Rosylady's List of Things that are "Just not funny, everyone!"

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
Will eventually be said by Rosylady

1) Don't joke about violence (It's just not funny, people. Manners.)
2) Jokes about politics. (Not funny. Everyone should vote.)
3) Sex jokes. (Would you tell them to your mother?)
4) Scatalogical humor. (Farting? Gross!)
5) Anything PC says. (First of all, he never says "Just kidding!")

Is there any normal people here?
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So I can't tell that great joke PC told me about the guy whose asshole exploded while he was trying to fart quiet while fucking his mother in the voting booth?

Damn. That's a good one too.
Ha Ha Ha Ha. You think you are so funny. That is not funny in the very least. Good thing I don't care.
Hey that means I can joke about... um....

The World Tr- no...

Goats- no....

Will eventually be said by Rosylady

1) Don't joke about violence (It's just not funny, people. Manners.)
2) Jokes about politics. (Not funny. Everyone should vote.)
3) Sex jokes. (Would you tell them to your mother?)
4) Scatalogical humor. (Farting? Gross!)
5) Anything PC says. (First of all, he never says "Just kidding!")

Is there any normal people here?

1) Yes, it is.

2) Not everyone should vote. Convicted felons, for instance.

3) Yes, we always swap sex jokes. We're both grownups. Of course, we discuss positions and the sexual appetites of our spouses too.

4) Farting is hysterical. So is belching.

5) He doesn't have to say 'just kidding' we're smart enough to figure it out.

And no, no one here is normal.

(Grammar buddy says "ARE there any normal people here")
Why thank you a thread all for me. And too think your worried about my grammar.
Normally you have to be at the GB for weeks befor people start threads about you. She should feel honored.
rosylady said:
Why thank you a thread all for me. And too think your worried about my grammar.

Grammar Buddy says: "To" and "you're"

rosylady said:
Why thank you a thread all for me. And too think your worried about my grammar.

Grammar buddy says And "to" think your worried about my grammar.
rosylady said:
Why thank you a thread all for me. And too think your worried about my grammar.

Why thank you, a thread all for me. And to think you're worried about my grammar.

No no, don't thank me.

It's no sweat, really.
RawHumor said:
Maybe, but we're not talking about 3rd World Country Spelling today.


Well, she's Canadian so you need to adjust your spelling accordingly. :)
Freya2 said:
Well, she's Canadian so you need to adjust your spelling accordingly. :)

Can you tell me how it's spelled in Zimbabwe? I want to make sure I don't leave anyone out.
Considering the sway of the board right now.......shouldn't it be the Dixon Carter Lee MENSTRUAL show???
RawHumor said:
Normally you have to be at the GB for weeks befor people start threads about you. She should feel honored.

Sometimes we even start threads for people we like!
Angel said:
Sometimes we even start threads for people we like!

Most of those are sexual though.

What kind of board to you think this is?
RawHumor said:
Most of those are sexual though.

What kind of board to you think this is?

I think it's PHP, but I'm not sure.
