romney says the truth.


Literotica Guru
Aug 29, 2003
“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what,” he said, over sounds of waiters pouring drinks and clearing plates. “All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.”

“My job is is not to worry about those people,” he added. “I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”
If every one of the 47% of the peeps feeding at the taxpayers trough go to the polls, along with a few dead peeps, illegals, prisoners, homeless and a smattering of union bosses, Obama will win in a landslide.
If every one of the 47% of the peeps feeding at the taxpayers trough go to the polls, along with a few dead peeps, illegals, prisoners, homeless and a smattering of union bosses, .
Don't forget the just plain fictitious.
So Romney, if elected, would only be President over "his half" of the country? and just flat out not represent all of the people that are in poverty that he makes such a big deal about?

Romney is a fucking cunt.
Insulting voters, about half of the entire nation... That sounds like a good way to get votes?
If every one of the 47% of the peeps feeding at the taxpayers trough go to the polls, along with a few dead peeps, illegals, prisoners, homeless and a smattering of union bosses, Obama will win in a landslide.

For them, it is a matter of life and death.

This is an urgency the Republicans cannot provide now that the shock of the word trillion has worn off.
He didnt lie. He wont appeal to you no way, no how.

Yes he did lie. The fact is, Obama supporters cannot be accurately described as victims who rely on government handouts. Some rely on government handouts, probably about the same amount as Romney supporters who do the same.
He didnt lie. He wont appeal to you no way, no how.

He does not make cases, he just spouts truisms. Ignore him.

We are on an unsustainable path and the only thing the Democrats are focused on is winning the election, reversing Wisconsin and promising yet more even as we hit another record on disability...

And for all the food stamps, for all the extended unemployment benefits, for all the QEx, for the free contraception and mandated health care, the Democrat majority, 67% according to Gallup, think that the government is not doing enough. Now, add that to 15% of Republicans (and from personal observation on this board, even with Libertarians, if you poll them on the economy, you would be shocked at the number of them looking for more government control). who want more government and it is clear why we keep getting more government involvement in our lives.

A_J's corollary #16, “The New Age Liberal does not believe that the government should always grow larger in the future. He just wants a little more government now.”
Yes he did lie. The fact is, Obama supporters cannot be accurately described as victims who rely on government handouts. Some rely on government handouts, probably about the same amount as Romney supporters who do the same.

They are always presented as victims, the current, most popular, incarnation being the victims of that famous soldier, General Republican Philosophy and his aide de camp, George W. Bush.

Everyone is a victim and the favorite tactic of the Left is to present an unassailable victim and right now, we see that the victim is the label victim because not one of them got there by their own efforts, the system is unfair and everyone is playing by different rules and that must be the truth because it is what President Obama said yesterday in Ohio...
But . . .

how could one not vote for Comanchero brand?

We stole it from them. They stole it from someone else. The cycle continues.

Come, share . . . we'll get around to stealing from you later, because dyin' ain't much of a livin', Boy.
Insulting voters, about half of the entire nation... That sounds like a good way to get votes?

It must be because the Democrats accuse half of the nation of being racists.

Everyone who opposes any of President Obama's policies is pretty much a closet racist...

Remember, it was okay to call Romney an Outsourcer, a Felon and a Murderer.

They don't have to be true charges, because half of the country is guilty

~OF~ :drumroll:

... victimizing the other half.
But . . .

how could one not vote for Comanchero brand?

We stole it from them. They stole it from someone else. The cycle continues.

Come, share . . . we'll get around to stealing from you later, because dyin' ain't much of a livin', Boy.

Exactly. If I had not listened to that horned toad and oppressed those poor white pilgrims from KANSAS, then I would have ended up indigent without a piece of hard-rock candy to gaze though...

Nowadays though, the white man has snuck up on me, the women too, and I am relegated to the role of shooting the guy on the right.

Endeavor to Persevere they keep telling us...
They are always presented as victims, the current, most popular, incarnation being the victims of that famous soldier, General Republican Philosophy and his aide de camp, George W. Bush.

Everyone is a victim and the favorite tactic of the Left is to present an unassailable victim and right now, we see that the victim is the label victim because not one of them got there by their own efforts, the system is unfair and everyone is playing by different rules and that must be the truth because it is what President Obama said yesterday in Ohio...

Obama supporters are always presented as victims in the media you consume. Meanwhile the right portrays itself as horribly persecuted victims at every turn in order to justify its policy.

Right or wrong, this was a terrible move by Romney. You don't win elections by degrading half the electorate, even if they were unlikely to vote for you. All Romney is doing is making himself even less attractive to independents and left-leaners who are questioning Obama. He's not doing any favors for the GOP either since Obama voters also have a ballot full of other races they have to vote on. If the leader of the Republican party is going to call them a societal shitstain they're going to be less likely to vote for other Republicans.
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It must be because the Democrats accuse half of the nation of being racists.

Everyone who opposes any of President Obama's policies is pretty much a closet racist...

Remember, it was okay to call Romney an Outsourcer, a Felon and a Murderer.

They don't have to be true charges, because half of the country is guilty

~OF~ :drumroll:

... victimizing the other half.

Who said that? Can you name names and show how they're an accurate representation of the Democratic Party? Or are you taking a fringe nutjob and overgeneralizing again? I'm a solid Democrat - Do you think I believe that?

This is what I mean though when you portray yourself as a victim.
Exactly. If I had not listened to that horned toad and oppressed those poor white pilgrims from KANSAS, then I would have ended up indigent without a piece of hard-rock candy to gaze though...

Nowadays though, the white man has snuck up on me, the women too, and I am relegated to the role of shooting the guy on the right.

Endeavor to Persevere they keep telling us...

The trick is to hold the gun with the right hand while reaching for stimulus money with the left.

It's easier than going through their pockets when they're dead, and you can still kill them after you rob them.

Fuckin' Pilgrims . . . what right do they have to keep what they worked for? They didn't build it anyway.

Barry shows us the way. The horned toad is out of business, but I wouldn't toss that empty pint just yet.
If every one of the 47% of the peeps feeding at the taxpayers trough go to the polls, along with a few dead peeps, illegals, prisoners, homeless and a smattering of union bosses, Obama will win in a landslide.

A lot of them will be too lazy to vote. They're going to get their shit regardless of who wins.
So Romney, if elected, would only be President over "his half" of the country? and just flat out not represent all of the people that are in poverty that he makes such a big deal about?

Romney is a fucking cunt.

I love it when people invent shit.
Who said that? Can you name names and show how they're an accurate representation of the Democratic Party? Or are you taking a fringe nutjob and overgeneralizing again? I'm a solid Democrat - Do you think I believe that?

This is what I mean though when you portray yourself as a victim.

"How about just tracking down every single person who said drill baby drill and putting them all in prison. Why don’t we do that?"
Alan Grayson

“There will be more Arizona-like massacres unless the Obama-care Repeal Bill is defeated.”
Jane Harman (D) CA-36

“They [the Republicans] don’t like the truth so they summarily dismiss it. They say it’s a government takeover of healthcare. A big lie just like Goebbels. You say it enough and you repeat the lie, repeat the lie, repeat the lie until eventually people believe it. Like blood libel, that’s the same kind of thing. The Germans said enough about the Jews and people believed it, and you have the Holocaust. You tell a lie over and over again.”
Representative Steve Cohen (D) Tennessee

And I think Mike Pence said he's often – he wants to be concise, careful, and consistent. Well, that's somebody, who I will never mention again, who lived in a previous century who worked for bad people, that's what he did.
Representative Steve Cohen (D) Tennessee

“I always use the word extreme. That is what the caucus instructed me to use this week.”
Senator Chuck Schumer

"They've said it. Every Republican's voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they're proposing. Romney wants to let the-he said in the first 100 days, he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules. Unchain Wall Street! They gawn' put y'all back in chains."
Honest Joe Biden, a heartbeat away from the Presidency

“I used to think the left wing was the home of tolerance, open-mindedness, respect for all viewpoints…
But, now I’ve learned the truth the hard way.

Juan Williams

The big lesson for me [working at NPR] was the intolerance of so-called liberals. I say intolerance because I grew up as a black Democrat in Brooklyn, N.Y., and always thought it was the Archie Bunker Republicans who practiced intolerance. My experience at NPR revealed to me how rigid liberals can be when their orthodoxy is challenged. I was the devil for simply raising questions, offering a different viewpoint, not shutting my mouth about the excesses of liberalism — a bad guy, a traitor to the cause.
Juan Williams

Yes, I know you believe that which is why you are attacking Romney.

YOu want quotes on Republicans called racist: it's everywhere, just google, but note, not very much of that is reported on by the Democratic leaning press:

Report: House Democrats are trained to accuse Republicans of ... 11, 2012 – A training presentation to House Democrats this week included tips on ... She thinks the republicans use racial words to divide us and that it is ...
Senate Democrats Accuse GOP of Racism - White House Dossier Democrats Accuse GOP of Racism. by Keith Koffler on May 18, 2012, 6: 49 pm. Senate Democrats are accusing Republicans of racism, saying a ...
Democrats Accuse Republicans of Racism - YouTube

► 1:06► 1:06
Jul 16, 2007 - 1 min - Uploaded by lorplaid
Angela McGlowan, author of "Bamboozled" discusses the Democrat's accusations of racism of Republicans.
More videos for Democrats accuse Republican of Racism »
Fort Bend Democrats Accuse Republicans of Racism « Fort Bend ... 3, 2012 – “Texas Republicans – Guilty of Racism? So, when Republicans entered the 2011 Legislative Session and soon amassed a super majority in ...
The Democrat Party's Long and Shameful History of Bigotry and ... surprisingly, in all the lies and accusations of racism by the radical left wing, ... about the Republicans but also the Democrats who make these accusations ...

Maryland Democrat Governor Accuses Romney of Racism - Breitbart 27, 2012 – For this shill to assert that the Republicans are the party of exclusion is nefarious. ... Maryland Democrat Governor Accuses Romney of Racism ...
Democratic leader under fire for accusing Republicans of racism ... 22, 2010 – A House Democratic leader is drawing fire from Republicans for charging that some of President Obama's conservative critics in Tennessee are ...
Is the Romney-Ryan Welfare Attack Race-Baiting? - US News and ... › OpinionSep 4, 2012 – Democrats accuse Republicans of using race to convince voters the ... has carried racial connotations since Ronald Reagan's invocation of the ...

Fast and Furious:

House holds Holder in contempt over Fast and Furious; Democrats ... › News › Political Currents › Politics WiresJun 28, 2012 – Democrats called the charges an effort to embarrass the Obama ... Some accused the Republicans of racism for challenging Holder. “This is not ...
The trick is to hold the gun with the right hand while reaching for stimulus money with the left.

It's easier than going through their pockets when they're dead, and you can still kill them after you rob them.

Fuckin' Pilgrims . . . what right do they have to keep what they worked for? They didn't build it anyway.

Barry shows us the way. The horned toad is out of business, but I wouldn't toss that empty pint just yet.

The beauty being that this town was full of men needing to be killed and now the worms and buzzards will eat too...
Obama supporters are always presented as victims in the media you consume. Meanwhile the right portrays itself as horribly persecuted victims at every turn in order to justify its policy.

Right or wrong, this was a terrible move by Romney. You don't win elections by degrading half the electorate, even if they were unlikely to vote for you. All Romney is doing is making himself even less attractive to independents and left-leaners who are questioning Obama. He's not doing any favors for the GOP either since Obama voters also have a ballot full of other races they have to vote on. If the leader of the Republican party is going to call them a societal shitstain they're going to be less likely to vote for other Republicans.

Which media do I consume?

I doubt that it was "a terrible move" anymore than you think the Egyptian ally comment or the chains comment of the claims of "spontaneous uprisings," private sector doing fine, you didn't build that, and on and on and on were terrible comments; they were only things taken out of context.