Roots Are Evil


roosevelt dime
Feb 20, 2002

Sure, in the grand scheme of things, they are a lesser evil, but...

OK, this thread is a sign that it's time for me to go to bed.

Night night.
tortoise said:

Sure, in the grand scheme of things, they are a lesser evil, but...

OK, this thread is a sign that it's time for me to go to bed.

Night night.

theres a simple solution to this.
Bleach Blonde Is An Expensive Color.

Not To Mention The Fact That It Never Looks Right.

Unless Yer A Real Blondie, Pick Red.

I Do Believe You Are Right About The Bedtime Idea!
But I used to be a real blonde! Sometime in my twenties it faded into a mousy color which will never see the light of day again. Feh.

Which reminds me that I need a touch up this weekend :D
Lie to me baby...

Let's pretend you're Brittany and I'm, I'm, well, let's pretend I'm the neighbor's dog REX :D !
Hi, I'm the newest Lit member

Rex weed...


Ok, I'll give it a try :)

(How to? I need direction. Are we supposed to keep flirting? Get a room? What!)
Heh heh, this is a funny thing to see on the boards tonight. I was working at the club tonight and this gal who is a major pain in my ass walks by and flips me off. So I look over at her and say.

"Hey Angie, love your hair hon."

She says. "Thanks, I just got it done."

"Well, it looks great, but tell me, how did you manage to die your roots black?" I inquire.

Funny, she flipped me off again.
naded said:
Heh heh, this is a funny thing to see on the boards tonight. I was working at the club tonight and this gal who is a major pain in my ass walks by and flips me off. So I look over at her and say.

"Hey Angie, love your hair hon."

She says. "Thanks, I just got it done."

"Well, it looks great, but tell me, how did you manage to die your roots black?" I inquire.

Funny, she flipped me off again.

That's cute! :D
naded said:
Heh heh, this is a funny thing to see on the boards tonight. I was working at the club tonight and this gal who is a major pain in my ass walks by and flips me off. So I look over at her and say.

"Hey Angie, love your hair hon."

She says. "Thanks, I just got it done."

"Well, it looks great, but tell me, how did you manage to die your roots black?" I inquire.

Funny, she flipped me off again.

That's my laugh for the morning. THANKS. (Nice to see you here again)

--Did you REALLY moon your mother????? tsk tsk tsk ... (well, oh the other hand it's not like it was something she hadn't seen before LMAO!)
tortoise said:
Sure, in the grand scheme of things, they are a lesser evil, but...OK, this thread is a sign that it's time for me to go to bed.
Night night.

<giggling>.....a parody thread i'm sure...but there is nothing as funny as a bleached blonde in between dyes.....evil....pure evil.....;)