RP Enjoyment
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The Silver Millennium A Time of Peace amongst the planets of the Milky Way solar system. The Queen Serenity and the princesses of the planets came to celebrate and enjoy them selves. One day though they received a thread a Dark fore attacked the planet. Queen beryl bringing a small amount of forces attacked the Moon and the 9 Princesses. Using their powers defeated them but were left weak by the attack. In return Serenity thought the planets may need help. Drawing power from the Silver moon crystal. She was able to use its abilities to form Guardians around the age of the Princesses. Blessed with each Guardian and there own set of skills. The Princesses were now being taken care of. Each story continues for at least 10 years. The Guardians and There Senshi princesses grow together and enjoy the time they spend to train or study or do what ever.
[Time to give you back story for each guardian. Not necessarily their abilities and stuff but the back-story to them]
[Warning i am horrible with the Jap names and Millennium names so bare with me for my dubby ness lol]
Acua Guardian of Mercury was entrusted to the life of Princess Amy. Acua is very silent but makes friends quickly never opening his mouth where he does not belong and talking when it counts. In free time would help her study, Read with her, Train to keep her sharp and enjoy walked to help her ease her mind. Knowing how she worked in and out left him with a few flaws, which he grew in to. One of them was The Darkness. On rare occasion when the dim lights of Mercury were amongst them he had lost sight of the princess once causing him to panic only because he was so loyal he was worried he failed his job [as the feelings of al the guardians.] In turn his panic attack turned to fear and that led him screaming with the princess finding him in this state she kept a closer watch on him and to help him as he helped her. Another was Problems more like solving them. As Smart and sharp as Acua was he was supposed to help with all problems the princess had. He felt so compelled to help her when he could not his doubt would gnaw at him telling him he was useless this would make him sluggish and doubt him self further till something proved him wrong.
We Move to Venus now where Princess Mina stood with Makoto Guardian of Venus. As Venus's Guardian he was entrusted to help keep the peace and love of Venus, during this time he would Talk and be very interactive with others when there was more then just the Princess. Makoto is firm as well as wild as his nature for being passionate and loving and willing to show every one who he is, His skills in combat are rarely matched leaving him to be called the disciplined warrior. Highly looked at by Mina when he trained she would train with him hoping to match his prowess. When it came to agility though he lacked that but was very steadfast. Being with Mina had left him with a few defects. One of which was fire. This did not include Attacks or such more like just ordinary Fires. A Fire busted out in an area where he was sent to help on Venus. When he got to flames Mina had already been in to help. Collapsing from exhaustion she was stuck in the fire. Makoto went to help, Finding Mina on the floor he Transformed and went in. How ever, Mina's death was almost certain due to her smoke inhalation. When fire burns or the smell of smoke reads just right in his nose memories come back to the day he almost lost her. His body seizes up and cannot think until he is freed from that memory. The other draw back would be Anger. As Loving and caring as Makoto is, his temper gets him when things are to bad to grin through it. This causes him to be blind and go in to a rage. Not only will he harm enemies but also it causes him to lash out against Allies to, if not attack then verbally attacking them. This can only be cured by a few ways one of them is avoiding him to let him calm down; one of the others is a super natural remedy to heal him of this. One of the other ways was to comfort him and not let go no matter what. His rage will subside with little effort once being hugged for about a minute with no negative feelings towards him.
Moving to the moon next. Princess Serena had Saku Guardian of the Moon. Saku was a very kind big brother figure to Serena her mind was always in the negatives and it took Saku to help her show what life had to offer. Very Wise and Calm is Saku him self, that is just some aspects of this amazing young mane Leader of the Guardians. Saku also cares and will fight till the bear bottom of his strength. Saku will never turn his back on any one in need. This is one of his flaws. The need to help becomes too great enabling him to get him self in to trouble even by practical jokers. Serena her self has also experienced one of his flaws personally and this would be his Worst defect and that was failure. It did not matter how much it was by even a little would send this Guardian to his knees in doubt and delusion of being useless. It may be said he is taking it to far but Saku ha always had his heart in protecting and wanting to never fail. Serena had backed him up a few times and boosted him up and out of the hole. Saku has his own likes and enjoyed time with Serena. Saku even knew about her hidden love on earth with Prince Damien. He only let her go due to how happy he made her but his eyes were never far away and observed from the moon using his own method of spying. [One of his items lol]
We move to Mars. Princess Rei had been enjoying her life with Raz Guardian of Mars. There time together spent well normally meditating or walking across the planet to check for any dangers. Raz is very similar to Rei as she is level headed but can get quiet emotionally cold when it comes to being comforting. At the same time he does not expect help from his friends or comfort but knows he will get it mostly. Raz also has a very low tolerance non-sense if it does not belong at the time he will let you know about it. As Close as Rei and Raz were they spent time apart often to let them have space. Once either of them needed the other they would listen. Raz has two defects. One is heights Anything further then six feet off the ground is just a big no and he will freeze up with little thought about it. Another big defect is his inability to project reason while upset. All logic will fail him and he will be reckless and uncaring in all forms. Leaving him to go rouge or leave the group for whatever reason.
Moving on to Jupiter. Princess Lita was an incredible princess a lot tougher then the other Inner Princesses Lynk Guardian of Jupiter. Sound it enjoyable to be around her. There training and keeping in shape had her all fired up, when they got calls to help there was not a team matched that could beat them. Soon Princess Lita had wanted to learn how to be like the others more delicate and more lady like. Lynk began to inform her on what she lacked and would help her with this growth. Lynk does have some redeeming qualities. He is always the peacemaker. Any arguments and his words were able to settle the dispute for now. Lynk also had this uncanny ability to have wonderful insight towards a person. A Glance and few readings of there movement and he could judge the person on the spot keeping his Judgement till later. Over and over again Lynk never cease to amaze Princess Lita. That being said though there were other things stopping him. One of his defects was being talked down to. Once he was talked down to it made him second guess and struggle with any task he did. Talking was a simple solution to this problem. Having another defect was they’re being too much aggression built up. While it is true he was not a very angry person he had tendencies to let his anger come out when his adrenaline rushed through him. This made him clumsy sometimes in battle by being reckless. It also was true for when he lost his aggression took over making him hurt him self in one way or the other. This took time to heal.
Saturn is our next stop. Hotaru lived with Harold Guardian of Saturn. Ever since knowing Hotaru he felt a strong energy from her. One day she snapped and began destroying the planet. In a last ditch effort Harold poured his power in to his final attack Saturn Seven Seals. This was an Attack that would seal that power and help her keep it under wraps. He did not know how long or how strong that would hold. Harold saw a backlash to it. Hotaru was always or almost always sick. This did not stop her from doing what she had to do to be princess to help out or other wise. When later in the nights Harold helped her guarded her and took care of her. She felt so bad he had done so much for her and she felt helpless. Harold has his up's and down's. Harold is Kind and almost to nice to be normal, He loved to read and would write if he could all day. Harold also enjoys meditation and soothing relaxing exercises. Harold though was not with out flaws. He is Socially Awkward. Do to being around mainly Hotaru and rarely any one else. His social skills suck worse then a vacuum cleaner. While he is trying to get better at it. A Major draw back is blood. Seeing it is fine but certain cuts or being splattered with blood causes him to freak out. An accident with training caused Hotaru to get injured. No one blamed Harold but to see what he had done and almost kill the princess caused him to freak over blood. Harold has one last defect; this was probably the worst for him. Hotaru her self was a defect for him. After the accident he became a meat shield and scapegoat for her causing him to get in trouble and hurt in all sorts. Harold is willing to endure what ever they can throw at Hotaru.
Uranus is our newest stop where we see, Haku Guardian of Uranus defending the kingdom from smaller attacks form other forces. They were once loyal subject to the kingdom but turned traitor. Small band of rebels and there leader. Haku and Haruka though were a wonderful team both of them tough, and enjoyed training. Haku though once out of uniform was one of the silliest Guardians out of the group. While this was great to make them laugh often it would make Raz smack him or other wise. When Haku had to step up he was there. The fastest to think and act out of all the Guardians his courage knows no limits. That being said Haku has two defects he is not proud of. Abandonment was at the top of his list. Sometimes suffering a short attention span it causes Haku to lose track of what is going on. This sometimes leads him to believe has been abandoned and left there with out a word. This is normally fixed by an apology. The longer her sits there the worse it gets. Haku also has his nasty habit of not knowing when to quit. It becomes hard when he tried to hard to make up for a joke, or when he continues them or even worse when he will not run from battle. The Guardians see him sometimes as a hindrance but they cannot deny Haku gets the job done regardless of who he is.
Mel and Princess Michiru were best friends and together over came any trouble either of them had. Mel often would perform medical treatment on Michiru. Over time He had gotten better and better. Leaving the medical stuff to Mel. Michiru and her mother gave Mel the name Medic. Loving this name he kept it forgetting his other name. Medic is very attentive and is often the balance of the group with a bit of every emotion flowing in him he is logical reasoning and rarely looses his cool in any situation. As time passed he began to swim and enjoy adventure across Neptune. Saving lives and fulfilling the Senshi duties and the princesses’ duties as well. There was bad things to come though as Michiru was ensnared one day by one of the monsters in the water. Freeing Michiru led him to be grabbed by this beast. This left Medic with a small fear embedded in to his memory when ever he would see a shadow in the water he would freeze up. He is even hesitant to swim in clear water making a big fear of water in general. This is not to say he won’t swim or stand over it but his body shakes and shivers at the thought that transpired that day. One thing he also has a fear of is Thunderstorms. Never shaking the fear of thunderstorms it is rare to see him out in one. The only exception is when Michiru was out and lost one day. He went out to find her his bravery over riding his fear. Medic fears these two the most some of the other ones are Insects of all sorts. One other thing he really does not like is being left alone. When nothing is there no sound can be herd his nerves get to him his rationality clouds and he is sent in to a stir-crazy moment where all rationality will leave his mind. Just a simple hand on the shoulder or a voice to a face cures this normally. Seeing some one and hearing them eases him from this pain.
Pluto is our last stop where. Princess Setsuna has the responsibility to keep time. Seto is trained to be a loyal servant and helps where he can. Most of the time Setsuna is doing her duties while Seto is out half the day helping around the kingdom. More often the not Seto is completely in agreement with Setsuna but this leaves her to believe he does not have a will of his own. Seto is loving and loyal and does work with out second thought. It was thought he had no fears to face. Carefree and go lucky is Seto's life to the point where even battle does not worry him. Seto and Setsuna have worked together on several points of business and this leaves him to be closer to her as a close friend. Setsuna thought the world of Seto although just a guardian he did his duties as if he had it all on his soldiers. Seto was with his own set of flaws. Seto hated small spaces, when he was closed in Seto panicked so much he would often pass out. A small joke played by Setsuna proved that really fast. Seto also has a horrible Achilles heel his right arm. In a mission he went on his arm was almost snapped in two by a very heavy object. After being healed it could never be restored to full usage. It could not take as much damage as the rest of his body and the pain would send him reeling to the floor. Due to this there is often tougher armor around the arm now to make up the difference. This weak point can still be exposed once the armor is busted through.
The 9 Guardians were happy and 10 years later Beryl returned. Here they where nine Princesses, nine Guardians, one Queen. Beryl sent a larger force towards the moon's surface. The princesses wanted to fight but in their effort Serenity had the Guardians send them to Earth to keep them safe. The guardians fought well and lent their power to Serenity. However, Serenity knew this was a loosing battle and sent the Guardians in to space to be summoned once the scouts needed them. They wait in space now waiting to be awakened. There Eternal slumber now used to preserve them, as they were when they were put in to the sleep. All the memories of the Guardians were erased from the memories of the scouts, as they would be to heart broken by the events. The Guardians will revive their memories of them to There Princesses once they saw them again.
[Time to give you back story for each guardian. Not necessarily their abilities and stuff but the back-story to them]
[Warning i am horrible with the Jap names and Millennium names so bare with me for my dubby ness lol]
Acua Guardian of Mercury was entrusted to the life of Princess Amy. Acua is very silent but makes friends quickly never opening his mouth where he does not belong and talking when it counts. In free time would help her study, Read with her, Train to keep her sharp and enjoy walked to help her ease her mind. Knowing how she worked in and out left him with a few flaws, which he grew in to. One of them was The Darkness. On rare occasion when the dim lights of Mercury were amongst them he had lost sight of the princess once causing him to panic only because he was so loyal he was worried he failed his job [as the feelings of al the guardians.] In turn his panic attack turned to fear and that led him screaming with the princess finding him in this state she kept a closer watch on him and to help him as he helped her. Another was Problems more like solving them. As Smart and sharp as Acua was he was supposed to help with all problems the princess had. He felt so compelled to help her when he could not his doubt would gnaw at him telling him he was useless this would make him sluggish and doubt him self further till something proved him wrong.
We Move to Venus now where Princess Mina stood with Makoto Guardian of Venus. As Venus's Guardian he was entrusted to help keep the peace and love of Venus, during this time he would Talk and be very interactive with others when there was more then just the Princess. Makoto is firm as well as wild as his nature for being passionate and loving and willing to show every one who he is, His skills in combat are rarely matched leaving him to be called the disciplined warrior. Highly looked at by Mina when he trained she would train with him hoping to match his prowess. When it came to agility though he lacked that but was very steadfast. Being with Mina had left him with a few defects. One of which was fire. This did not include Attacks or such more like just ordinary Fires. A Fire busted out in an area where he was sent to help on Venus. When he got to flames Mina had already been in to help. Collapsing from exhaustion she was stuck in the fire. Makoto went to help, Finding Mina on the floor he Transformed and went in. How ever, Mina's death was almost certain due to her smoke inhalation. When fire burns or the smell of smoke reads just right in his nose memories come back to the day he almost lost her. His body seizes up and cannot think until he is freed from that memory. The other draw back would be Anger. As Loving and caring as Makoto is, his temper gets him when things are to bad to grin through it. This causes him to be blind and go in to a rage. Not only will he harm enemies but also it causes him to lash out against Allies to, if not attack then verbally attacking them. This can only be cured by a few ways one of them is avoiding him to let him calm down; one of the others is a super natural remedy to heal him of this. One of the other ways was to comfort him and not let go no matter what. His rage will subside with little effort once being hugged for about a minute with no negative feelings towards him.
Moving to the moon next. Princess Serena had Saku Guardian of the Moon. Saku was a very kind big brother figure to Serena her mind was always in the negatives and it took Saku to help her show what life had to offer. Very Wise and Calm is Saku him self, that is just some aspects of this amazing young mane Leader of the Guardians. Saku also cares and will fight till the bear bottom of his strength. Saku will never turn his back on any one in need. This is one of his flaws. The need to help becomes too great enabling him to get him self in to trouble even by practical jokers. Serena her self has also experienced one of his flaws personally and this would be his Worst defect and that was failure. It did not matter how much it was by even a little would send this Guardian to his knees in doubt and delusion of being useless. It may be said he is taking it to far but Saku ha always had his heart in protecting and wanting to never fail. Serena had backed him up a few times and boosted him up and out of the hole. Saku has his own likes and enjoyed time with Serena. Saku even knew about her hidden love on earth with Prince Damien. He only let her go due to how happy he made her but his eyes were never far away and observed from the moon using his own method of spying. [One of his items lol]
We move to Mars. Princess Rei had been enjoying her life with Raz Guardian of Mars. There time together spent well normally meditating or walking across the planet to check for any dangers. Raz is very similar to Rei as she is level headed but can get quiet emotionally cold when it comes to being comforting. At the same time he does not expect help from his friends or comfort but knows he will get it mostly. Raz also has a very low tolerance non-sense if it does not belong at the time he will let you know about it. As Close as Rei and Raz were they spent time apart often to let them have space. Once either of them needed the other they would listen. Raz has two defects. One is heights Anything further then six feet off the ground is just a big no and he will freeze up with little thought about it. Another big defect is his inability to project reason while upset. All logic will fail him and he will be reckless and uncaring in all forms. Leaving him to go rouge or leave the group for whatever reason.
Moving on to Jupiter. Princess Lita was an incredible princess a lot tougher then the other Inner Princesses Lynk Guardian of Jupiter. Sound it enjoyable to be around her. There training and keeping in shape had her all fired up, when they got calls to help there was not a team matched that could beat them. Soon Princess Lita had wanted to learn how to be like the others more delicate and more lady like. Lynk began to inform her on what she lacked and would help her with this growth. Lynk does have some redeeming qualities. He is always the peacemaker. Any arguments and his words were able to settle the dispute for now. Lynk also had this uncanny ability to have wonderful insight towards a person. A Glance and few readings of there movement and he could judge the person on the spot keeping his Judgement till later. Over and over again Lynk never cease to amaze Princess Lita. That being said though there were other things stopping him. One of his defects was being talked down to. Once he was talked down to it made him second guess and struggle with any task he did. Talking was a simple solution to this problem. Having another defect was they’re being too much aggression built up. While it is true he was not a very angry person he had tendencies to let his anger come out when his adrenaline rushed through him. This made him clumsy sometimes in battle by being reckless. It also was true for when he lost his aggression took over making him hurt him self in one way or the other. This took time to heal.
Saturn is our next stop. Hotaru lived with Harold Guardian of Saturn. Ever since knowing Hotaru he felt a strong energy from her. One day she snapped and began destroying the planet. In a last ditch effort Harold poured his power in to his final attack Saturn Seven Seals. This was an Attack that would seal that power and help her keep it under wraps. He did not know how long or how strong that would hold. Harold saw a backlash to it. Hotaru was always or almost always sick. This did not stop her from doing what she had to do to be princess to help out or other wise. When later in the nights Harold helped her guarded her and took care of her. She felt so bad he had done so much for her and she felt helpless. Harold has his up's and down's. Harold is Kind and almost to nice to be normal, He loved to read and would write if he could all day. Harold also enjoys meditation and soothing relaxing exercises. Harold though was not with out flaws. He is Socially Awkward. Do to being around mainly Hotaru and rarely any one else. His social skills suck worse then a vacuum cleaner. While he is trying to get better at it. A Major draw back is blood. Seeing it is fine but certain cuts or being splattered with blood causes him to freak out. An accident with training caused Hotaru to get injured. No one blamed Harold but to see what he had done and almost kill the princess caused him to freak over blood. Harold has one last defect; this was probably the worst for him. Hotaru her self was a defect for him. After the accident he became a meat shield and scapegoat for her causing him to get in trouble and hurt in all sorts. Harold is willing to endure what ever they can throw at Hotaru.
Uranus is our newest stop where we see, Haku Guardian of Uranus defending the kingdom from smaller attacks form other forces. They were once loyal subject to the kingdom but turned traitor. Small band of rebels and there leader. Haku and Haruka though were a wonderful team both of them tough, and enjoyed training. Haku though once out of uniform was one of the silliest Guardians out of the group. While this was great to make them laugh often it would make Raz smack him or other wise. When Haku had to step up he was there. The fastest to think and act out of all the Guardians his courage knows no limits. That being said Haku has two defects he is not proud of. Abandonment was at the top of his list. Sometimes suffering a short attention span it causes Haku to lose track of what is going on. This sometimes leads him to believe has been abandoned and left there with out a word. This is normally fixed by an apology. The longer her sits there the worse it gets. Haku also has his nasty habit of not knowing when to quit. It becomes hard when he tried to hard to make up for a joke, or when he continues them or even worse when he will not run from battle. The Guardians see him sometimes as a hindrance but they cannot deny Haku gets the job done regardless of who he is.
Mel and Princess Michiru were best friends and together over came any trouble either of them had. Mel often would perform medical treatment on Michiru. Over time He had gotten better and better. Leaving the medical stuff to Mel. Michiru and her mother gave Mel the name Medic. Loving this name he kept it forgetting his other name. Medic is very attentive and is often the balance of the group with a bit of every emotion flowing in him he is logical reasoning and rarely looses his cool in any situation. As time passed he began to swim and enjoy adventure across Neptune. Saving lives and fulfilling the Senshi duties and the princesses’ duties as well. There was bad things to come though as Michiru was ensnared one day by one of the monsters in the water. Freeing Michiru led him to be grabbed by this beast. This left Medic with a small fear embedded in to his memory when ever he would see a shadow in the water he would freeze up. He is even hesitant to swim in clear water making a big fear of water in general. This is not to say he won’t swim or stand over it but his body shakes and shivers at the thought that transpired that day. One thing he also has a fear of is Thunderstorms. Never shaking the fear of thunderstorms it is rare to see him out in one. The only exception is when Michiru was out and lost one day. He went out to find her his bravery over riding his fear. Medic fears these two the most some of the other ones are Insects of all sorts. One other thing he really does not like is being left alone. When nothing is there no sound can be herd his nerves get to him his rationality clouds and he is sent in to a stir-crazy moment where all rationality will leave his mind. Just a simple hand on the shoulder or a voice to a face cures this normally. Seeing some one and hearing them eases him from this pain.
Pluto is our last stop where. Princess Setsuna has the responsibility to keep time. Seto is trained to be a loyal servant and helps where he can. Most of the time Setsuna is doing her duties while Seto is out half the day helping around the kingdom. More often the not Seto is completely in agreement with Setsuna but this leaves her to believe he does not have a will of his own. Seto is loving and loyal and does work with out second thought. It was thought he had no fears to face. Carefree and go lucky is Seto's life to the point where even battle does not worry him. Seto and Setsuna have worked together on several points of business and this leaves him to be closer to her as a close friend. Setsuna thought the world of Seto although just a guardian he did his duties as if he had it all on his soldiers. Seto was with his own set of flaws. Seto hated small spaces, when he was closed in Seto panicked so much he would often pass out. A small joke played by Setsuna proved that really fast. Seto also has a horrible Achilles heel his right arm. In a mission he went on his arm was almost snapped in two by a very heavy object. After being healed it could never be restored to full usage. It could not take as much damage as the rest of his body and the pain would send him reeling to the floor. Due to this there is often tougher armor around the arm now to make up the difference. This weak point can still be exposed once the armor is busted through.
The 9 Guardians were happy and 10 years later Beryl returned. Here they where nine Princesses, nine Guardians, one Queen. Beryl sent a larger force towards the moon's surface. The princesses wanted to fight but in their effort Serenity had the Guardians send them to Earth to keep them safe. The guardians fought well and lent their power to Serenity. However, Serenity knew this was a loosing battle and sent the Guardians in to space to be summoned once the scouts needed them. They wait in space now waiting to be awakened. There Eternal slumber now used to preserve them, as they were when they were put in to the sleep. All the memories of the Guardians were erased from the memories of the scouts, as they would be to heart broken by the events. The Guardians will revive their memories of them to There Princesses once they saw them again.