Same Title Challenge #6


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2002
We've had some very interesting titles for the past challenges. I was nearly tempted to one-up them with something like
"Broken Friends of Tangled Persuasions in Blind Copacetic Shadows." but instead opted for
a change of pace.

Challenge number #6 is to write an extraordinary poem, based on the rather ordinary word "Bent".
(fine print: it doesn't really have to be extraordinary )

The title for the Same-Title challenge #6 is Bent

From The American Heritage Dictionary:
-- bent v.
1. Past tense and past participle of bend.
-- bent adj.
1. Altered from an originally straight or even condition: pieces of bent wire.
2. Determined to take a course of action: I was bent on going to the theater.
3. Chiefly British. Corrupt; venal.
-- bent n.
1. A tendency, disposition, or inclination: "The natural bent of my mind was to science"
2. A transverse structural member or framework used for strengthening a bridge or trestle.

A review of the rule:
All are welcome. Simply title your poem "Bent" and submit it (through normal Lit methods) on Thursday (the 6th) which will hopefully make it appear as a New Poem on Friday, March 7th.

The content of the poem is up to you: erotic, non-erotic (or for the kinky crowd - both). Of course there is no need to abide by the dictionary's definition. Feel free to warp the word into any theme that seems to like being published 'neath the title "Bent".

Tradition is that you post your intention to participate here (so we can all apply subtle pressure as the due date approaches), but surprise entries on Friday are welcome as well.

So go write.

For some indirect inspiration, here are the links to past challenges:
5. Copacetic Persuasion (Angeline)
4. Tangled Fluorescence (Judo)
3. Foaf (Rybka)
2. Shadow Theatre (Lauren.Hynde)
1. Broken Blinds (WickedEve)
Sounds like fun, and I've been told I have the flexibility, so I'll give it a try.
"Altered from an originally straight or even condition" I'll take this as a hint - I'm in the fold.
Challenge #6

Well, I've often been called bent... so I guess... ;)

Regards,                       Rybka
I'm bent now and ready to write and Elda is practically hyperventilating at the prospect of writing a Bent poem.
Elda is practically hyperventilating at the prospect of writing a Bent poem.

The thought of Elda's bent poem is almost

I want to write a poem that can bend and spread, and then stroke that spot in the back of your mind. Can a poem breathe? Can it slip inside you? Yes, I think so.

I look forward to the diverse works of lit poets under the title bent ,

i will be adding my own ,, but with the same problem as before . i cant get near a computer on a thursday. that will let me enter lit space..... so i will have to post early or late ,. i hope no one minds to much .. xxxxxx star

stargirl32 said:
i will be adding my own ,, but with the same problem as before . i cant get near a computer on a thursday. that will let me enter lit space..... so i will have to post early or late ,. i hope no one minds to much .. xxxxxx star

We don't mind.

If you do it early,
we promise not to read it until the others arrive.

The down side of doing it late
is that you may not benefit from the 1000 (or 3)
extra reads you'd get by being
part of the pack. :D

Either way, do it.
'tis better to play, than not.

Perhaps you could even claim
that you are bending the rules on
purpose for poetic effect.
Re: Re: BENT

OT said:
We don't mind.

If you do it early,
we promise not to read it until the others arrive.

The down side of doing it late
is that you may not benefit from the 1000 (or 3)
extra reads you'd get by being
part of the pack. :D

Either way, do it.
'tis better to play, than not.

Perhaps you could even claim
that you are bending the rules on
purpose for poetic effect.

ok its posted .... today ,.......sorry . but perhaps you wont read it till then,, xxxxxxxx
Water the plant

What's it been, a week? Poor pitiful plant looks so sad and wilted, bent over, as if ... bent? Bent?

Yikes, don't tell me you haven't written your bent poem yet?

Don't forget to submit it *tomorrow* (Thursday), so it shows up on Friday.

Then of course on Friday, rush right out and vote and give feedback on every darn one of them. OK?

Oh, and yes, you really ought to water that poor plant. I'm a little bent....But I have two ideas. First I lean one way, then I lean the other. Then a girl walks by and I want to lean her way. But to stay on topic. Are there penalties or extra credit for posting two widely disparate poems (with the same title of course)?
I bent my first effort so out of shape I posted it today disguised as something else, but it's still bent, so you'll know.
The_Fool said:
Are there penalties or extra credit for posting two widely disparate poems (with the same title of course)?

Posting more than one is OK, but I'm not sure the posting program will allow two poems with the same name
posted by the same person.

You can either bend the rules and give one a slightly different title or use another login ID.

I think Elda is in charge of penalties :D
If Elda is in charge of penalties...that might be worth bending or downright breaking a few rules...:D
Posted mine at 11:55pm. Probably will not be there tomorrow. But look for it Saturday.

:kisses to all:
- Judo
Smootches back atcha dollface. How's the job? I miss you.

(and you need to change the heart to a shamrock babe)
