Scary movie quest


Virginal Temptress
Apr 13, 2013
I am on a quest to find a movie that can actually scare me. Anyone who knows me will tell you I must have been born on Friday the 13th because nothing does it for me. I have seen countless horror, thriller movies..What have you seen that might do the trick for me?
Try one of those films in the Paranormal series, I think they are on #5. supposed to be based on true stories.
Try one of those films in the Paranormal series, I think they are on #5. supposed to be based on true stories.

I have seen them all and they're not based on true stories. I checked. They did nothing for me. The second one made me giggle a few times when i saw it in the theater. Hysterical when the guys in the audience are more freaked than the girls.

Dumb & Dumber?

Was forced into seeing this for dragging my twin to see Scream. Didn't scare me but did make me a tad nauseous.
Was forced into seeing this for dragging my twin to see Scream. Didn't scare me but did make me a tad nauseous.

lol, know what you mean. I'm more into the old classic horror which would probably put you to sleep. One movir I like and have been looking for is Wes Craven's Serpent And The Rainbow.