Sandia has a linoleum fetish

My floor could use some moppin'. I think he might want to sweep first, though.
He's one of them sicko-prevert ([sic] for any potential spelling buddies out there) linoleum lickers, I hear. Sick fucks.
red_rose said:

I did good, huh, Nora?


You're the bestest, baby!! Have I mentioned lately that you rock? (although I'm going to sleep, so I'll expound upon that when you email me tomorrow lol)
Nora said:
You're the bestest, baby!! Have I mentioned lately that you rock? (although I'm going to sleep, so I'll expound upon that when you email me tomorrow lol)

Yessum! Nice hint. lol
red_rose said:
Yessum! Nice hint. lol

lol you gotta! I'll tell you ALL about how boring "training" has been thus far!! lol Okies, night night sugahhh!
I carve thick, hard linoleum to do lithograph sometimes.

I am such a freak.
Starfish said:
I carve thick, hard linoleum to do lithograph sometimes.

I am such a freak.

Only Starfish could make linoleum sound sexy.

Roar, baby.
Too bad the shit isn't cylander shaped at about the length of 7 inches long, by 3 inches wide. Useless I tell ya.