Say Hello to the Temptresss

Yes, but you're not really a goon, and most people don't like you. Good luck getting some support from someone that isn't an alt of yours.

Hmm..that troubles me greatly as I aspire to be a good little keyboard gangster. Taking into account it takes one to know one and all of that...

Do you have any tips on how I can win friends and influence people?

~sighs and looks in the mirror~ "I'm smart enough, I am good looking enough and goshDARNit, people LIKE me. They really, really like me. Stuart Smally and Sally Field
Do you like following me around and trashing threads? You're trolling me pretty hard. You never posted here until I did, did you?

Since I am admittedly a neophyte unschooled in the ways of interntez war, I am not sure how best to "troll" you.

IN context near as I can tell a troll is anyone that ever bests you in a debate?

Now that i have this new definition in hand...

Would THIS be "trolling?"

What with you entering a thread of a 48 year old grandma ONLY after I did and ONLY to impart the following relevant to the thread information:

The Great Query has spoken. Moderators can close this thread now. Nothing more to be said.

Were you there like "most people to get off"? Are you psychic? Were you able to get off from the picture titles since they weren't imbedded and you didn't I am quite sure open them?

drinkz;55783418I'm not sending you a dick pic[/QUOTE said:
Oh come on, pretty please! You have mentioned in a clever self deprecating way what a cute little guy it is....

WAIT! Hold it!.... Are you calling me gay??? because YOU told me yesterday (when I mentioned that Mozilla spell check wasn't gay friendly for ME) that any hint that I might be calling you gay was "childish."

Project, much?

I won't bore them by arguing with a 48 year old who acts like he's 15.

Come now, we have talked about your huffy little exit lines...we agreed that your patented "childish" invective thrown out randomly as you leave the fray needed work...I didn't mean to simply rephrase it like a child re-wording Encyclopedia Brittanica for a report.

Care to join me on another thread for some ol' fashioned trolling.

Whether I care to or not it has never been your style to drop anything...well unless you count creating two brand new alts just to tag team a Litizen as "dropping it.'

As far as "on another thread " I know you and have giggled at length over your very well know there are SEVERAL baited hooks awaiting you moving from the anal phase in child development to the oral phase.

You just don't want to admit you have already read and fumed about those...cause you have already planted your feet in pretending that you are "above the fray" and just "happen" to be in midst of several running altercations.

This is LITerotica, so-named (possibly) for the (perhaps unfairly) presumed literacy of its members. The little hit and run crap you have been pulling here daily since you joined two months ago is to coin a term, "childish."

Do I (typically) enjoy feeding the troll? Not really there are far more interesting pursuits, but bullies have always annoyed me. I called you out for it on about day three you were here, and you are still bewildering folks with your silly little petty come on big, boy, troll me. Anytime, anywhere, any thread.
To our most kind and beneficent hostess,:

thanks for your forbearance...

I think this should all be over soon...I am all but begging him to throw me into the briar patch.

If that fails we'll whip out our dicks and see who wins.
Do you like following me around and trashing threads? You're trolling me pretty hard. You never posted here until I did, did you? No matter how you try, I'm not sending you a dick pic.

Yeah, there's a book by Dale Carnegie. It's a classic. If you can't afford a copy, almost every library has one. Read it soon.

Now... Since most people come here to get off, I won't bore them by arguing with a 48 year old who acts like he's 15. Care to join me on another thread for some ol' fashioned trolling.

A battle plan never survives first contact with the enemy....

You should never assume that once you pull shenanigans once that the other guy is going to blindly walk into a pointless debate with you over what was edited.

I anticipated that sophomoric (feel free tomorrow that synonym) attempt and made sure I didn't edit anything.

Of course you can go back and edit your reason for edit : Last edited by drinkz : Today at 07:00 PM. Reason: Query Edit :) and change it to something else...

This makes it hard to maintain that 'you never even looked back so aloof were you' with that kind of Machiavellian plotting...

I understand there ARE really good RPG's out there these days. In my day they were just words on a dot-matrix printer......maybe you should find one. I think you'd be brilliant at it.
To our most kind and beneficent hostess,:

thanks for your forbearance...

I think this should all be over soon...I am all but begging him to throw me into the briar patch.

If that fails we'll whip out our dicks and see who wins.

Well that shouldn't take long.

And now, back to the thread.

Ha! Great naughty outdoor pic!! :)

Thanks, honey! It was fun!

Damn, I have been away all day and now I see this. :eek:

Is this a final decision? Or can there be an appeal to reconsider?

I want to see all your photos! :rose: :kiss: :heart:

Oh, just for you ... :)

mmm wow! nice pic and in the great outdoors as well

Thank you! I assume you want more too?

I really would love to take a bite of your sweet delicious fruit.

Is that a euphemism?! ;)

Marry Me?????????????????????????????

Well, obviously I would, but I'll have to ask my husband ...
damn, you look incredible.
hopefully that's a camera filter making your skin look burned, though.

and that little green party jeep looks fun too.

Yeah, sadly no filter. It was a very cloudy day and we forgot about the UV. It looked worse than it was though.

The beach buggy was the most basic go-kart you ever drove but good fun! No power steering at all, brakes were hit and miss, and tyres had very little tread.
Yeah, sadly no filter. It was a very cloudy day and we forgot about the UV. It looked worse than it was though.

The beach buggy was the most basic go-kart you ever drove but good fun! No power steering at all, brakes were hit and miss, and tyres had very little tread.

Temptresss you look very sexy in your shorts.
You should get paid to advertise the buggy,
I would definitely buy one.
You are a complete hotty Temptress. Thank you for sharing your pics, I know I enjoyed them. :D
Yeah, sadly no filter. It was a very cloudy day and we forgot about the UV. It looked worse than it was though.

The beach buggy was the most basic go-kart you ever drove but good fun! No power steering at all, brakes were hit and miss, and tyres had very little tread.

From the look of that smile on your face, I would say that you were greatly enjoying yourself. Thanks for sharing this experience with us. :kiss: :heart: