Romney adviser brags about losing women, minorities to Obama


Literotica Guru
Jul 27, 2008
No, really, and it gets even dumber than that.

Mitt Romney can take some solace in his devastating loss on Nov. 6: at least he won the voters who really count.

That's the thesis anyway of top adviser Stuart Stevens, who penned an op-ed in the Washington Post on Wednesday arguing that by winning wealthier and whiter voters, Romney secured the moral victory over Obama.

Dude, that's pretty much the opposite of a moral victory.

"On Nov. 6, Mitt Romney carried the majority of every economic group except those with less than $50,000 a year in household income," Stevens wrote. "That means he carried the majority of middle-class voters. While John McCain lost white voters under 30 by 10 points, Romney won those voters by seven points, a 17-point shift."

According to Stevens, "The Republican Party has problems, but as we go forward, let's remember that any party that captures the majority of the middle class must be doing something right." As a result, "Republican ideals -- Mitt Romney -- carried the day."

No, Obama and Democratic ideals carried the day. What universe are you living in?!
Despite the media lies, Romney won white women and he won white youth 18-30.

That is a huge statement to social liberals that the GOP is NOT losing elections over "values issues." The electorate increasingly votes on ethnic and racial lines and that's a deep issue that American society needs to have a dialogue over, not the Republican party. That is what is troubling.

And, BTW, the advisor did not "brag" about any such thing as you claim. :rolleyes:
Who is Romney again?

The name rings a bell.

Probably another unemployed loser.
Despite the media lies, Romney won white women and he won white youth 18-30.

That is a huge statement to social liberals that the GOP is NOT losing elections over "values issues." The electorate increasingly votes on ethnic and racial lines and that's a deep issue that American society needs to have a dialogue over, not the Republican party. That is what is troubling.

And, BTW, the advisor did not "brag" about any such thing as you claim. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry it is troubling for you...says more about you than it does about anything else.

What is the median household income (you do know what median is right?)? It is somewhere between 45 and 50 K a year depending on where you get the info from. So, if Romney won "every other demographic", he still lost the largest demographic there is. You know the one...this includes the 47% he never went after in the first place. If you don't go after an entire distribution, then for fucks sake go after the largest. Morons.
46.2 Million Americans live below poverty. Instead of giving them something useful, like free health care...Republicans say give them nothing. Fuck yea...that would decimate their it big boys :D
46.2 Million Americans live below poverty. Instead of giving them something useful, like free health care...Republicans say give them nothing. Fuck yea...that would decimate their it big boys :D

No such thing as "free health care"....someone has to pay for it.
No such thing as "free health care"....someone has to pay for it.

Part of the taxes we pay...just like paying for our roads. Works in my state (which has the lowest health care costs of all 50 states). Republicans bitch about health care...but they are too fucking stupid to realize they are already paying for it. :rolleyes:
Part of the taxes we pay...just like paying for our roads. Works in my state (which has the lowest health care costs of all 50 states). Republicans bitch about health care...but they are too fucking stupid to realize they are already paying for it. :rolleyes:

It will be a tax (Roberts says so ...oh yea, Obama said it wasn't...:rolleyes: ).

Hmmm, and I think the check I write specifically for healthcare, every single month is how I pay for mine......just a little FYI.
It will be a tax (Roberts says so ...oh yea, Obama said it wasn't...:rolleyes: ).

Hmmm, and I think the check I write specifically for healthcare, every single month is how I pay for mine......just a little FYI.

You don't read well do you?
Whatever floats your cracker honey. I simply pointed out facts.


just a question....if we are already paying for this precious healthcare as you think we are, then why do we need more? Sounds like everyone should already have it if it is coming out of taxes.
It will be a tax (Roberts says so ...oh yea, Obama said it wasn't...:rolleyes: ).

Hmmm, and I think the check I write specifically for healthcare, every single month is how I pay for mine......just a little FYI.

july - I'm curious about what you do for a living.