Sassy and EY's erotic inspiration thread

Sassy, Liz and EY

You ladies are all so amazing in your own right. I can not imagine the hurts and pains that you all have had to deal with in your lives. I only hope that I and all the other LIT family members can continue to help each other laugh, smile and maybe even a thoughtful moment or two as we continue this journey we call life!!

Thanks to each of you for baring your collective souls and showing the path that has led each of you here. It touched my heart to think about even the most gorgeous women that my path crosses still has insecurities that I may never even imagine.

I hope to use this information to continue to try to serve and brighten every person that comes across my life no matter how briefly! Thanks again to you 3 Beautiful, Brave and VERY STRONG Women!! :kiss:
I keep wanting to say something right...that makes you want to look my way. Exactly the wrong attitude given the honesty freely given. I am humbled by the strength these girls have. EY...thank you...i remember reaching out a while ago asking if you were in recovery...thinking of drugs as i am. I still remember your response. I get it. Subconciously...we cant help be drawn to those w similar hurts. You are amazing.
Thank you everyone for your support and comments. I apologize that I will be a little busier these last couple days before leaving for my Cruise on Sat. I'm doing all my last minute little things.

EY- one of the emails I got today......

"I read EY's post today and was moved just like when I read yours. Right there is proof that your thread is a great service for so many people. Both of you are heroes for what you are sharing. Please let her know how much I was moved. I am so sorry for what she had to go through, but also am so impressed with her strength and courage. Sending good thoughts to both of you."
Sassy, you are beautiful regardless of how you see yourself. It's not what's on the outside, but the inside. In the end, looks are superfluous. Integrity is not. It's easy to see which is the more valuable of the two. But you have both, so I guess you win the internet? lol. You are a great person all around. :heart:
Sassy, you are beautiful regardless of how you see yourself. It's not what's on the outside, but the inside. In the end, looks are superfluous. Integrity is not. It's easy to see which is the more valuable of the two. But you have both, so I guess you win the internet? lol. You are a great person all around. :heart:

You will have to forgive my mushiness for a minute since you and I are always playful. But when I first started posting picture here in AMpics. I never really thought I would meet so many kind and caring people. But you have been one of the guys I've known the longest now. You have been Kind and Caring to me since day one. I admit that you are one person, who if I post a picture, and I don't see a comment from. I'm sad. :eek:
I have had more fun playing around on here than I can ever thank you for. I get more messages asking if you and I are a couple then I can even count anymore and it makes me smile every time. Considering I've been telling you to marry me and have babies with me for years now, I guess it shouldn't shock me.
But in case I haven't told you enough by now. You have been such an amazing friend to me, and I truly love you to death. :heart: Thank you for being my friend for all of these years, and for what you said above.
I’ll start from the beginning. The very beginning in fact. I came into this world at a price. My mother had complications during her pregnancy. The doctors told her she had a choice: her, or me. She chose. It was a decision that my father did not agree with. And so, I was born, and her life ended. All of this I didn’t find out until much later in life. The story I was told by my father was that she left after I was born.

My existence was a constant reminder of what my father had lost. He was a prison guard and became an extreme alcoholic. I do not recall a moment when the smell of alcohol wasn’t on him. Anyway, being that constant reminder also meant that I was his personal punching bag — and that is putting it lightly. I had no other family than him. No mom. No siblings. No aunts, uncles, or grandparents. Only him.

It’s no secret that I was abused as a child. What is secret is the extent to which that abuse entails. My father was a cruel, sadistic person. He would slap me, punch me, kick me, tell me I was worthless, nothing, a burden — and those were the good days. The bad days...

One such bad day came while I was at home in my room playing video games. I was... 8 or 9 at the time. He came home after I got home from school at his usual time after hitting the bar for his fix. Just remembering the sound of his footsteps on the stairs haunts me. He came into my room, and I knew something was about to go horribly wrong. He was quiet. Too quiet. He had asked if I did any laundry. I told him no and I would get to it in a minute. This, of course, earned me a slap to the face. I broke down, started crying. He told me to stop, but I couldn’t. He grabs me by the hair, tells me he’ll give me something to cry about, and drags me out of my room, then throws me down the stairs. Next thing I know, I’m in the hospital with my leg in a sling. The doctor asked, “so you twisted your ankle on the stairs and fell, huh?” I ran the fall over and over in my mind. I remember the fall, I remember hitting my head, but not my ankle. That’s when I realized that my father had broken my ankle while I was unconscious to save his own ass. He would even later admit to it.

Another such bad day was when I was a little older. 12 I think. We were outside tending to the flowerbeds. Apparently, this is something my father and mother did together, so he felt compelled to keep them neat and orderly. I was on my knees pulling weeds and he had asked me something, I can’t remember what, but I do remember I smarted off to him. Next thing I know, *crack* and I blacked out. Woke up in the hospital, yet again, with an extreme migraine. “Shovel accident” is what they called it. Had five staples put in the back of my head. Still have the scar if you know where to look.

Days like that took their toll on my psyche. I became stronger. Meaner. Then one night, he came into my room, pissed I hadn’t done the dishes, and slapped me hard. I saw red, and as my head reared back, I drew my fist and hit him right in the jaw. Big mistake. He overpowered me and forced me to the floor face down. He had my arm locked. That prison guard training. Then he did the unthinkable... He raped me.

I was 14. That I do remember. It wouldn’t be the only time either. I fought. He’d win. After a while, I just let him. Easier that way.

I was never the same after that. My faith in God? Destroyed. My will to live? Gone. I tried to take my own life. Twice. Took a huge amount of his medications, mostly blood pressure meds. Both times I fainted, then woke up in a pool of my own vomit. My mind had given up, but apparently, my body didn’t get the memo. Not even death would grant me peace from my personal hell.

Going through school, I had made myself a reputation as the person you just don’t fuck with. I didn’t need friends. Sometimes, I’d start fights just to start them. In some sick frame of mind, I wanted others to feel a fraction of my pain. I wasn’t a good person, by any means. I was a troublemaker. A “raging bitch”.

That all changed my sophomore year when I met Amber. We had study hall together despite her being a senior and she sat beside me. For the longest time, we never interacted. She didn’t bother me, I didn’t bother her. Just how I liked things to be with other people. One day, the monitor left the room, and this jock douchebag from across the table starts picking on Amber. She was, after all, a lot of people’s doormat. They made fun of her. Called her “dyke” a lot. She never confirmed or denied that she was gay, but everyone assumed. I didn’t care one way or the other. Anyways, I was trying to study for my Calculus test (despite my rough upbringing, I still got good grades) and this asshole was getting on my nerves. Finally, I told him to shut the fuck up. He gets in my face and asks what I was going to do about it. Wrong move. I grab him by his dick, twist, then pull as hard as I could. He dropped instantly. His girlfriend stepped in. Wrong move. I grabbed her by the hair and slammed it on the table. Then, I sit down as if nothing happened in a room full of stunned students. The monitor comes back, sees two kids on the floor in agony, and, well, it went about as well for me as you’d think it would.

After my suspension and subsequent beating from my father, I came back to study hall and Amber finally spoke to me. She said “thanks” and we became friends. It was nice having someone to talk to for once, but I wasn’t exactly forthcoming about my life. That friendship blossomed from there, and soon after she was taking me places in her car. Shopping, movies, whatever else we could think of. I was more thankful to be out of the house than anything. Then one night, after we had seen some movie, can’t remember which for the life of me, she leaned over and kissed me. I freaked out. I was surprised, but not surprised all the same. Doing the only thing I knew how to do, I lashed out at her, told her not to talk to me again, and stormed into the house.

I spent the entire weekend thinking of that kiss. I was confused because I had every notion that I was straight. Weirder still, even before Amber came along, my father had a bunch of Playboys that I would sneak off and read. Seeing those pretty girls made me envious. I wanted to be like them. Loved and adored. Sometimes I’d masturbate to numb the pain after a beating, and at times, I’d so so while looking at these girls. I didn’t understand myself. Amber’s kiss... it didn’t feel terrible. So... I was a mess.

Next school day I ask Amber if we could talk after school. She agreed. We get in her car, and talk. I said I was sorry, and she was sorry too. As we talked, something came over me. I let my defenses down, and I kissed her. I knew then, I wasn’t straight.

We were inseparable after that. We’d make out every chance we could. Sex was inevitable, and I still remember our first time like it was yesterday. We had driven to this hilltop that overlooks the countryside. Mount Geez it’s called. Sounds cliche, but no one was there (it was actually closed off but we drove up anyway). We got in the back seat and started making out. She asked if I was ready, and I said yes. It was like a switch had been flipped, and this gentle creature took me like I never knew possible. I remember how her skin shined in the moonlight as we sweat from sex. It was... fantastic. Magical even.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I had something to live for. She made me feel there was good in people, that I could enjoy sex, that I was capable, worthy of, being loved.

One night shortly after, my father started his shit with me. I decided I wasn’t going to take it any longer. I had hidden a steak knife under my pillow just in case. Sure enough, he came in for his “fill”. He climbed on top of me, and I grabbed the knife, and I stabbed him in the arm with it. I told him, “you touch me again, and I’ll fucking kill you!” He left. So there I was, sobbing happily while clenching a bloody knife. For the first time, I had won. He never touched me again after that.

Time goes by. Amber graduates and I’m nearing the end of my junior year. Amber asks if we could talk. I knew something bad was coming. She drops the bombshell that she would be going off to Paris for college soon. She had every intention of going to culinary school to be a master chef. Her parents had it all paid for. She tells me that because I couldn’t go with her (financially I couldn’t) that we should see other people. She told me it wasn’t enough for me to only have phone calls and letters. I needed someone to hold and be held by. I hated her for saying that at the time, but she was right. Always wise, her. It broke my heart, and we enjoyed our final days together. I watched her get on a plane, and that was the end of us. Once again, I was alone, but I still held on to what she taught me; that life was worth living for. She not only taught me about myself but also saved me from myself.

More time passes. I graduate and immediately move out. Got a job at Target as a cashier, a crappy car, and an apartment. I quickly learned I wasn’t making ends meet. By complete happenstance, an acquaintance from high school gets ahold of me via EverQuest, an online video game. He asks me if I would go with him to a comic convention and be his pretend girlfriend. Said he would pay for everything plus $500. Rich kid, obviously. Being hard up for money, I took him up on it.

We go, and I play my part. It gets late and he suggests the four of us get a hotel room. Okay, but I insisted on a room with two beds. He said fine. We get to our room and he hands me an envelope. Inside was the $500 he promised. He then said there was another envelope with the same amount and I could have it if I slept with him. I was fucking furious!

I go to walk out and he stops me. He said that he was a virgin, and didn’t want to be one forever. Told me that I was the only woman he had ever been comfortable talking to, which was actually true given how awkward he was in high school. I told him I was a lesbian and wouldn’t even be any good at it. He said he didn’t care.

I considered my options. I could get a cab, spend nearly all the money I had just earned getting home, or, I could sleep with him. So, I slept with him. Not exactly my proudest moment, but I did at least learn that I could enjoy sex with men as long as I was the one in control. I didn’t allow him on top. I just rode him. Oddly enough, it was kind of nice.

After that experience, I realize that my day job wasn’t going to cut it. I immediately look into exotic dancing, figuring if I’m willing to fuck a guy for money, dancing naked should be easy. I’m quickly hired, get my contract set up, and I was nervous and embarrassed as you might guess. Fortunately, one of the dancers, an older woman, took me under her wing. She showed me some things, what to expect, and more importantly; to be in my own headspace. Shortly after, I began to enjoy it. I loved the attention. The money was great. And for the first time in my life, I was 100% free to do whatever the hell I wanted.

I put a lot of effort into my appearance. I still do. Even now, I still do the same routine I did as a dancer. I stay in shape. People here and in my personal life have always given me smiles and honeyed words. I am in no short supply of confidence -- on the outside. On the inside though? I'm a broken, fragile mess who freaks out over the smell of alcohol and loud footsteps on stairs. I harbor so much anger and bitterness that has built up over the years that I constantly struggle to keep it all contained. It's why I don't drink or do any other similar recreational indulgences. I must stay in control at all times. Even then, as was the case when I caught my husband of 16 years fucking some other woman in my bed, it comes out and I can't control it. By the end of that night, he lost two teeth and had a fractured jaw, and I was arrested. In a matter of days I had lost my marriage, my house, my job, and almost lost my daughter too.

This post has gone on long enough and honestly, there are even more wounds I'm leaving out. The point in me sharing all of this is that just because a person may have all those pretty physical features you wish you had, doesn't mean she isn't a broken, shell of a person on the inside. We all have our struggles. Our insecurities. It's so bad now that I can't even talk to people on the phone without severe feelings of anxiety. How fucked up am I?

But I'm trying to be a better person. I don't like being that equal opportunity dispenser of rage I was in high school. I don't like having these uncontrollable quirks I can't turn off. All I want is to be loved for who I am on the inside, not for my tits and ass that will eventually sag and get flabby in time and then leave me with no redeemable qualities at all. But then, who in their right mind would love someone like me? Every person I've ever loved has left me, so how am I to expect anything otherwise?

I'm sorry EY, I am sitting here staring at the screen after reading your story, I am totally lost for words that adequately describe what I feel or want to say.
You are Amazing. Thank you for sharing.
EY, I wanted to chime in and add to the chorus of love and support. You've been through so much, and you ended up a wonderful, cool, fun person. That to me is strength. I :heart: you, lady! You're awesome. :rose:

And you too, Sassy! :heart::heart:
E_Y first I must say, thank you for having the guts to stand up and tell your story.

Unfortunately it is not uncommon and from my few years on Lit I have spoken with several girls/ladies with similar stories of their journey through childhood, luckily for some theirs was not as devastating as yours but they are all still affected by their feeling of being worthless or having trust issues.

There is always going to be something that will trigger your inner aggressive demons, and I understand that and nothing, even a shed load of therapy, will stop that.

People here see you, not only for your external beauty, but for your inner good self. You have shown it exists and that is what is noticed.

There are many people here that you know you can reach out to when you feel the need, Several listening ears who will not condemn.
It takes my breath away, that you two women would share such stories, so courageously, so honestly. Again, I feel honored to read your story and blown away by your courage. I also feel inadequate to help assuage pain. Abuse is never about the is always about the weakness and evil of the perpetrator!!! But survival and recovery is ONLY about the survivor! I so admire you for your journey to where you are and hope your journey continues until you shake the damage done to you bt the weak ass who hurt you!

Thank you for your kind words. Fortunately, the perpetrator in my story is dead and buried where he belongs. Many others don't have that luxury. The thing about this whole experience is that despite how horrible it was to go through, I know that there are those out there who had it worse than I did. It makes me humble and want to give back to those who still need a helping hand. Hence the reason for my half of what this thread is all about.

Oh my God! You are BOTH such incredible women!

EY you have to find that spark inside you that wants you to be that person who you want to be. I would suggest the same thing for you Sassy. Have either of you ever read any Michael Beckwith? He's amazing. I would highly recommend "Life Visioning" for starters since you both seem to be confronting the issues and feelings that are holding you back rather than trying to suppress them.

Not that I can possibly imagine what either of you went thru as children, but I do know that it only defines you if you let it define you.

Your ability to share and articulate your stories, wrestle with your rage proves that you are both already stronger than you may think. Find that spark inside yourself that lets you love yourself and imagine a better, healthier you. You will see that spark will turn into a flame and that you will begin to attract the right kind of people you need in your lives rather than repeating old familiar patterns of rage mixed with guilt mixed with confusion, anger and everything else.

Thanks, Liz. I don't let the past define me, but it's undeniable that it still affects me to this day. Some nightmares are long gone, new ones make themselves known. I've found that surrounding myself with truly positive people helps as well as reaching out to other "damaged" people. Sometimes they help you as much as you help them. :)


Sassy, Liz and EY

You ladies are all so amazing in your own right. I can not imagine the hurts and pains that you all have had to deal with in your lives. I only hope that I and all the other LIT family members can continue to help each other laugh, smile and maybe even a thoughtful moment or two as we continue this journey we call life!!

Thanks to each of you for baring your collective souls and showing the path that has led each of you here. It touched my heart to think about even the most gorgeous women that my path crosses still has insecurities that I may never even imagine.

I hope to use this information to continue to try to serve and brighten every person that comes across my life no matter how briefly! Thanks again to you 3 Beautiful, Brave and VERY STRONG Women!!

Thank you, hotcpu. Every woman has their story. Not all insecurities are made easily apparent. Hopefully by exposing my inner demons, others who have their own won't feel so alone here on Lit or elsewhere.

I keep wanting to say something right...that makes you want to look my way. Exactly the wrong attitude given the honesty freely given. I am humbled by the strength these girls have. EY...thank you...i remember reaching out a while ago asking if you were in recovery...thinking of drugs as i am. I still remember your response. I get it. Subconciously...we cant help be drawn to those w similar hurts. You are amazing.

I remember that conversation. I've had others like yourself reach out to me for their own various reasons. I guess I'm just good at making others feel comfortable. No idea why. I've always thought of myself as a weird, nerdy introvert. :D But my inbox is always open to you or anyone else who needs someone willing to listen and understands a thing or two about pain and survival.

EY- one of the emails I got today......

"I read EY's post today and was moved just like when I read yours. Right there is proof that your thread is a great service for so many people. Both of you are heroes for what you are sharing. Please let her know how much I was moved. I am so sorry for what she had to go through, but also am so impressed with her strength and courage. Sending good thoughts to both of you."

Dear Mr. I-know-who-you-are,

Thank you for reaching out and for the good thoughts. I'm hopeful our thread will allow others to learn and grow from it. However, I am no hero. I'm just as much a villain in my story. I'm just a woman who seeks to improve herself and maybe, hopefully, help a few others along the way. If anyone is a hero, it is my daughter. She has saved me more times than I can count. So I'm doing my part to make sure she knows nothing of the pain I've endured.

I'm sorry EY, I am sitting here staring at the screen after reading your story, I am totally lost for words that adequately describe what I feel or want to say.
You are Amazing. Thank you for sharing.

No need to be sorry, Rusty. Besides, you have an advantage when being at a loss of words -- with that accent, you could read the phone book and still make this girl smile. :)

Me. All your flaws, all your imperfections and insecurities, all your beauty, your amazing heart, and the support you give me every day. We fight this battle together.

But our quirks is what brought us together. This is how we bonded. Our inner Demons and opposite insecurities. You are a big reason I am reminded that physical beauty doesn't mean that person has a perfect life. I still remember the first time I talked to you thinking "but why would such an amazingly beautiful woman like this, talk to me?" And truthfully, this makes me sad. Because when people say something similar about me, I am sad.
Why should looks make us fearful to approach someone? The first person to really say something like that to me, has been my best friend for 5 years now. He didn't think I'd talk to him because I was "Popular"
So you help me heal. I help you heal.
Lit and support, and friends , and others showing us they also have vulnerabilities helps us all heal.

And you, my beautiful, courageous, sexy best friend, are the reason I am able to be as strong as I am. It is because of you I am able to appreciate myself again. To be me again. I've told you this a million times, but you have the biggest heart of anyone I know. Your name should have been SassySheAngel. :D I appreciate and cherish every single day you have been in my life. We were meant to find each other and lift each other up. Together, we're braver, stronger, more confident than we could be alone. Seems we've found a few others to lift up along the way. :)

I still remember that conversation. It's just so funny to look back on because I thought the same thing about you. Then you told me of your insecurities and well.. the rest is history.

Thank you for always being there for me, and for giving me a place of comfort and support. But most of all, thank you for being my best friend. :kiss::heart::)


To the others who PM'ed me, thank you as well. You all were very courteous, respectful, and also brave to tell me the things that you did. None of you have to feel like you're alone. In time, you'll be able to face your inner demons too. They are persistent little fuckers, but they are no match for courage and determination.
Hugs ladies!!!!

Wish I could send red and white carnations - red for love, white for eternity!
I like this idea. Is it cool if I steal it? :p jk

My mom's family, at the end of funerals, will place one red, one white flower on the casket as it's being lowered. It's something that's been done since the times when they were in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in now what's Poland.

My mother's remains were cremated, with one red carnation, one white carnation from each of her three grandchildren. The funeral home owner cried when my sister told him why they needed to be placed with her. Eternal Love!
My mom's family, at the end of funerals, will place one red, one white flower on the casket as it's being lowered. It's something that's been done since the times when they were in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in now what's Poland.

My mother's remains were cremated, with one red carnation, one white carnation from each of her three grandchildren. The funeral home owner cried when my sister told him why they needed to be placed with her. Eternal Love!

Wow, that's beautiful indeed. :heart:
Wow, that's beautiful indeed. :heart:

Then again, he loved what my sister and I did, along with others, did to celebrate her life: We had a non-alcohol tailgate in the parking lot. Complete with burgers, dogs, and sodas.

The Polish family is THAT weird!
EY, I wanted to chime in and add to the chorus of love and support. You've been through so much, and you ended up a wonderful, cool, fun person. That to me is strength. I :heart: you, lady! You're awesome. :rose:

And you too, Sassy! :heart::heart:

Thank you, NRJ. :)

E_Y first I must say, thank you for having the guts to stand up and tell your story.

Unfortunately it is not uncommon and from my few years on Lit I have spoken with several girls/ladies with similar stories of their journey through childhood, luckily for some theirs was not as devastating as yours but they are all still affected by their feeling of being worthless or having trust issues.

There is always going to be something that will trigger your inner aggressive demons, and I understand that and nothing, even a shed load of therapy, will stop that.

People here see you, not only for your external beauty, but for your inner good self. You have shown it exists and that is what is noticed.

There are many people here that you know you can reach out to when you feel the need, Several listening ears who will not condemn.

Oddly enough, coming back to Lit has been much more positive of an impact on my life than the months of therapy have. I did go back to my therapist today after I stopped several months ago in order to maybe get a grip on these new problems that have cropped up. Hoping for the best, but I’ve set my expectations low.

My mom's family, at the end of funerals, will place one red, one white flower on the casket as it's being lowered. It's something that's been done since the times when they were in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in now what's Poland.

My mother's remains were cremated, with one red carnation, one white carnation from each of her three grandchildren. The funeral home owner cried when my sister told him why they needed to be placed with her. Eternal Love!

I am so writing this into my will! Thank you for this, and your support RJ. Though it will have to be one red rose and one white rose. Those who know me well enough know why. :)
Thank you, NRJ. :)

Oddly enough, coming back to Lit has been much more positive of an impact on my life than the months of therapy have. I did go back to my therapist today after I stopped several months ago in order to maybe get a grip on these new problems that have cropped up. Hoping for the best, but I’ve set my expectations low.

I am so writing this into my will! Thank you for this, and your support RJ. Though it will have to be one red rose and one white rose. Those who know me well enough know why. :)

We did carnations mostly do to the fact that all the women had allergies to roses. :eek:
I am going to be headed off on a nice relaxing cruise this weekend. So I just wanted to drop in and wish you all a wonderful week. Thank you all for all the support. :kiss:

Before I leave, since this is still the AMpics area. I would love to see you all post up a random picture of yourself. It doesn't have to be face. It can be anything you "LIKE" we need some cheer and smiles.

Pretty please with Sugar on Top???:kiss:

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I am going to be headed off on a nice relaxing cruise this weekend. So I just wanted to drop in and wish you all a wonderful week. Thank you all for all the support. :kiss:

Before I leave, since this is still the AMpics area. I would love to see you all post up a random picture of yourself. It doesn't have to be face. It can be anything you "LIKE" we need some cheer and smiles.

Pretty please with Sugar on Top???:kiss:

I would love to but in my limited computer tech ability I haven’t seemed to be able to master that yet! Maybe you can help me when you return?!!!
I would love to but in my limited computer tech ability I haven’t seemed to be able to master that yet! Maybe you can help me when you return?!!!

I'm leaving sat morning. So send me a pm and I'll help you tomorrow. Im off to bed now since I'm dead. 💋
I am going to be headed off on a nice relaxing cruise this weekend. So I just wanted to drop in and wish you all a wonderful week. Thank you all for all the support. :kiss:

Before I leave, since this is still the AMpics area. I would love to see you all post up a random picture of yourself. It doesn't have to be face. It can be anything you "LIKE" we need some cheer and smiles.

Pretty please with Sugar on Top???:kiss:


Awe Lovely Sassy :kiss:

JJ you look amazing. :rose:
Oddly enough, coming back to Lit has been much more positive of an impact on my life than the months of therapy have. I did go back to my therapist today after I stopped several months ago in order to maybe get a grip on these new problems that have cropped up. Hoping for the best, but I’ve set my expectations low.

There are some really good people here as well as those bad ones who appear now and then, but I’ve found it a good place to be.

I hope you get something from seeing your therapist, however little that may be.
