Schumer gets torched online for adjourning Senate for Memorial Day recess after blocking GOP school safety bill


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) was torched online for allowing the U.S. Senate to adjourn into Memorial Day recess after blocking the passage of a Republican bill on school safety.

"Democrats are already rejecting calls for more security and single entry points for schools (refusing to concede single points of entry with multiple exits is possible). They only want gun control, which won't pass the Senate. That means they want the issue, not a solution," tweeted talk show host Erick Erickson.

"Nobody is making Chuck Schumer do this," responded Jim Geraghty of National Review. "Gun control activists often complain that lawmakers squander momentum and public attention in the aftermath of horrifying mass shootings. But it isn't that the GOP has a secret mind control ray that influences Congressional Democratic leaders. Schumer, Pelosi, etc. choose this."

"Chuck Schumer wants more school shootings to benefit his fundraising," replied Andrew Pollack, the father of a victim in the Parkland school shooting.
Republicans blocked the domestic terror bill. Senate is senating properly
Phony, useless "solutions" are getting just the reception they deserve here. Whatever else we need to look at with respect to school shootings, what we need the most is better gun control, and we all know that ain't happening. Until it does, I see no point in pretending the Republicans are doing anything besides trying to avoid the real problem.