Roll Call: Mature Women in Search of Mature Men

Just great, Can. Beanie. Cute name. Hope you are too. Had a big bout of snow last night, but thankfully it's melting already. I'm old enough to be 'mature' and still young enough, thankfully, to be able to do my own shovelling.
I'm just thrilled that here in MS we have very little shoveling to do.
this is one of the snowiest years we've had and the accumulation was abot 18 inches. LOL
My wife would probably argue against my being mature but my birth certificate says otherwise.
Helo from the White North:rose:

Still some white here but sure you have more. Temps predicted for the next week might get rid of a lot. Good thing because those white piles are looking rather dirty. I really want to garden this summer but thats going to be a few more months.
Technically speaking, is this for "state of mind" mature or chronologically mature? Not that I necessarily fit either, but I am curious.
Great answer. I like how you think, WardJan.

It's not the numbers, it's the attitude.

I was later than normal going into work out at the Physical Therapy clinic today. My therapist said I was late. I told him to suck it up. He likes having me around.
I definitely qualify for this thread. Nodding to the gents and waving to the ladies.
Vrey well thank you. Just getting a little sleepy. Do you play here often?