook her bra. Before prom night the closest he been to getting laid was one night when Karen rested her hand on his thigh during a movie. She wanted their first time to be special.

He looked the smirk on Lexi’s face when he answered. He could tell she wasn’t quite buying it.

“Well, maybe not much experience…” Prom night was a disaster really. He’d rented a hotel but when he and Karen finally got there things didn’t quite go as planned. An older friend hooked him up with a bottle of wine but not being much of a drinker James was sloppy by the time he got Karen’s dress off. He remembered watching her slowly undress, her black satin dress laid out with care on the chair. He kissed her lips, her neck, her breasts. She caressed his arms and chest, felt his muscles, gently touched his cock. She told him she loved him and took him in her mouth. He laid back, resting his head on the pillow. A moment later she was on top of him, straddling him. He flipped her over and removed her blue panties with a little pink bow in front. He kissed her and pushed inside slowly, gently. Her pussy was warm and wet. He thrusted and she winced from the pain of her virginity. He thrusted again…and then it was over.

“I mean I’m not a virgin,” he said sheepishly. Shortly after the hotel Karen dumped him, saying something about not wanting to do the long distance thing while they were away at colleges in different states. James took it hard. If only he had been better…

The song ended but James didn’t know what to do next. He didn’t want to stop holding Lexi, her body close to his. He held her a second longer than he should have.
He'd answered far too quickly and far too calmly for that to be any semblance of the truth. Still, Lexi gave him that mysterious smirk and swayed in time with the music, body flush against his.

She thought back to her first time, in the back of her third boyfriend's pickup truck. They'd went to the drive in, made a nice little hideaway for themselves in the bed of the truck. It'd been a double feature. They'd teased each other relentlessly during the previews, the first movie, and the second movie. By the ending credits, she'd been positively begging him to take her. He'd only been her boyfriend for two months, but she'd been so hopelessly in love with him, or so she'd thought. He'd been a senior in high school, about to enlist in the military, she was a sophomore, and considered herself so mature for her age. She'd been a fool. He'd pulled an old, mangled up condom wrapper out of his jacket pocket, put it on, and made love to her under the stars. It sounded really romantic when she thought about it that way, but she had to remind herself of the mosquitoes, and the heat, and the fact that he broke up with her that fall when he went off to boot camp, despite her pleading that she'd wait for him.

Eh, such was life. She'd been heartbroken, but moved on to bigger and better things. Seeming to read her thoughts, James announced somewhat bashfully, “I mean I’m not a virgin.”

Lexi grinned at him. "Ooh, big man. I assume you've got a lucky little lady then?" This question was asked for one purpose, and one purpose only. She wanted to find out if he was available. She was playing with fire, she knew, but there was something about him she just couldn't shake.

It was at this point the song ended, and started into another fast paced beat. James held her a little longer than expected, but she didn't mind in the slightest. Normally, Lexi would have danced to this next number, but this was far too serious of a conversation to have straining to hear him over the loud music. "Come here," she mouth, gesturing for him to follow.

She led him outside and to the garden. Her mother really had picked a nice venue. It was mostly empty, except for an elderly couple taking a walk. She sat next to him on a granite bench, and continued their conversation right where she left of. "Everyone always makes such a big deal about their first time being special, but that's a load of bull. It's the second time, and the third time, and every time after that that matters. By then you know what you want and you're not shy about getting it," she told him, speaking matter-of-factly.
James didn’t know what to say. He wanted to lie, to tell her that he had a girl that he fooled around with but that it wasn’t anything serious, but he couldn’t do it. He knew she’d see right through it, and something about her teasing seemed sweet and sincere rather than obnoxious and condescending. He could tell that she knew the answer when he didn’t answer right away and was thankful when she mouthed “Come here,” winking tellingly and turning away from the DJ.

He followed her to the garden, relieved that she didn’t want to dance through the next song. A swaying slow dance he could handle but trying to keep an upbeat made him feel like he had two left feet and, still anxious about having more or less admitted his inexperience, he didn’t want to flail around looking and feeling any more like the child.

As they snaked past the emptying tables James watched Lexi’s hips and the swishing hem of her dress, the way it outlined the slight curve of her ass. She moved confidently, like someone comfortable in her own skin, like someone who owned her sexuality. He couldn’t imagine ever being with someone so in touch with her own body and desires—someone who could project herself honestly and proudly the way Lexi did—but at the same time his body ached for hers. God, I just want to see under that dress, he thought, to run my hand across her ass, to feel her tongue on my cock. His sexual inexperience wouldn’t allow him to think beyond that—what else was there, he wondered? By now the guests were starting leave, a couple here, a tableful there, and before long it would just be family or a few close friends.

The cool granite felt nice against the warm summer air. James was sweating a bit underneath his vest and starched shirt, probably more from anxiety and sexual desire than physical exertion. “Everyone always makes such a big deal about their first time being special, but that's a load of bull,” Lexi assured him, “It's the second time, and the third time, and every time after that that matters. By then you know what you want and you're not shy about getting it."

“That’s good to know,” he replied, blushing slightly. “I guess I’m still at the shy stage. I just get so nervous around girls. Or worse they see me as a friend, not someone to hook up with. Like this girl I started dating at the beginning of the summer. I thought she was all into me and we’d make out and stuff but when I tried for more she said that she didn’t want to ruin our friendship. What am I supposed to do? I know what I want, I guess I just don’t know how to get it.”
The way his cheeks heated when he was embarrassed endeared her to him, and made him all the more desirable. She wanted to see those cheeks heat again, but from a whole different cause. Lexi also liked how he was being genuinely honest with her, well, mostly. He admitted he was shy and didn't feel comfortable around girls. He also told her about a girl he'd hooked up with last summer, but she hadn't wanted to do more than kiss. Well, that was certainly a big loss on her part, Lexi thought to herself. James was attractive, and looked older than his years. From what she could tell so far, he was honest, humble, and could hold a decent conversation. His baby blue eyes were to die for and his dark hair gave him a mysterious aura. What was wrong with females these days? James was a man, a real young man who was so eager to please. How had his last fling been able to turn him down? Lexi knew for a fact she wouldn't have. "It was her loss, sport. Don't worry your handsome little head on that tease any longer," she said, moving ever so slightly so her body was close to his once more and her hand lay beside his on the granite stone. "In college, you'll have the ladies lined up at your feet. You'll be able to have your pick," she informed him, knowing all too well how college worked. Even the girls who claimed to be virgins ended up partying too hard and sleeping around eventually. College was a time for experimentation, after all.

The sympathy for James' constant desire but lack of pay out shone in her eyes, but there was also something else in them, a mysterious quality that hid her own lust. “And what is it you want?” she asked coyly, although she already knew the answer. He wanted sex, or some form of it. A warm mouth around his cock perhaps? Maybe a helping hand under the covers at night? A warm body to thrust against? Wasn't that what all men wanted? And frankly, who was she kidding? Everyone wanted that, women included. She grinned at him, deciding this would be even easier than she thought to make him hers.
As Lexi slid closer to him on the granite, her hand almost touching his, James’s heart beat faster. He could feel the blood rushing to face, and to other parts of his body as well. Her legs were a shady of ivory absorbed by moonlight, which contrasted against her deep blue dress in a way that made him picture her creamy thighs just above her hem, the panties he could faintly make out a few moments ago.

Her kind words were reassuring. “I don’t know about my having my pick,” he replied, “but I think I’ll do alright.” He’d heard enough stories to have a good idea of what happened at college—drunken Tuesdays, ‘do not enter’ hangers on the door, sex in the library stacks. Lexi’s frank interest in his love life gave him confidence that indeed he would get what he was looking for. He was thankful that she was so open.

And while it was nice to begin forging this sibling connection, James was tormented by his lust for her. That night of their first dinner together as a ‘family,’ James lay in bed pleasuring himself while imagining his new sister naked. He wondered what kind of panties she wore, wondered if her nipples were small or if she had big areolas, if she shaved or if she keep herself natural, if she any tattoos that he might find while wrestling around on his bed and pulling off her jeans and tank top, all the while laughing at the absurdity of it all, moaning as he entered her. As he wiped the cum from his stomach and chest he felt dirty but oddly secure.

He looked down at her, alternating between her dark brown eyes and her lightly painted lips, wanting to say so much more than he could put into words. He took her hand in his, lifting it gently and resting it again on top of her thigh. What he wanted was to bury his head between her thighs, to taste her sweet pussy while she bucked against his tongue, to hear her moan his name in pleasure, but most of all to show him what to do, to let him explore her body and tell him what to do to bring her to orgasm.

"I want us," he said, choosing his words carefully, "to be close."
Lexi smiled at him. He was humble indeed, but she knew he'd do well in college. Many freshman boys still resembled highschoolers when she'd been in college. They hadn't quite matured, but James, James was a man. He may be slender, but he had the broad shoulders and deep timbre of a man, and she knew the ladies at school would appreciate that. But... Lexi wanted him for herself, never mind those immature freshmen college girls. Unconsciously, Lexi began to rub her leg against his calf, enjoying their closeness.

She was surprised by his next action, given he'd been somewhat shy earlier. James grabbed her hand in his and guided it to her upper thigh. Lexi's breath caught, and a flood of heat pooled between her legs at his next words. "I want us... to be close," he told her, his gaze moving back from her lips to her eyes.

For once, Lexi's cool demeanor faltered, and it took her a moment to respond. Yes, this was what she wanted, but she'd been the one expecting to make the proposition to him, not the other way around. Soon, her easy smirk fell into place and she replied, "I want that too." The wedding wasn't over yet. They still had a couple more hours to go, and thankfully, no one had gone looking for them yet, so perhaps she could have some fun with him before the night was over.

The wedding took place in a hotel ballroom. Lexi could easily get them a room, but she wasn't sure how far James was willing to take this... then again he had been the one to approach her with his desire, and he was a man. "Come with me," she told him, pulling him away to a more private part of the garden that wound around to the hotel lobby. "Wait here," she told him, pushing him down on yet another granite bench right beside the door to the lobby. "I'll get us a room." She was just about to strut away from him, but then she turned back, leaned in close, placing her hands on either side of him. "You are serious about this, aren't you? I don't want to spend all this money on a room if you're going to be anything less than naked," she whispered, lips brushing against his ear lobe slightly.
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James couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Of course he wanted to be naked with her, and to finally do everything that goes with being naked. He’d wanted this from the first moment he saw her. Yes, he was nervous. But he was also excited. Beyond excited, really. Just hearing Lexi say the word ‘naked’ was enough to send him over the edge.

“You get a room and I’ll be anything you want me to be,” he said. He was done playing games. Telling her he wanted to be close was a sly attempt at, well, at this. He figured he could play it off if she freaked out, that he could say that he just meant that they could be close the way siblings are, talking and joking around. But now he knew for sure that she wanted the same thing he did. Their bodies together, tasting each other, learning each other intimately.

James looked over her shoulder as he said the words, unsure of how exactly they would sneak away together. At the same time, though, he didn’t care who might see them. He wasn’t sure that he could even make it upstairs. He wanted this, needed this.

Caught between awe and lust he gripped the granite bench, looked straight into Lexi’s eyes, then again at her tits, this time not so subtly. “Lexi, I want you.” It felt good to say her name, and he imagined how much better it would be to say it as her lips were wrapped around his cock, as he pushed inside her and whispered it in her ear.
"You get a room and I’ll be anything you want me to be," James informed her. Lexi beamed at his response as a rush of heat sped straight to her core. That was what she liked to hear. He was so eager. So eager to please. Too many young men were all about themselves. What could she do for them? But James was different, and she was sure he'd stay that way in bed, and if he didn't well... she'd just have to punish him.

He'd been stealing glances at her breasts and thighs all afternoon, but this time he did not even bother to be discreet. James' gaze dropped from her eyes to her tits in a noticable fashion as he spoke, "Lexi, I want you."

More heat speared her and she replied with the same. "I want you too, sport." With that, she turned on her heel and quickly walked into the main lobby. Her skin was already flushed at the prospect of more pleasure to come, but she tried her best to appear normal when she greeted the woman behind the desk.

"I'd like a room please," she announced.

The woman nodded knowingly. She was used to tipsy guests at weddings or parties the hotel hosted requesting rooms afterwards for a night of drunken fun. "How many? Two?"

Lexi tried to appear nonchalant as she replied, "Yup, that'll be great."

"One bed, I assume?"

Man, the woman was assuming a lot wasn't she? "Yes," Lexi said again.

After sliding her credit card to pay, which Lexi knew would be well worth the money, she hustled back out to James. "I've got us a room," she said in a loud whisper. "Follow me. Not too close," she said, a bit excitedly. She felt like a highschooler again, sneaking away from prom to go find a place to make out, except this time, Lexi was a grown woman and could afford a place to hide.

They took the stairs to the fourth floor. It was a bit of a trek, but it was best to take the stairs so less people would notice. James stayed about one level below her with each step she took. Already he proved to do well at taking orders, Lexi smirked.

Once they reached the fourth floor, Lexi hurried ahead to room 304 and slid the room card, then rushed in, and pulled James in after her by his collar, laughing giddily. "I hope no one saw us," she said, breathlessly. Her hand was still gripping his collar, and she slowly lowered it to his chest, admiring his toned physique.
He watched as Lexi paid for the room, taking in her slender calves as she stretched upward and forward to slide her card across the high counter of the receptionist’s desk. He still couldn’t believe what was about to happen but looking at her from behind, taking in every curve, devouring each new bit of skin that peeked out from beneath her dress or a wisp of hair, James was beside himself. It was clear he just hit the family jackpot.

When it dawned on him that he was staring at her, mouth agape and seconds from drooling on himself, James quickly looked down at his feet lest he draw the notice of any party guests moving through the lobby. His mind was racing: flashes of skin, guttural moans, ecstatic squeals, clothes being torn off. He was still looking away when he heard her hushed directions, “Follow me. Not too close.”

She chose the stairs—smart, he thought—and he counted to twenty before following. It probably wasn’t long enough to fool any prying eyes, but he couldn’t wait any longer. Up four flights of stairs—two at a time—and through the heavy door, down the hallway with the schizophrenic carpet toward room 304. She yanked him in like a ravenous wolf. “I hope no one saw us,” she said, stroking his chest.

“I don’t think so,” he replied, rubbing her bare arms. “I want you so bad,” he repeated as his hands moved upward to her shoulders, intent on slipping off the straps of her dress, all while leaning in for a kiss. Oh! to taste those sweet lips. Finally. His left hand brushed her breast, his right slid along the back of her arms, her creamy skin in balance with the smooth satin of her dress.

He was dying to see her naked, to be inside her. They hadn’t even moved past the foyer that was no deeper than width of the open door. He could almost taste her—actually taste her, not just imagine her sweet honey lips…

Then, finally, he found what he had been searching for. A kiss. A tip of tongue. Her wetness. Only a moment, but everything changed. He knew it: there was no going back. Hot coals burned his chest and he reached for hers as his tongue explored her mouth. He was ready to fuck her right there, not even make it to the bed, and was eagerly tugging at her clothes while trying to wiggle out of his own before Lexi pulled away. "Oh shit," he thought, "I fucked up. This isn't real. It was some fucked up game."
James repeated what he'd said earlier, "I want you so bad," he said huskily, hands rubbing her upper arms. She'd have to teach him some new lines if he really wanted to get in all the girls' pants at college, but this primal need of his would do for now. Lexi's body heated at his touch and she pressed closer to him, felt his erection firmly snug against her thigh. She'd suspected he'd been aroused during their slow dance, but this confirmed her suspicions fully. From what she could feel, he was impressive for a high school senior. Apparently it wasn't just his shoulders and voice that was fully developed.

He leaned in for a kiss, which Lexi readily give. They moved in slowly, lips seeming to travel miles before finally connecting. Her tongue sneaked past her lips and met his half way, twisting and turning in dance like their bodies had been earlier. It started out as a slow kiss, but then James became frantic. He couldn't control his lust. They kissed deeply, hotly, as his hand brushed her breast. The fact she didn't pull away when his hand first brushed her breast spurred him on, spurred him on so greatly in fact, that his touch became rougher, and he eagerly began pulling at their clothes like a crazed jackal, eager to get to her smooth, cream-colored flesh underneath.

Lexi pulled away, realizing the door was still open. There was no overlooking the expression of dismay on James' face as she did so. He looked anxious and desperate, evidently believing he'd done something to displease her. He looked like a hurt puppy with his messy hair and wrinkled clothes. Lexi allowed him to think it for a moment as she turned from him and took the few steps needed to reach the door. She was being cruel, she knew, but he had to learn. Just like an eager little puppy, gnawing at your fingers, he had to learn he had to lick before he could bite. She slammed the door shut hard and then turned back around. He took a step to approach her, but she held up a hand, signalling for him to come no closer. She got a sick pleasure at the worry on his face. Knowing that she had so much power over him aroused her nearly as much as James himself did, and she hesitated for several long moments, reveling in her power. "Come here," she instructed at last. Once he'd listened, she turned her back to him and pulled her hair to the side, revealing the skin of her back and tie and zipper that held up her dress. "Untie and unzip my dress. Slowly. Then kiss my shoulder, up to my neck, and pull my dress down, before meeting my lips with your own," she instructed, hoping he would follow.
For a brief moment Lexi looked like she might slap him but as she slowly strode toward the open door James realized that his eagerness could have caused big trouble had the wrong person walked by. She moved into the room, slowly, held up a hand that told him to stay put. “Come here,” she said, turning her back to him. “Untie and unzip my dress. Slowly. Then kiss my shoulder, up to my neck, and pull my dress down, before meeting my lips with your own.”

He breathed a sigh of relief when she gave him orders. Yes, it made him feel like a novice, but it was sweet that she was willing to take the time and teach him. He liked her in control, helping him learn, even if his erection was about burst through his tuxedo trousers. He approached her slowly, stepping as if on broken glass, gingerly so as not to make a sound. Gently, he lifted his hands to the nape of her neck, paused and took and deep breath to quell their trembling. He pulled at the little bow and let the fabric fall on each side of the zipper before taking the silky pull tab between his left thumb and index finger. At a snails’ pace he pulled it down, revealing a hint of her back, the shallow valley of her spine. When at last he reached the top of her behind, the lace top of her panties peaked out and he noticed that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

He leaned in close, licked his lips and placed them delicately against her skin just below her ear lobe. As his lips caressed her neck he placed his hands on her shoulder, squeezed subtly, and slid the gown off. Naked before him Lexi stood as a vision of perfectly creamy skin. He reached his hands forward and, gently, cupped her breasts as she pushed her ass against his throbbing but restrained cock. He turned her slowly toward him and again met her lips with his own, only this time with the subtle intensity that made him feel like a boy who had finally met the woman who make him a man.
He approached her quietly, and touched her tenderly. His rough hand on the back of her neck was in sweet contrast with her ivory, smooth skin. She hummed a soft little moan as he worked. Although it took him quite a while to get her dress all undone, the way he did it was very careful yet deliberate, with just a hint of the hunger that ached without him, made known by his trembling hands.

James' lips kissed the skin below her ear lobe, slowly making his way downward. His hands moved without her orders, his instinct seeming to take over as he cupped her bare breasts gently. She was slender, and her breasts weren't huge, but she knew he'd love the slight weight of her B cups in his hands. Lexi felt his hard member rub up against the back of her lacy white thong, and pushed back against him slightly, letting out a quiet moan.

"Good job sport," she breathed. No longer was it said in a teasing manner, but in a low, aroused, and breathy tone.

He turned her around to face him once more, and they kissed heatedly, but more intently. Lexi made quick work of his suit jacket, tossing it on a nearby chair. Her hands traveled up and under his white dress shirt, eagerly exploring the planes of his chest. She rubbed her body against his, naked save for her lacy thong. She attempted to unbutton his shirt so his naked chest was pressed against hers. Her pussy was getting wetter and wetter as she ground her body against his. Taking a step back from his body, but still keeping her hands around his neck, she said silkily, "Put your hand between my legs, James. Look how wet you've made me."
Suddenly James was no longer embarrassed hearing her call him ‘sport.’ Lexi’s breathy whisper excited him, made her seem soft and delicate. Her white lace panties added an angelic aura, a warm air embrace that enveloped their bodies. As she undid the buttons of his shirt he searched her body with his eyes. Her bare breasts felt heavenly against his chest and his cock throbbed for her.

She told him to put his hand between her legs, to feel her wet sex. He was glad that she continued to guide him, and that she was making him take it slow. Each minute passed at a snail’s pace and James was able take it all in. Every freckle, every dimple. He obeyed her instructions, pulling her back toward him and lightly placed his right hand on top of her panties. Her wetness was clear and it aroused him. He slid his palm upward to the edges of her toned belly, then back down, between the lace and her skin. Her pussy was smooth and soft and his fingers inched further, tracing her lips. James looked directly into her eyes as he rubbed his middle finger in a small circle, moistening it with her own juices.

“Lexi,” he said as he pushed the tip of his finger inside her, “you’re beautiful." As her juices ran down his finger, he reached for his belt buckle but his mind was occupied and the fingers of his left hand couldn't find a hold.
James' hand moved to her panties, felt their dampness against his palm. He only felt her for a moment before moving his hand to her stomach. She nearly scolded him, told him that he wasn't nearly finished with the task she'd given him, but then his hand dipped beneath the tiny fabric between his hand and her pussy and her words died in her throat. She let out a soft, decadent moan as his fingers worked her, the middle of them rubbing her clit in a small circle, making it wet with her natural lubricant.

"Lexi, you're beautiful," he told her as he slipped the tip of his long finger inside her. It wasn't enough, not nearly, and she shoved her pussy forward so his finger was inside her up to the knuckle. It made a soft squelching sound, given vocal proof to how wet she was for him. At the same time, she sensed the movement of his other hand and aided him with her own, removing his belt. She knew she was supposed to be teaching him how to please a woman, but at the same time she longed to touch him too. Her hand pressed firmly against his hard erection covered by his dress pants, cupping the length of him.

"Curl your finger inside me, sport," she breathed, eyes partway closed in ecstasy.
James was so hard that when Lexi touched his cock through his pants he nearly came. But her soothing voice cut through his ecstasy and reminded him that she was in charge. “Curl your finger inside me, sport,” she purred and he obeyed. He opened his eyes just a hair and bent his finger toward him, awed by her squishy soft skin and flowing juices.

He pumped his curled finger up and down, in and out of her tight wet cunt. Growing as bold as his erection he pushed a second finger inside, softly, slowly. He knew he was rushing things and was trying to maintain his cool but his body betrayed him. Lexi’s moaning grew louder to the point he could barely contain himself. With his left hand he reached up and caressed her neck, stopping to hold her chin to pull in closer for another kiss. With his tongue in her mouth and his fingers in her pussy, he slid his left hand down her back, across her panties and against her firm ass. He grabbed it hard and she let out a faint whimper that meant ‘Slow down, sport.’ He eased his grip but kept his hand on her ass, tenderly rubbing it, enjoying the feel of the sexy lace that turned him on so.

“I’m all yours,” he whispered, licking her neck and nibbling her ear lobe. He’d begun to notice her quaint contractions around his fingers and soon learned to match his rhythm to her body. Against that rocking motion Lexi bucked some more. It felt to James like she was fucking his fingers, building momentum, pushing against his hand.

“I want to suck on your nipples,” James said pleadingly. He knew not to make the move on his own but was dying to run his tongue around her perfect breasts.