Samantha Powers, Another Failure For Obama To Hide Behind

She espoused little to no support of Iran’s 2009 Green Revolution when Iranian students and others took to the streets to protest the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Good for her. Iranian pro-democracy dissidents need American support like American Civil Rights activists in the 1950s needed the Soviet Union's endorsement. Any association with the U.S. is politically toxic in Iran.
Hahahahahahaha...I'll say one thing, you never leave any doubt as to your position on liberty.:rolleyes::D

Liberty or impotent, or even counter productive lip service to liberty?
It's great to see vetteman's heart bleeding for the vulnerable people of the world.
Actually it was nonsense, that same could be said of Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

It is not nonsense, it is simply a fact, that any association with America is politically toxic in Iran at present. Nationalism transcends ideology and religion, and Iran has been on bad terms with the U.S. since 1979 and that's not about to change.
Liberals often claim that their hearts bleed for those in need, but they can't even be polite to people who merely disagree about the role of government.
Liberals often claim that their hearts bleed for those in need, but they can't even be polite to people who merely disagree about the role of government.

Medication adjustment time for l'il Andy.

The people who "merely disagree" with helping those in need want Grandma to eat catfood in the name of austerity. As such, they forfeit rational discourse, and rely upon hand-wringers such as l'il Andy to whine piteously about how mean those libruls are.

Own it.
Nonsense about eating pet food isn't even effective rhetoric.

Babble such as "own it" is beneath a Valley Girl.

Liberals pretend to be full of sensitivity and compassion, but they can't even be polite to people who merely articulate a different viewpoint about the role of federal governance.
Nonsense about eating pet food isn't even effective rhetoric.

Babble such as "own it" is beneath a Valley Girl.

Liberals pretend to be full of sensitivity and compassion, but they can't even be polite to people who merely articulate a different viewpoint about the role of federal governance.

Yeah. . .I'll buy this BS when you start telling Vette to STFU.
Nonsense about eating pet food isn't even effective rhetoric.

De Nile isn't only a river in Egypt.

Babble such as "own it" is beneath a Valley Girl.

Very well then, just for you: suck it.

Liberals pretend to be full of sensitivity and compassion, but they can't even be polite to people who merely articulate a different viewpoint about the role of federal governance.

I'm full of sensitivity and compassion, I simply prefer not to waste any on slack-jawed mouthbreathers such as yourself. If you want to debate the issues, I am more than happy to expose your intellectual shortcomings, but you seem to dwell on playin' the victim, poor ole Rob is picking on you, yadda yadda yadda. :rolleyes:
It would be interesting to know the age, education, and vocational experience of the kids who deem themselves intellectuals for posting tens of thousands of times on a porn BB.

And saying things they would never dare in real life.

What odd vanity and fake machismo.
Babble such as "own it" is beneath a Valley Girl.
Your Cold War Era Time Capsule homeboy here is the one who has used and still uses that "own it" babble the most. Do a search if you don't believe me. So I guess you're calling HIS pressed ass a Valley Girl.

Don't make me have to flip your skirt on that "opposing opinion politeness" bullshit. You'd have to take off your one-directional blinders if I pull examples of your side's belligerent fuckery. You seem like a dude in search of a group to belong to and I'd hate for you to lose faith in the RW glee club you've aligned yourself with here.
Your Cold War Era Time Capsule homeboy here is the one who has used and still uses that "own it" babble the most. Do a search if you don't believe me. So I guess you're calling HIS pressed ass a Valley Girl.

Don't make me have to flip your skirt on that "opposing opinion politeness" bullshit. You'd have to take off your one-directional blinders if I pull examples of your side's belligerent fuckery. You seem like a dude in search of a group to belong to and I'd hate for you to lose faith in the RW glee club you've aligned yourself with here.

L'il Andy is a second-tier wannabee like Koalabear, with virtually the same sort of closeted homosexual crush on Mr. TwoNavyCrosses.
L'il Andy is a second-tier wannabee like Koalabear, with virtually the same sort of closeted homosexual crush on Mr. TwoNavyCrosses.

He'll have to fight with new ho on the block JAMESBPIECEOFSHIT for prime space between Vette's thighs. With the other two main shitstain nut-warmer jawns BB & Koala firmly ensconced, I don't see how much wider he can splay his legs to make room for new bitches.
Holy pathetically trying to save the thread's face with a just-woke-up posting after we bumped it from deadsville, Batman!
This from the enemy of America, Samantha Powers:

"We need: a historical reckoning with crimes committed, sponsored, or permitted by the United States. This would entail restoring FOIA to its pre- Bush stature, opening the files, and acknowledging the force of a mantra we have spent the last decade promoting in Guatemala, South Africa, and Yugoslavia: A country has to look back before it can move forward. Instituting a doctrine of the mea culpa would enhance our credibility by showing that American decision-makers do not endorse the sins of their predecessors. When Willie Brandt went down on one knee in the Warsaw ghetto, his gesture was gratifying to World War II survivors, but it was also ennobling and cathartic for Germany. Would such an approach be futile for the United States?"

This is no doubt the bitch that sent Obama on his grand apology tour. Upon confirmation our enemies have an advocate directing American foreign policy at the UN. It's quite clear that Obama does not support or defend traditional American national security interests.

Speaking of "enemies of America", I wonder if there is a statute on limitations on your treason against the United States? Selling American military supplies (cans of corn) to the Viet Cong in exchange for underage VC pussy?

At a minimum, they'll take your Navy Crosses away.....
This from the enemy of America, Samantha Powers:

"We need: a historical reckoning with crimes committed, sponsored, or permitted by the United States. This would entail restoring FOIA to its pre- Bush stature, opening the files, and acknowledging the force of a mantra we have spent the last decade promoting in Guatemala, South Africa, and Yugoslavia: A country has to look back before it can move forward. Instituting a doctrine of the mea culpa would enhance our credibility by showing that American decision-makers do not endorse the sins of their predecessors. When Willie Brandt went down on one knee in the Warsaw ghetto, his gesture was gratifying to World War II survivors, but it was also ennobling and cathartic for Germany. Would such an approach be futile for the United States?"

This is no doubt the bitch that sent Obama on his grand apology tour. Upon confirmation our enemies have an advocate directing American foreign policy at the UN. It's quite clear that Obama does not support or defend traditional American national security interests.
What apology tour? Obama never did any such thing.