


I read that robots are poised to take-over the service industry; so whatcha plan to do ten years down the road when 3CPO kicks you to the curb?
Clearly, I'm a bigger geek than I thought because I can't let that one slide. Its C-3PO. :)
Unionized service-industry robots. Ahhh...the perfect storm: something without any shred of conscience, and whose programming can be altered almost instantaneously to no longer be beneficial.

But first, we need gun control.

What am I going to do? Like everybody else, live on food stamps and be thankful for my government provided gruel.

How 'bout you?
Unionized service-industry robots. Ahhh...the perfect storm: something without any shred of conscience, and whose programming can be altered almost instantaneously to no longer be beneficial.

But first, we need gun control.

What am I going to do? Like everybody else, live on food stamps and be thankful for my government provided gruel.

How 'bout you?

I have a garden and orchard and garage workshop. I'm harvesting blueberries this week. Oranges and lemons are ripening. And green beans are loaded with blossoms.

As soon as I learn how to fish the world can kiss my ass.
W E L L, I think... na forget it

...quick - a pointless post - move the thread :D
Emerson, how did you know I have that exact outfit hanging in my closet? :)
Unionized service-industry robots. Ahhh...the perfect storm: something without any shred of conscience, and whose programming can be altered almost instantaneously to no longer be beneficial.

But first, we need gun control.

What am I going to do? Like everybody else, live on food stamps and be thankful for my government provided gruel.

How 'bout you?

Robots need no unions, just the occasional repairs and programming.
If I were still in the manufacturing industry, I'd do what I did, get an education and change my profession.

What does gun control have to do with anything here? I am a gun control advocate but the comment here is just plain innaproprate.
Robots need no unions, just the occasional repairs and programming.
If I were still in the manufacturing industry, I'd do what I did, get an education and change my profession.

What does gun control have to do with anything here? I am a gun control advocate but the comment here is just plain innaproprate.

What will happen is what always happens: The peasants will revolt and hang the elites. We have yet to learn that we must bring along everyone to prosperity. Francis Bacon said it best, WEALTH IS A BURDEN YOU CANT LEAVE BEHIND OR CARRY FORWARD.