Round Two - Domestic and Foreign Policy


Jun 23, 2008
ding! ding! ding!

It's almost tune in time. Personally, this is the debate i've been waiting for. 'The Leader of the Free World' Who will it be?
ding! ding! ding!

It's almost tune in time. Personally, this is the debate i've been waiting for. 'The Leader of the Free World' Who will it be?

neci's taint for the win.
live stream

i feel like smoking it up. who's with me?

anyways. i'm not impressed with Romney and his international presence, to say the least. i hope obama does better this round. fuck gary johnson.
The dude that asked the first question was in American Pie!
Let Detroit go bankrupt. Obama attacks more in the first b30 seconds than he did in the whole 1st debate.
very true. obama sounds much better tonight. he doesn't look tired.

i've got to listen here. there is a 5.1 plan i need to know!
controlling the energy we consume.

green and initially expensive short term or cheap and raping oil consumption? either way there are many jobs. there will always be jobs in energy. there will always be money in energy. the question is, who is going to get the money? big oil controls this shit. back in the '80's laughing at the crisis' with the checks rolling in. highest gas prices ever and highest profits. drilling on federal lands? who benefits? it's not the consumer.
coal country

tell me. i've only been there once or twice. how do the people really feel?
yes. the previous president was an oil man. please take note.


two completely different things. coal country needs a new industry. people need to invest there. people want to work, and they want to work hard. very hard. how do you get the jobs there?


canadian pipeline

two different things
Obama lands right hook on gas prices. Audience laughs.
child tax credit and that other cerdit.....

oh yeah! the education! i forgot about that.
no shit. people do. all the time. see big oil.

Even the IRS cannot comprehend the 72,000+ page tax code.

No politician wants to change that. They all want to add to it.
top 5% - 60 percent

95% - something like that. middle income. savings. fund. investment. no taxes. 200 less dicg. help you! i will not>>> borrowing = taxes. mc = 4000+ reduce burden less than 4000.

simple. middle. class. relief.
-4yrs cut taxes cut taxes families. small businesses. protection. spending cuts. 98/7% hostage. +250.000 bill clinton economics. fundamental disagreements. what grows an economy? believe history. what will work for strong middle class?

rates down. jobs. 54%business. women in poverty?

how does romney help women in poverty?