Samsung S24 phone and compatibility with Lit App?


Naked Little Pixie
Dec 15, 2019
Didn't know where to ask this question. I recently upgraded my really very very old Samsung S7 phone to the latest and greatest S24. When i try to download the Lit app, which i had on the S7 phone, there is an error message that says that the Lit app is not compatible with the phone.

Just curious, is there something on my side, where i messed up? Or has anyone experienced this problem.

Weird. Just upgraded to the S24 Ultra myself and haven't had any issues
I just got my s24 ultra too and i cant install it either. I just read that the s24 ultra only allows 64 Bit and not old applications with 32 Bit. Thats a real Problem tho
I found that I can get to Lits website through Google..that's about it. Not the app
I get the same compatibility failure when installing on my z fold 6. :( i prefer the app reading and tracking experience over the website.
Didn't know where to ask this question. I recently upgraded my really very very old Samsung S7 phone to the latest and greatest S24. When i try to download the Lit app, which i had on the S7 phone, there is an error message that says that the Lit app is not compatible with the phone.

Just curious, is there something on my side, where i messed up? Or has anyone experienced this problem.

Which lit app are you referring to? The story app or the forum app? The story app (which I loved!) died a lingering death of neglect years ago. I believe the last phone I was able to use it on was my Note 9 (which tragically died in a leaf fire) I tried to load it on my note 20 and it didn't work back then. The forum app still works however.
A while back, if I remember, it was the little web site itself with both stories and forum. With my new phone I just go to Google, type "l" and lit just comes up in the search options. Probably because I go there so much. Don't know if this helps
A while back, if I remember, it was the little web site itself with both stories and forum. With my new phone I just go to Google, type "l" and lit just comes up in the search options. Probably because I go there so much. Don't know if this helps
THe old Literotica App no longer works. I save a link on my android that will take me to the web site but I miss that old app. It was a pleasant app for reading
I used to have the Lit App on my old Samsung phone, which I replaced about a year ago with an S23. I just tried installing it and it won't let me. I haven't used the app in ages, so I don't really miss it. I just use the browser. The app was nice for readability but its functionality was limited.