...for 13 days in October of 1962, just the intent of the old communist Soviet Union basing nukes in Cuba brought the entire world to a gasping stop.
Today, not even a whimper...
From blocking the UN Security Council from acting in union against Assad, to backing Iran and Syria militarily, to leading the way in championing the UN's draconian takeover of the Internet...
...the Russian Federation and Communist China are on the same team.
And the real endgame simply becomes more clear...
Today, not even a whimper...
...it is worth mentioning Putin's statement at the G20 meeting in June. After the meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama, Putin made a sudden harsh statement to the press.
"In 2001 I, as the President of the Russian Federation and the supreme commander, deemed it advantageous to withdraw the radio-electronic center Lourdes from Cuba. In exchange for this, George Bush, the then U.S. president, has assured me that this decision would become the final confirmation that the Cold War was over and both of our states, getting rid of the relics of the Cold War, will start building a new relationship based on cooperation and transparency. In particular, Bush has convinced me that the U.S. missile defense system will never be deployed in Eastern Europe.
The Russian Federation has fulfilled all terms of the agreement. And even more. I shut down not only the Cuban Lourdes but also Kamran in Vietnam. I shut them down because I gave my word of honor. I, like a man, has kept my word. What have the Americans done? The Americans are not responsible for their own words. It is no secret that in recent years, the U.S. created a buffer zone around Russia, involving in this process not only the countries of Central Europe, but also the Baltic states, Ukraine and the Caucasus. The only response to this could be an asymmetric expansion of the Russian military presence abroad, particularly in Cuba. In Cuba, there are convenient bays for our reconnaissance and warships, a network of the so-called "jump airfields." With the full consent of the Cuban leadership, on May 11 of this year, our country has not only resumed work in the electronic center of Lourdes, but also placed the latest mobile strategic nuclear missiles "Oak" on the island. They did not want to do it the amicable way, now let them deal with this," Putin said.
From blocking the UN Security Council from acting in union against Assad, to backing Iran and Syria militarily, to leading the way in championing the UN's draconian takeover of the Internet...
...the Russian Federation and Communist China are on the same team.
And the real endgame simply becomes more clear...