Rivers of blood


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Rivers of blood
about to flow
Millions of people
Just saying no . . .

War with Iraq: The unelected leading the misinformed on the ill-advised . . .

New poll today shows Bush would lose to an unknown, unnamed Democrat-- any Democrat . . . In the immortal words of dear ole dad, he's in "deep doo doo" . . .

It looks now like the new U.N. resolution the Bushies want is dead in the water, and will never pass the Security Council. If the U.S. attacks Iraq without another U.N. resolution authorizing the use of force, will it not then be the ultimate "rogue nation," which should be disarmed by the international community?

Saddam Hussein is going to such great lengths to try to preserve peace that he's even destroying his most long-range missiles (the Al Samoud 2), even though his nation is surrounded by a huge U.S. and U.K. military force and about to be attacked. Despite that, Bush and the warmongers are still hell-bent on aggression. It's obviously nothing Iraq does will avert an attack. In contrast, Saddam has gone the extra mile for peace. He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for 2003!
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In contrast, Saddam Hussein has gone the extra mile for peace. He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for 2003!
:p [/B]

Even as joke, this goes over the line...this coward has murdered hundreds of thousand of innocent people..that's nothing to joke about.

How do you reconcile "love to love and be loved" with supporting a war of aggression? Whatever you may think of Hussein, Iraq has never attacked us.
Re: Sufisaint

How do you reconcile "love to love and be loved" with supporting a war of aggression? Whatever you may think of Hussein, Iraq has never attacked us.

Because I see reality as it is...war is life..***** feeds on life..humans are no exception, that is "God's will" but as always in this world of opposites there is love, it is war's bitterness thats makes it so sweet. The sword that takes life protects life. Some of us on both sides of the great conflict see the greatest love in giving ourselves to save others , for me that means in battle if necesarry.., or if God being giving myself wholly to just loving, raising and protecting my daughter or other loved one.

Hussein has attacked innocents...I think there is no time to wait till he does it again...

It looks now like the new U.N. resolution the Bushies want is dead in the water, and will never pass the Security Council. If the U.S. attacks Iraq without another U.N. resolution authorizing the use of force, will it not then be the ultimate "rogue nation," which should be disarmed by the international community?


The U.S. can't be a rogue nation, because the U.N. Security Council would never pass such a resolution saying it is.
Peace is life

sufisaint said:
Because I see reality as it is...war is life..***** feeds on life..humans are no exception, that is "God's will" but as always in this world of opposites there is love, it is war's bitterness thats makes it so sweet. The sword that takes life protects life. Some of us on both sides of the great conflict see the greatest love in giving ourselves to save others , for me that means in battle if necesarry.., or if God being giving myself wholly to just loving, raising and protecting my daughter or other loved one.

Hussein has attacked innocents...I think there is no time to wait till he does it again...

I believe I see reality as it is, insofar as it is possible to do so, and I don't see this war as either justified or necessary. The U.S. has also attacked innocents on many occasions. Does that mean we should make war on ourselves too?

And why are the overwhelming majority of the world's people against the U.S. on this?
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Re: Peace is life


And why are the overwehelming majority of the world's people against the U.S. on this?

Uh, perhaps they are as ill informed as you.
Re: Re: Rivers of blood

Ham Murabi said:
The U.S. can't be a rogue nation, because the U.N. Security Council would never pass such a resolution saying it is.

Only because the U.S. gave itself veto power on the Security Council. If it were up to the General Assembly, the U.S. would have been decalred a rogue nation long ago.
Re: Re: Re: Rivers of blood

Only because the U.S. gave itself veto power on the Security Council. If it were up to the General Assembly, the U.S. would have been decalred a rogue nation long ago.

I don't doubt that for a minute, given some of the crackpot votes the UN has made over the years.
If the U.S. made decisions based on the concensus opinion of U.N. members, I don't think very many people would be happy with the results.
Re: Peace is life

I believe I see reality as it is, insofar as it is possible to do so, and I don't see this war as either justified or necessary. The U.S. has also attacked innocents on many occasions. Does that mean we should make war on ourselves too?

And why are the overwehelming majority of the world's people against the U.S. on this?

Absolutely...I consider myself a patriot first as far as politics, I believe in freedom, the second any American government, as a whole , tries to take that away it becomes my enemy, I probably believe in many things that Timothy Mcveigh belived in, but the moment he killed innocent children deliberately...he deserved death. I do not like the whole spread of materialistic/consumption mass culture that is being forced on the world..I understand the resistance to it, admire it, till you cowardly intentionally kill women and children for what ever cause..thats when you lose God's grace and become an enemy...

Well, that's nice, but you didn't address the points I raised. A lot of governments around the world have killed innocent people, including the U.S. Should we go to war against them all?

I believe the Iraqi people should overthrow Hussein. I don't believe the U.S. military should come in, murdering a lot of innocent people in the process, and oust him.

It just doesn't seem consistent with the spirit of Love.
Re: Sufi

Well, that's nice, but you didn't address the points I raised. A lot of governments around the world have killed innocent people, including the U.S. Should we go to war against them all?

I believe the Iraqi people should overthrow Hussein. I don't believe the U.S. military should come in, murdering a lot of innocent people in the process, and oust him.

It just doesn't seem consistent with the spirit of Love.

Yes, there is a constant war between the individual and government... Government is always a neccesary evil..but evil. If you believe, as i do and does George Bush, that you can save more lives by acting and that you are defending your own as well, than you have a duty too... Just do it right.
Re: Re: Sufi

sufisaint said:
Yes, there is a constant war between the individual and government... Government is always a neccesary evil..but evil. If you believe, as i do and does George Bush, that you can save more lives by acting and that you are defending your own as well, than you have a duty too... Just do it right.

Are you deliberately trying to misspell "necessary" as many different ways as possible? :D

Again, why do you think you will save more lives by going to war than will be lost? And how are we defending ourselves by attacking Iraq? That's what I (and a hell of a lot of other people!) don't see, especially since there's no proven connection between iraq and Sept. 11.

You seem to be basing your supoort of the war on blind faith. Personally, I don't believe in having blind faith in anything, not even "God" (whatever that is!). I definitely do not have faith in George W. Bush.
Re: Sufi


I believe the Iraqi people should overthrow Hussein. I don't believe the U.S. military should come in, murdering a lot of innocent people in the process, and oust him.

Overthrow how? Last time I checked, Iraq didn't have a second amendment.
If the Iraqi army folds and quickly as I think it will, most of the Iraqis who die in the conflict will do so at the hands of Saddam.

Sufisaint is worth having a conversation with. You're not.
Re: Re: Re: Sufi


You seem to be basing your supoort of the war on blind faith. Personally, I don't believe in having blind faith in anything, not even "God" (whatever that is!). I definitely do not have faith in George W. Bush.

Dude, the only thing you believe in is the impossible, the improbable, and the ridiculous.
Re: Re: Ham

miles said:
Ham, he really told you off, didn't he?

I'm crushed.
Why, it's almost as bad as the time 70/30 said I wasn't, uh, worthy enough to trade viewpoints with him. He lumped me into a group with three or four other posters, including A Desert Rose and, I believe, someone named Miles.
I just wish I was as smart as ppman.
Re: Re: Sufi

sufisaint said:
Yes, there is a constant war between the individual and government... Government is always a neccesary evil..but evil. If you believe, as i do and does George Bush, that you can save more lives by acting and that you are defending your own as well, than you have a duty too... Just do it right.

Hi Sufisaint . . . your posts to this thread seem to be a little juxtaposed . . . are you saying

"Go to war to create peace"

OR is it

"Go to war to prevent death and destruction"

OR is it

"Go to war to wreak vengance upon a regime that the U$ put in place and supplied with biological and chemical weapons to kill the dissidents under the regime"

OR is it

"Go to war to take the undevleoped oil reserves and secure the U$ oil supply for about 40 years"?

I am just a little confused by your statements . . . :)
Hi, Don!

I'm confused as to what sufisaint's rationale for war is, too. But then I've never heard anyone make a persuasive case for this war, especially now that inspections seem to be working, Iraq is destroying missiles, and Hans Blix wants several more months.
Saddam Hussein is going to such great lengths to try to preserve peace that he's even destroying his most long-range missiles (the Al Samoud 2), even though his nation is surrounded by a huge U.S. and U.K. military force and about to be attacked. Despite that, Bush and the warmongers are still hell-bent on aggression. It's obviously nothing Iraq does will avert an attack. In contrast, Saddam has gone the extra mile for peace. He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for 2003!
He's going to great lengths to save his own ass. Hussein is not a peaceful person.

He's playing the UN like a fiddle. You're just bending over and letting him.

Re: Hi, Don!

I'm confused as to what sufisaint's rationale for war is, too. But then I've never heard anyone make a persuasive case for this war, especially now that inspections seem to be working, Iraq is destroying missiles, and Hans Blix wants several more months.

How in hell can anyone believe that saddam is destroying anything for any reason other than to buy time to hide the things he wont let the inspectors see ??
Re: Re: Rivers of blood

teddybear4play said:
He's going to great lengths to save his own ass. Hussein is not a peaceful person.

He's playing the UN like a fiddle. You're just bending over and letting him.


There's a vision:

RED an Don bent over awaiting the Al Samoud "3" of Hussein...

Now I can go to work with the knowledge that RED and Don are doing their part for "world piece"...:nana: Because I must serve my masters you know....
Re: Re: Sufisaint

sufisaint said:
Hussein has attacked innocents...

With more fire power than was used in the whole of the Gulf War about to rain down on Baghdad in the first 24-48 hours, it's a sure bet that America will be attacking and killing innocents as well...

But I suppose that's alright...you have God on your side...

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