

The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
The powers that be in the US have decided that the most famous album cover of them all, the Beatles crossing Abbey Road in London, is to be airbrushed to delete all signs of Paul McCartney's cigarette.

Not content with just accepting history as something that happened, they now want to change it completely.

Is every movie, photograph, TV show etc going to be doctored in the same way?

Sometimes I wonder who employs these idiots...

ppman you and I agree on something! That is incredible, if it is true. I frequent a board that post every news story in the world. (So it seems)

And I haven't seen that posted. There is a large pro cigarette contingent on this board.
p_p_man said:
The powers that be in the US have decided that the most famous album cover of them all, the Beatles crossing Abbey Road in London, is to be airbrushed to delete all signs of Paul McCartney's cigarette.

Not content with just accepting history as something that happened, they now want to change it completely.

Is every movie, photograph, TV show etc going to be doctored in the same way?

Sometimes I wonder who employs these idiots...


I agree completely!! I wish we could airbrush these 'idiots' out of existence..:D
HeavyStick said:
Post a link.

What the fuck do you want a link for that small story for?

It ain't that important.

Check out the BBC News pages for yesterday...


There is the link

And this isnt the first time something like this is happening. The USPS released a stamp of artist Jackson Pollack, it was taken from a photograph and Pollock was never or rarely photographed without a cig. They chose to remove it from the photo because they felt it was a bad message to send to children....

I just have to say the only reason that I ever started smoking was because I owned a beatles album and saw pictures of Jackson Pollock.
Hello, ppman. I don't think I have ever met you or posted on a thread that you participate in, and I have heard much about you over the past year. It is a pleasure to meet you.

It is in poor taste to delete history. Let Paul smoke!

I like the old cartoons of my childhood. Violent, racist, sexist. Funny. I am in awe when I watch then as an adult that I watched them as a child.
p_p_man said:
But if you insist...

'Beatles Airbrushed'



TY, I hope they sue.

"The move was made without the permission of either McCartney or Apple Records, which owns the rights to the image."

If the image was offensive they should have pulled the poster from it's selection.
ksmybuttons said:
Hello, ppman. I don't think I have ever met you or posted on a thread that you participate in, and I have heard much about you over the past year. It is a pleasure to meet you.

It is in poor taste to delete history. Let Paul smoke!

I like the old cartoons of my childhood. Violent, racist, sexist. Funny. I am in awe when I watch then as an adult that I watched them as a child.

Nice to meet you as well... :)

The Politically Correct crowd have made the world a very bland and uninteresting place to live in...

Entertainment on TV has been dumbed down to the age of a 10-14 year old...

But what struck me about the Paul story is the pure idiocy of it. The changing of history to suit the sensibilities of a few freaks...
