Round And Round She Goes...



I read half the ghetto noir and closed the book.

Its well written, the author is talented and know her subject. But its too depressing, beginning with the almost fatal beating of an underage runaway servicing the homies at their club, to multiple murders and crack addictions and AIDS etc. The leadership test for one management applicant is murdering his crack-head mom. Lotsa dead kids. The girls try to kill each other to be 'His bitch.' Too much. Too boring after a while.

Spent the evening dissecting sex scenes from popular stories. Its like judging cornbread at the county fair. There's little difference tween the contestants. Put them in a bag, shake it, dump it, and you really don't know Miss America from the old woman who lived in a shoe. Its like a Miss Nude beauty contest.

So! What now boss?

The sex must serve the story some way rather than be a gaudy stone in a cheap ring.
And Bob's your uncle.
That is the hood in a nutshell. Depressing, if you're not getting dead. Some choices.

As for the gaudy stone theory, try writing one of those with the feelings and emotions included. It ain't as easy as it looks.
That is the hood in a nutshell. Depressing, if you're not getting dead. Some choices.

As for the gaudy stone theory, try writing one of those with the feelings and emotions included. It ain't as easy as it looks.

I spent many years working in the ghetto, and the best analogy I have for it from a white perspective is sunning on the beach while the surf is filled with black swimmers and sharks. You can see whats happening but none of it affects you. And if youre black and in the water and appeal for help from the whites guys on the beach, about all you can expect from them are some used nose plugs.
Food for thoughts bought by food stamp.

Black ghetto comparisons are like saying the Nazis never killed any Russians.

But yeah.

/me gets it.
You went and made me do it!

I found an old personality book of mine that explores how personalities get on with each other, or don't. And it offers examples of how they interact sexually. So I'm gonna read it this week.
I don't blanket the ghetto by calling it all black, I don't think color is totally a problem as much as culture is.

But I see that same beach scene where the white guy on the beach yells to warn the swimmers in the shark waters, and receiving a "fuck you" for his efforts.

At least that's how it is around here. Some are trapped in the ghetto, then there's the others that do nothing to get out of it but complain and blame the world.

Having lived in what was considered a ghetto when I was young (a few actually) I fought to help myself and never have to live that way ever again. The first person you have to rely on is yourself. If you don't get off your ass and change yourself, nothing anyone does for you is going to amount to anything.

2¢ placed.

I just had an epiphany.

I have epiphanies about every day.

Ninety-nine percent of them pertain to gardening.

Thirty years ago I had epiphanies about logic. No one on planet Earth believes that Jim Johnson is logical but logic is one of my highest aptitudes. It and geometry, statistics, and visual-spatial modeling (that is, making images in my head). But the logic fools everyone.

Forty years ago I had epiphanies about engineering problems.

Anyway, lately I'm thinking about sex because almost all sex scenes get it wrong. If you watch as many amateur vids as I do it becomes plain that what we do and what we say we do aren't the same thing. The sex writing is bull shit. The best porn there ever was is when Olivia De Haviland is talking to Mammy and Scarlet and see's Ashley turn off the road to walk up the drive to Tara. The 1000 yard stare that only lovers and the dead experience. She goes apeshit and flees to him. Scarlet, on the other hand, is after another trophy, like plenty want another orgasm.

But the gut wrenching yearning makes your feet move and your eyes light up and your arms say, 'howdy!' It cant be contained.
Ever eaten a guava?

I grow guavas.

One tiny bit of guava will perfume your whole house. Theyre aromatic as hell. The strong aroma is how you know theyre ripe. That and the fruit kinda lays over on its stem when its ready to pick.

They kinda look like miniature pears. The rind is yellow-green, like a pear. The rind feels like a pear. It slices like a pear.

The taste reminds me of a very ripe pear mixed with a ripe strawberry.
I guess I oughta write up a story based on a case I had many years ago.

Three police departments were involved, and I was involved cuz the state got involved in child porn cases, too.

Anyway, the 3 police departments believed they had a master-mind child pornographer, and they grabbed him and his gear, and went over it carefully.

They never found any child porn but what they did find was even better. The wife of the chief vice dectective was making porn movies for the guy. SURPRISE SURPRISE.

Nothing to see here folks so just move along.

Will make a good LW story.
Hatched a Halloween story idea. But I gotta put the cart before the horse to keep the length under control. That is, write the Crisis first, then the Conflict, and finish with the Resolution. This is cuz several years elapse from the Conflict to the Crisis. A child vanishes and there is great excitement about it.

Finished plotting the 3rd installment of a new series. Its different from what I originally planned. But it opens things up for more episodes, and works out well psychologically. Readers will hate it but fuck them.
TROUBLE IS MY BUSINESS by Raymond Chandler came in the mail today.

Added DARK PASSAGE by David Goodis, and WHEN THE WHIPPORWILL by Marjorie Rawlings to my October book order. DARK PASSAGE was the idea for the old tv series THE FUGITIVE.

Several projects on the drawing board:

1.A horror story about a missing child.
2.A Loving Wives tale about a younger man and his girlfriends married mother.
3.And more installments of a series I'm submitting at this time.
Drat. Wrote a story today but its all wrong tho its okay enough. So I'm re-doing it.

Started reading THE THIRD GENERATION by Chester Himes.

Hatched an idea for a LW tale involving mom, junior, and pa.
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Hatched a LW plot after reading a thread at the GB. Oughta be worth 4.99 its THAT good.
Ordered some books by David Goodis.

Shut a few I was reading, theyre too lame. MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD AND EVIL is about to land on my shit list. 100 pages in shit has happened.
Hatched a Sci Fi idea. Its anuther android tale along the lines of A GIRL FOR ALL SEASONS. The android is male, tho, and has some novel features that make problems for a few people. The title is EDDIE TAYLOR CALL UR MOM. Eddie gets involved with a girl serial killer, and becomes her pimp.
Wrote a chunk of the sci-fi story, and its good enough for a series.

Starting with my next story I'm turning OFF the voting and anonymous comments. So youll hafta put it out there if you wanna ding me.
Wrote a chunk of the sci-fi story, and its good enough for a series.

Starting with my next story I'm turning OFF the voting and anonymous comments. So youll hafta put it out there if you wanna ding me.

I use that same tactic in real life :)