Savage Possession (open for one)

Razors Edge

Nov 28, 2002
Tanya was a young executive in the office I worked in. I was the manager of advertising for the firm and often met with her and others in our weekly meetings. Secretly i had repeated fantasies of taking the snooty yet well formed woman down a few notches and making her my sex toy, but until her recent promotion never quite had a chance or excuse to get near enough to try.
"Congratulation's Miss Wheel, I understand you'll be spokesperson and model for the new line we've taken on, as well as the executive in charge of it. Stop by any time and we can go over the budget and photographing schedules"

I closed my attache and moved from the room, knowing it would be a matter of time before she would set up a time for an appointment with me. One I would make sure would be late in the evening and quite private.

ooc; open for one, take it where we will:D
Tanya Wheel:
Around 5'4
Slim, nice figure yet with full breasts
Bright strange looking golden-brrown, almost catlike eyes
Pale skin
Long straight black hair
Almost Asian looking

"Congratulation's Miss Wheel, I understand you'll be spokesperson and model for the new line we've taken on, as well as the executive in charge of it. Stop by any time and we can go over the budget and photographing schedules"

I snicker a bit as he looks at me, I know he is having fantasies about me in his head.
I adjust my double slitted miniskirt of purple suede, the matching jacket slung over my shoulders, the lavender silk blouse slightly unbuttoned, and my high heel sandaled feet lie on my desk.

I giggle slightly to think of how much I am wanted here.

After blossoming in college, men just wanted my exotic cat-like movements and grace. But few and far between were good enough for my lovely 36d-29-36 figure.

I grin, leaving a quick voice message on his machine.

This is Tanya, I purr loudly, stifling a giggle and trying to sound sultry. Just call me when you're ready, stud.....

I hang up, giggling.
Raymond Light

Smiling I repeated the maessage, listening closer the secind time more to the tone then the words. What was it? Yes! I was sure I caught it. The sound of laughter, hers before the recording was cut off by the receiver being hung up. Hitting the redial I listened to her own canned message and grinned knowing what I was going to say. "Friday night 6:30, I'll order the take out and bring the wine. You make sure you come to work seriously or I may have to bend you over my knee"

Grinning I cut off the connection knowing and hoping the message would make her blood boil. It was always so fun making new friends in this business.
I press the play button on my machine at home while hopping around getting dressed.

"Friday night 6:30, I'll order the take out and bring the wine. You make sure you come to work seriously or I may have to bend you over my knee"

I fall over entangled in a pair of pantyhose and pissed off.

"Asshole!" I swear at my machine, shaking my fist.

I growl, standing back up.

He really knows how to push my buttons.
Raymond Light

The clock chimed at the quarte hour and I looked over the room with satisfaction, the table over looking the small river was set, the wine chilled and resting in the ice at its side. I had the projections and figures tucked away handy just in case as well. I could just imagine the seething fury of the erotic woman who was rocketing upward in the companies ranks. Imagine it so well I hoped to taste it before the night was over. Taste it and more taking my time to savor it as the three day weekend began.
I flipped the stereo receiver on and punched the button preset to my favorite blues and jazz channel then stretched my lean figure out in a chair, my lids closing over my brown eyes as I relaxed and waited.
I knock on the door rapidly and violently, wanting to be anywhere but here.

I stand in my stiletto heels, black leather and expensive, and my leather miniskirt with a lace up front, no pantyhose and a tight top with a deep v in both back and front printed with an earth-coloured swirly pattern.

My hair hangs loose down my back.

I bang again.

When he opens the door, I shove him aside none too gently and plant my ass firmly on his couch.

"Okay, get this over with, I have a date in an hour."
I stood aside admiring the figure she made in her high heels and dress, her body arching as she flounced passed, her trim ass moving nicely under the tight fitting fabric.

"Okay, get this over with, I have a date in an hour." Her words and tone projected anger and determination to be done with this quickly.

"Then you might as well leave now and reschedule" I replied calmly looking down at the erotic curves of her breasts as she sat below me on the couch. "I'm sure my office can fit you in, say in about two months from now?"

I smiled cooly, knowing that she needed the budget approved and the funds transferred to her department quickly. Without it and my approval she and her first supervisory project was dead in the water.

"As for me? I'm going to sit down to the cantonese quisine and the new wine I discovered today"

True to my words I moved to the table and opened the lids of the various containers, the steam rising off them and wafting enticingly thru the room.

"There's a phone on the counter or the door you came thru" I spoke over my shoulder as I dished out the rice and sweet pork mix, you can use either it's your choice"
Her grin fades at his threat, she knows she needs him in order to get her project off the ground.

"Excuse me," she says and pulls out a cell phone, Nokia and small.

"Brett? Yes it's Tanya. I'm going to be late. What? Fine! Then go out with someone else! See if I give a fuck! Fuck you asshole!"

She growls, punching the off button and dishing herself some food, sitting back and crossing her legs, her skirt riding up.

"Now where were we?"
Raymond Light

Trying to not let the smile show too much on my face I lifted a glass and tipped the bottle to its lip, looking at the now very pissed off young woman sitting across from me.

"Would you like a glass, I checked and it's one of both our favorites though not as aged as you prefer?"

Again I fought the smile as her eyebrow raised in question as to what else I had delved into about her. I raised an eyebrow of my own and glanced down at the glass receiving a nod in reply and pouring.

"Your friend is an ass you know" I commented evenly "I would have waited half the night for you, then when you did show make every minute count"

I turned placing the bottle down on the table and raised my own glass and then returned to facing her.

"To a pleasurable and profitable partnership" I offered watching her face and eyes "Long may we both enjoy"

I sipped at the biting yet sweet white wine, keeping my eyes on hers as she lifted her own glass to full lips.

"Now that wasn't SO bad, was it?" I teased softly and reached for the folders we needed to go over and slid one across the table to her. "I've made copies of everything except the bank routing and aquisiton forms, those you'll have to look at from my folder"

It would take several hours to go thru the process, even longer if she had questions and wanted to make changes in the standard format as was her right.

Tanya's eyes burned holes in the air, glaring at me over the glass and as she placed it almost drained on the table refusing to pick up the folder I offered.

"Now why don't you stop trying to prove how much of a icy bitch you can be and show me some of the talent that got you where you are today?" I challenged, knowing she could take the words one of several different ways.
"Fuck off," she mutters in response to that comment, seizing the folder and flipping through it.

Icy bitch, yeah so? She thinks, sighing a bit.

REading the papers, her brow crinkles every once in awhile, sighing and nibbling her bottom lip, wondering what else he knows about her that she doesn't know he does.

He's intriguing yet infuriating, she thinks.
Raymond Light

Her reply did it and I grinned the smile going form ear to ear as she picked up the folder and opened it. I began the usual monotonous routine, pointing out the paragraphs that pertained to her powers for drawing from the budget and the ramifications for mismanaging it.

"I'll need to stay in daily contact with you since this is your first project" I pointed out receiving no reply. In fact I hadn't got a single epitaph or caustic comment in the half hour we had reviewed the agreements.

"Miss Wheels?" I spoke softly yet firmly, lowering my own pages to the table and looking over hers and into her dreamy face "Tanya? Is there something wrong? Tanya?"

The second prompting was louder and using her first name seemed to strike a chord.

"Look" I backtracked for a second "I'm sorry for the bitch comment but we really do need to work together on this"

The dreamy look disappeared and her eyes hardened and I wondered if she had heard the words.

"You're going to be in joint possession of a huge amount of funds, Tanya" I said softly "And we both will answer to the damned accountants if it's screwed up"

The hard look stayed, even grew sterner at the words and again I knew they had sounded damning towards her.

"Look move over here next to me and I'll give you the access codes and daily limits on drawing from the account. Then tomorrow I'll swing by at noon and answer ant more questions you might have? You can take your copies with you and pen in any changes or comments between now and then"

It was the best I could offer. If she didn't care to work with me in person I'd give her the room she seemed to want and still monitor her as I was required to.

I patted the cushion next to me and nodded my head in invitation. "I won't bite you" I said to convince her, then grinned. "Unless you ask me to"
He's really not that bad, she thinks as he apologizes, extending the olive branch.

Her eyes had glazed over during the half hour of explanation, but she rebukes herself, knowing paying attention is essential now.

She nods, sliding her lithe body over right next to him their thighs touching.

The folder is placed upon the table gently, her manicured hands slowly lowering it deliberately.

She looks at him with her catlike eyes and a ferality glints in them almost hidden.

"Shall we?"
Raymond Light

For the next half hour it was my turn to fight distraction. Distraction in the name of Tanya Wheel as she sat next to me and reviewed the papers in front of us both. From the moment her bare leg rubbed mine I knew I was in trouble, the flare of excitement rushing thru me from the slight touch. And with page turned by her I enjoyed the sight of her full breasts swaying weightlessly and without restraint inside the solky black fabric. Enjoyed it so much I noticed the detail of how erect her nipples were from contact with the top and began to fantasize again about Tanya's skin and the taste of it. A gentle brush of her breast against as she moved to flip over the next page and electricity tore thru me, warming my body temperature to an uncomfortable level.

"It's warm in here, too warm" I spoke the thought out loud, pulling the tie I wore off and unbuttoning several buttons of my shirt. The motions helped me collect myself as well as cool down, diverting my thoughts away from the sexual creature that rubbed against me and back to work. I reached for the botttle of wine and poured us both another glass, drinking mine slowly and fighting the lewd thought of pouring the last of it over Tanya's front and licking it off.

"It's a ton of paperwork and legal jibberish" I commented "But with it out of the way you'll be able to start tomorrow, and as long as you keep accurate receipts everything will go smoothly"

I watched the glass go to her lips and the way her slim throat moved as she swallowed and again fought my urges, my imagination running wild as her tongue flicked out over the edge of the glass and captured a drop.

"Do you have any questions?"
I was draining my third glass when I noticed him staring at her braless breasts, grinning lascviously. I sigh and blow a strand of hair out of my face.

"So,................." I begin, then hiccup.

I was quickly becomign intoxicated, and that brought a wide smile to his face.

I reexamined the folder, wondering again what I was doing here.

In my not-so-sober state, I had fallen back against the couch slouching, my legs spread slightly.

"Soooo.." I try again.

"What...I go home now and drive?" I say, hiccuping again to my dismay.
Raymond Light

"Drive?" She was in NO condition to drive and we both knew it. On top of it all she was in no further condition to go over the pages we needed to finish. It would have to be put off for another day. "I think you need to get some rest here and in the morning we can go over the rest of the paperwork and get your signatures on them?"

I lifted the bottle and swirled it gently looking at enough for two more drinks. Pouring each of us a final glass from this bottle I walked over to her and stood between her splayed out legs offering it. "Finish it off with me and we can find you some pajama's for the night unless you sleep in the buff?"

Her naughty look flasjed on and made me wonder as she grinned coily. Never one to believe rumours that floated about work I had ignored them about Tanya, but now I wondered? "Can I ask you something that just struck? I've heard this nickname used to label you but never said to your face. Why do they call you "Hot Wheels"?

Tanya had accepted the glass and was in the process of draining it when I popped the question and for a second I thought she would spit the wine out. She swallowed and then grinned at me, obviously feeling no pain but still quite aware of what she was doing.
"Because I drive fast of course, darling," I say, grinnign wildly, my coy behavior and my barrier and facade of icy bitchiness quickly melting.

My splayed out legs display my pink thong panties quite nicely, almost framing them.

I kick off my heels and smile widely.

"Yup, I do sleep naked.........."

I begin to disrobe, but fall into a drunken sleep after my shirt comes off, leaving me in a bra, my skirt, pantyhose and panties, snoring away.
Raymond Light

Dumbfounded I stood there staring at the limp and half dressed figure of Tanya. She was all woman allright, the way her breasts filled the bra and her stomach curved inward under her ribs before disappearing below her skirt. Pride prevented me from taking advantage of her, I wanted a partner that was ALIVE, not unconcious! I scratched my head grinning knowing I had been bested for the first time and by a woman, one out for the count on top of it all. Lifting her surprisingly light figure in my arms I made for the larger couch, laying her down on it and then gently undressing her the rest of the way.

"Damn" I cursed gently as the skirt, panties and hose slid off her long, lean legs. "For a short package you are well built" It was ironic but true, I had the young woman at my mercy, in the very spot I fantasized about so often and my code of honor prevented me from touching her. I unhooked the low cut front hooking bra and rolled her out of it, tossing my jacket over her for lack of better. "Another time Tanya" I told the gently snoring figure doing it quickly before my resolve faded. I closed the door behind grabbing a blanket from the hall closet and made for the outer office.

It was a night of firsts, first time I had met Tanya face to face, first time I had dinner with her, first time I saw her drunk, first time I had seen her nude and first time I had ever walked away from a woman as well built and sexy as her.

I perched my feet on the desk and leaned back in the chair laughing as tried to sleep.
I growl lightly, waking up with the hangover from hell.

I run to hte bathroom, expelling the contents of my stomach in the toilet basin.

I groan, not feeling very alluring or erotic, looking down, noticing myself half undressed and thinking that Idid it myself, blushing in embarassmanet. I plan on leaving, but I fall asleep by the toilet.
Raymond Light

"JESUS!" I mutter at the sound of the door slamming against the wall.Not that it mattered because i wasn't sleeping at all anyways. I moved thru the doorway and looked at the vacant couch then followed the sounds of Tanya into the bathroom discovering her asleep beside the stool. It was almost midnight and the cleaning crew was going to come on soon, a problem that I couldn't let happen. I moved back into my offices and gathered her clothes, then pulled them back on her and lifted her again.

"What have I got myself into with you?" I asked the sleeping woman, her putrid breath wafting towards me and making me grimace as I carried her and my briefcase out of the office and to the elevators. A quick ride with thankfully no witnesses and we were in my car, moving out of the garage and to my apartments. I had chosen the apartments for several reasons, closeness to the job, the fact they occupied the top floor of the older but well kept building and the help had closed lips. Even then I raised an eyebrow as the doorman held open the door for "us".

"Bringing home some work for the weekend Sam" I quipped with a wink sliding him a bill as we moved into the elevators. Inside my apartment I moved to the master bedroom and laid my soft curved burden down.

"You may get one hell of a surprise when you wake up" I told the sleeping figure, peeling her clothes off again and grinning. "But at the very least you owe me for not making you the talk of the firm"

I pulled the covers over her and then peeled off my own clothes, sliding under the covers and next to her.

"You're going to be one HELL of an alarm clock for me when you wake up" I prophesized with a grin.
Hungover, I wake up and turn over to find a body right next to me. I scream lightly, then squint my eyes and rub them lightly to make sure I was seeing things right.

I am, and I slap him, hard right across the face, shrieking and grabbing the sheet wrapping it around my body.

"You fucking asshole!" I scream, whipping a pillow at him.