sadam and startrek


Literotica Guru
Jun 3, 2001
sadam says to bush
ive seen startrek , there are whites blacks chinese vulcans klingons ferengi and even fucking irish
how come there are no muslims?
bush replies
because it is set in the future cunt !!!
Re: Ferengi

hogjack said:
Horny little bastards.

GIVE ME SOME OOOOMAX (sp?) You know, they ear-foreplay thing they do.............ah, fick you and the chicken you rode in on.
She's gonna blow!....

At the New York campus of Starfleet Academy, an instructor and a student are walking in the WTC memorial gardens.

*Student- "Sir, what happened here that makes this site so hallowed?"

*Instructor- "This is the site where Arabs terrorists flew planes into the two towers and killed over 3000 people."

*Student- "I understand sir, but I have just one question."

*Instructor- "Please, ask your question."

*Student- "What's an Arab?"

From what I can tell

The beds in Star Trek never look comfortable.

Where do the carnal activities take place?
Re: From what I can tell

hogjack said:
The beds in Star Trek never look comfortable.

Where do the carnal activities take place?

you dumbass. zero-G sex of course!!!!!!
android1966 said:
Dr Julian Bashir in DS9 is an Arab.

in ds 9 dr julian bashir is asian descent english from the indian subcontinent , his father is from london