Sad thing about war with Iraq...



is that rich archaeological sites of Babilon will be destroyed by not so smart bombs. That prick Saddam, not surprisingly built a lot of millitary stuff near many of important sites. (hanging garden of babilonia, for example)

Sad,sad, sad. That land had produced the first written records, agriculture, wheele, etc. Oh, yes. the tower of Babel, too.

Make me depressed, that does.

Were you equally DEPRESSED when the Taliban destroyed the Budhist statues that stood for over 2000 years?

Were you equally depressed when the Arabs destroyed Jewish Holy Sites?

Re: CV

busybody said:
Were you equally DEPRESSED when the Taliban destroyed the Budhist statues that stood for over 2000 years?
I contemprated suicide with a bomb strapped around my body. I was ready to travel to Afganistan.

Were you equally depressed when the Arabs destroyed Jewish Holy Sites?
Well, the Jews and the Arabs, they kinda deserve one another. Like a married couple...
