Room & Board (A Closed Thread)


Really Really Experienced
Jul 10, 2012
Closed for HighRigger

Veronica knew since she was a child what she wanted to be when she grew up. Like other kids, she would proudly proclaim it to anyone that would listen, but unlike others, it never seemed to fade off into something else. Others would slowly lower their plans, going from I want to be an astronaut to I want to be a doctor, or in some cases, some that simply said I don't even know anymore. Those were the kids that left Veronica so sad. How could they give up on their dreams so quickly? She knew what she was going to do with her life, and had all intentions on following through. She had high beliefs that she was to be in movies, and was going to make it to California someday. "By the time I'm 25, I'll be in 6 movies," she proudly proclaimed one Career Day in Junior High.

College wasn't in her plan. Too many famous names confessed not needing those classes, that it was all purely talent and guts that got them where they were today, determination. Veronica had that. What she didn't have, though, was money. She hated to take those small jobs around town after graduation; a check out girl, a babysitter, even taking up paper routes on the weekend. It was one of those things she knew she could put into her Before I Was Famous anecdotes later on. It wasn't more than about 4 months before she raised what she felt was enough to get her going, about four thousand dollars, as well as the spare money she had been saving from her graduation gifts.

But there was still a problem. She had money, but to head out blindly was insane. She knew better than that. No place to live, no one to know. Perhaps some internet research was needed. Craigslist. Everyone used Craigslist. There had to be something helpful there.

A housing ad. Looking for attentive roommate in large home with many amenities. Rent negotiable based on how much help you're willing to provide around house. Good for student or what-have-you. The ad went on to list further details the available amenities, the nearest bus routes, and the like. All of it seemed so wonderful. Veronica was soon emailing for further information, and offered to paypal over a first month's rent out of her available money. Within the course of a week, it seemed she was now with a waiting place to stay. A bus ticket purchased, suitcases packed, and Veronica was soon ready to say goodbye to family and friends.

"You're really doing this?," Her father asked in surprise as he watched her drag the bags outside. "You really think you can handle this?"

"I can, daddy. You'll see. The man who owns the house sounds really nice from all we've exchanged. I think he's an older fellow, looking for someone to help him out. And it won't be long before I find that first role. Don't you worry. I bet you'll see my name in previews in just a few months."

The bus ride was long. Veronica slept for most of it, but her stomach was in knots. This was a giant step in her life, one that she had planned for over most of her life already. And here she was... going for it. She woke just in time to see the "Welcome to California" sign pass outside the bus window, Veronica smiling broadly at the sight. She was here. She was actually here. All those years of planning, dreaming, and hoping- finally coming true. She never once thought she could give up, but to actually see that sign- it made it all that much more real for her.

Once at the bus terminal, she took a cab to the address she was soon to call home, pulling her wheeled luggage up to the front door and ringing the doorbell.

Veronica Todd, Age 18
Thomas Kincaid sipped his coffee as he read the news in his table. Evening sunlight streamed in the large West-facing windows, brightening the natural solid-pine top of the dining set he set at. The mug he used was bright white, as were the walls of the kitchen and breakfast nook where he typically ate his meals. He glanced above the door, where a black and white analog clock boldly displayed the time: 7:25. His new boarder would be arriving shortly.

He had finalized the divorce with his wife three months ago. The house was too big for one person, he knew; his work in IT had paid off with the house he had always dreamt of; cathedral ceilings; hardwood floors; spacious, open-air rooms and lots of windows, with acreage of woods besides. Private, and beautiful. He knew it was stupid to buy Katherine's half; he should have sold it. But he couldn't bear to lose it.

But he couldn't really stand to be alone in it, either.

He had been thinking hard about a live-in housekeeper, and finally posted the ad last week. He had been excited about, then disappointed by, a long string of students he would never admit in his house for an afternoon, much less to live. Then he'd received the email from Veronica, a young woman moving to California, hoping to make it in "the business."

He had smiled at her excitement and her obvious niavete. Of the thousands of young men and women who traveled to California to make it big in show business, only a small percentage ever actually found success; the rest waited tables, worked at museums, or were handing out candy and kitsch at Disneyland. But she her emails suggested she was intelligent, and witty, and her references made it clear she was a hard worker and could be trusted.

Trusting his gut, he'd agreed to have put her up on a trial basis: after three months, if things were working out, they'd sign a year-long agreement. He had accepted her security deposit via PayPal (he loved the Internet!), and, this morning, she arrived to move in after what he imagined was a long day of travel.

The doorbell rang. Thomas placed his mug on the table, folded his newspaper carefully, and walked to the door. As he opened it, his eyes grew wide at the beautiful young woman standing in front of him, luggage in tow. She might just make it after all! he thought.

"Hello. You must be Veronica. Pleased to meet you." He stepped to the side, opening the door wide and waving for the attractive young women to enter. "Please, come inside and have a seat. You must be exhausted."

Thomas surprised himself by taking the opportunity to drink in Veronica's long red, curly red hair, narrow waist, and round backside as she walked past.

Thomas Kincaid
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Veronica smiled as the door opened, though was a touch surprised at the face that met her. This was Mister Kincaid? From his messages and such, she had believed she was corresponding with a man in his 60's! She quickly replaced the shocked look with a brighter smile, nodding as he guessed at who this knocking unknown was. "Good morning, Mister Kincaid. Nice to meet you. Veronica Todd, that's me!" She laughed a touch at that, taking his invitation to come inside. "Thank you. I've never been on a bus ride that long, that's for certain..." Her smile stayed with her words, peeking back at her new landlord and housemate.

"I take it the money made it over just fine, then?" She peeked around, shaking her head in awe. "This place is gorgeous, sir. The pictures simply didn't do it justice. It's so gorgeous in here. And the yard! You have palm trees! I've never even seen one of those before." She turned back around, her bags settled to the side as she smiled at him, extending a hand. "I should give you a proper hello. Thank you for letting me have the room, Mister Kincaid. I'll do my best to meet your expectations, and promise to start my job hunt as soon as possible. I do have some money available to me, but I would rather not drain the back up funds too fast. Besides, I certainly don't want to seem a lazy mooch!" She laughed with that, a little smirk lingering as she moved to settle into one of his living room chairs. "So much nicer than a bus seat," she breathed out with a content sigh, looking over to him once more.

"So. Mister Kincaid." Veronica sat forward a bit, cocking her head slightly at the man. "I know we've talked online a bit, but... Now that we're actually in the same room, anything you wanted to ask me about? Things you wondered on since I last talked to you? A two day trip from Kansas can leave a bit of time for new thoughts and questions..."

She paused again, another peek given to her new surroundings, a sudden jump given as she hastily reached into her purse. "Oh! Excuse me a moment. I promised my father. I need to give him a quick text. Let him know... That I made it. So paranoid, he really is." She glanced over at him, shaking her head. "Like he was afraid you were some crazy guy or something. So paranoid." Typing away quickly, she hit send, then slipped it back into her pocket. "Sorry about that. He would have been calling and texting and beeping and just driving me crazy!"