RooudyRuffKK, m4m4 l0n9, and I at my LAN party a few months ago


Really Experienced
Feb 7, 2003
:cool: :cool: :cool: :D


that me on the far right with the glasses, RooudyRuffKK is in the front (smiling), and m4m4 l0n9 is right next to me. :)
Wiggles said:
Is that a big red dildo bong on that PC?

Whose room has the big ghetto booty poster on the wall?

They are beautiful asses, aren't they?
Wiggles said:
Is that a big red dildo bong on that PC?

Whose room has the big ghetto booty poster on the wall?
It's actually at the house of a buddy of our's. He'll be posting here soon as Cicada. :D
foxinsox said:
I wanna know how come he's white in his av, but black in the pic up there.

It's magic, alright.
uh my ex bf is asian ... not white :eek:
foxinsox said:
No, what I really want is for you and your moronic friends to fuck off :)
but then ur boards would be dead at this time of nite/day or wutever time it is rite now ... we are keeping it moving :eek: