Romney to announce Paul Ryan will be the new VP


Literotica Guru
Jan 22, 2012
A true conservative, with a Paul Ryan VP choice, it will be very very difficult for Obama to avoid making the conversation about the economy, which is the one thing he wants to avoid like the plague.
A true conservative, with a Paul Ryan VP choice, it will be very very difficult for Obama to avoid making the conversation about the economy, which is the one thing he wants to avoid like the plague.

Paul who? Was he the guy with the wide stance in the washroom?
A true conservative, with a Paul Ryan VP choice, it will be very very difficult for Obama to avoid making the conversation about the economy, which is the one thing he wants to avoid like the plague.

Please dear God let this be true! This would be the easiest fucking thing to run against, as if this wasn't already a fairly certain victory.
Democrats are hoping for a Ryan announcement , he's definitely the most controversial pick.
Romney continues to be completely predictable, and completely out of touch.

This is like an early Christmas. Thanks, Mitt!
Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Paul Ryan. What, are they running for Pope?
A true conservative, with a Paul Ryan VP choice, it will be very very difficult for Obama to avoid making the conversation about the economy, which is the one thing he wants to avoid like the plague.

So Mitt is a conservative now, eh?
So Mitt is a conservative now, eh?

Ryan is a conservative.... (liberals must be taken by the hand in all things, entitlements to help them feed themselves, and explanations of intellecual information they can't process without assistance)
He's not Conservative, he's crazy. But please let him be the VP. Hell I'd almost say we should cancel a few of the Presidential Debates just so we can watch Biden vs Paul.
Ryan is a conservative.... (liberals must be taken by the hand in all things, entitlements to help them feed themselves, and explanations of intellecual information they can't process without assistance)

That's not what your original statement said, but whatever.

As for the Ryan pick, how do you know Mittens is not fucking around with the press? To know ahead of time is dumb.
Ryan is a conservative.... (liberals must be taken by the hand in all things, entitlements to help them feed themselves, and explanations of intellecual information they can't process without assistance)

Paul Ryan...

Voted for an unfunded Iraq war
Voted for an unfunded Afghan war
Voted for an unfunded Medicare Part D entitlement
Voted for the auto bailouts
Voted for bank bailouts/TARP
(Editor's Note: Paul Ryan will be Mitt Romney's pick for VP, according to multiple reports, including one by the Associated Press. Ryan, of course, is a man who needs no introduction. But if you're looking for a little refresher, this 2010 profile is a good place to start.)

In late January, President Obama dazzled political reporters when he addressed a gathering of House Republicans in Baltimore. The press marveled at Obama's intelligence, command of the facts, and ability to swat down GOP arguments effortlessly during the 90-minute exchange. But at one point, Obama took a question from Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, the Republicans' resident policy whiz, and clearly met his match.

In his State of the Union address just two days earlier, Obama had vowed to "freeze" non-security-related discretionary spending as part of a new White House campaign to create the appearance that the administration was doing something to address ballooning deficits. Unlike mandatory spending on entitlement programs, such as Medicare and Social Security, that grow without any explicit action by Congress, new discretionary spending must be passed by Congress and signed into law by the president.

"I serve as a ranking member of the budget committee, so I'm going to talk a little budget if you don't mind," Ryan said to Obama. "The spending bills that you've signed into law, the domestic discretionary spending has been increased by 84 percent. You now want to freeze spending at this elevated level beginning next year. This means that total spending in your budget would grow at 3/100ths of 1 percent less than otherwise. I would simply submit that we could do more and start now."

In his response, Obama said he wanted to "just push back a little bit on the underlying premise about us increasing spending by 84 percent." He insisted, "The fact of the matter is, is that most of the increases in this year's budget, this past year's budget, were not as a consequence of policies that we initiated but instead were built in as a consequence of the automatic stabilizers that kick in because of this enormous recession." (The term "automatic stabilizers" refers to government payments such as welfare and unemployment benefits that tend to increase during an economic downturn.)

But Ryan shot back by noting a basic flaw in Obama's analysis. "I would simply say that automatic stabilizer spending is mandatory spending," he explained. "The discretionary spending, the bills that Congress signs that you sign into law, that has increased 84 percent."

In a tacit acknowledgement that he had been bested, Obama replied, "We'll have a longer debate on the budget numbers, all right?" and then proceeded to the next question.
Favorite Paul Ryan fact: He wants to cut teh program that got him through college after his father died.

Education BAD.
A true conservative, with a Paul Ryan VP choice, it will be very very difficult for Obama to avoid making the conversation about the economy, which is the one thing he wants to avoid like the plague.

How is the economy going to be helped by cutting Social Security, Medicare, and taxes for the rich? :confused:

For several years polls have indicated that most Americans think that the main problem is unemployment, followed by the economy in general. There is broad popular support for raising taxes on the rich, and little support for cutting Social Security and Medicare.

Paul Ryan is on the wrong side of each of those issues.
Romney to announce Paul Ryan will be the new VP... A true conservative, with a Paul Ryan VP choice, it will be very very difficult for Obama to avoid making the conversation about the economy, which is the one thing he wants to avoid like the plague.

Nice thread, coach. The buffet's just yonder - still plenty of carbs and such - and between me and you, you're even more irrelevant after this gem of a thread. Uhhhh... That is all.
Ryan is a conservative.... (liberals must be taken by the hand in all things, entitlements to help them feed themselves, and explanations of intellecual information they can't process without assistance)

Entitlements are popular with the voters. Most Americans want the government to help them get through life. Whenever Republicans move beyond vague generalities about making the government live within its means, and so on and actually try to cut specific domestic spending programs they are reminded of this.
A true conservative, with a Paul Ryan VP choice, it will be very very difficult for Obama to avoid making the conversation about the economy, which is the one thing he wants to avoid like the plague.

I dig Paul Ryan, but I'm not sure the Ameri-can people like his enough to vote for him....
I dig Paul Ryan, but I'm not sure the Ameri-can people like his enough to vote for him....

Actually, Ryan is about the most refreshing thing in the current GOP. He's a turd in the punchbowl to most inter-party stalwarts. Kinda like what Simpson Bowles has been to the same set... 'Bout time some outside the beltway economic thought was brought stodgily into the structurally infected light.
The only thing that might have potentially made me consider thinking about possibly voting for Romney would have been Ron Paul as VP. My vote is going toward Gary Johnson.
Actually, Ryan is about the most refreshing thing in the current GOP. He's a turd in the punchbowl to most inter-party stalwarts. Kinda like what Simpson Bowles has been to the same set... 'Bout time some outside the beltway economic thought was brought stodgily into the structurally infected light.

all pretensions aside:


I like what Ryan makes people discuss.
