Rivals from the Start (Closed)


Literotica Guru
May 10, 2014
Josh Henderson was a man on the move. At 35 and divorced without children, he wasn't exactly "young" but certainly no where near middle-aged. Being a businessman ran deep in Josh's family. His grandfather started a local construction business that his father expanded into a sizeable, state-wide outfit that built both residential and commercial structures. Grandad graduated high school. Dad earned a degree in business from a small, regional college. By the time Josh was college-age, his family could afford to support his earning an undergraduate degree in economics and an MBA in finance, both from prestigious universities. Continuing the family tradition of being self-employed, Josh now provided investment counseling to the very wealthy. Unlike his grandad and dad, no dirt got under Josh's fingernails.

But, it wasn't enough and Josh was bored. For one thing, he enjoyed the competition of high school sports and the competitive ethos of college and graduate school. To scratch that itch, four years ago he became active in politics working for the local Democrat party as a fund-raiser and member of various party committees, rising to be the chairman of one of them. Now, it was time to push ahead for an elected office position.

Josh had fantasies, oh yes! At 35 he was legally eligible to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives or even the Senate. But, he knew that he couldn't start at those levels. He needed to work his way up. And, as luck would have it, there was an opportunity. The long-standing incumbent, Daniel Miller, in Josh's legislative district for the state House of Delegates was retiring and there was no, clearly obvious successor. Josh would have to run in the primary election to be his party's nominee for delegate.

The field was almost, but not quite, clear. Potentially standing in his path was Rose, another up-and-coming member of the local party. Josh and Rose and worked on a committee together and he knew that she was competent. But, he didn't like her much at all. There were a few minor things that set him off about Rose. First, they had some small differences on policy; not huge but enough to cause tension between them. And, second, he sensed that she might play the "woman card" in going for the nomination. But larger than these issues was that Rose, in attitude and manner, was distinctly "up from working class". For reasons that Josh, himself, could not quite understand, this just made his hair stand on edge. Fuck! He really didn't want a head-to-head contest with Rose. But, if it came to that, Josh decided, he'd fight with her tooth and claw until he triumphed.
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Rose was born into the working class family of Bill, a lorry driver and Sue, a school dinner lady. With two brothers also to be fed, life for Rose Hepworth was tough in her early years. There was a family bond and her mother toiled but the family remained short of funds throughout her school life. It was a robust, hard childhood for Rose whose father was a dominant individual with few social graces and a belief that a woman’s place was in the home.

Whilst Rose did not rebel against her father she saw the limitation of his thought and felt that the cause of the woman needed to be championed and that it was wrong to pigeon hole simply by version of sex.

Rose helped her mother whenever she could but found the, at times, challenging atmosphere in the house something she wanted to move on from without creating huge waves. She found a nice quiet in Mike who respected her for what she was and just got on with things. He became a house husband for their two children for a while as Rose pursued her career before returning to his social work.. She was an intelligent lady with a cause and worked in the law, charging modest fees to those who could afford to pay but often representing those who were disadvantaged, disabled, abused and put upon. She had a small office and a couple of assistants and would never be rich. All were ladies, she was very much a feminist. To her big business was rather the opposition and should share its profits more with the workforce who earned them rather than shareholders who had enough anyway.

There was ambition in Rose, to take her views and causes to the very highest level that she could. She had nothing against Josh personally, in fact he was rather good looking but it was where he came from and what he stood for that rather grated with her. How could she get to like a person like that? She knew that she had to fight against him if she was to achieve her goal, she could not afford to ease off and actually like him.
Political involvement and affiliation came to Josh slowly. Both of his parents and his grandfather had been what Josh liked to think of as "business Republicans", not active politically and frequently voting for a Democrat if that candidate was more appealing. Attendance at his prestigious East Coast university for his undergraduate degree softened what little loyalty he ever had to the Republican party. When he registered to vote at age 21, he registered as an independent. Earning his MBA at yet another prestigious East Coast school turned him into a Democrat. He voted for Obama as president twice.

But, Josh was not entirely comfortable in the Democrat party either, as it continued to move left. Similar to his view of his parents' identities, he thought of himself as a "business Democrat". He admired people like Jeff Bezos, who started Amazon, Howard Schultz, the creator of Starbucks and, of course Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. These were all remarkably successful entrepreneurs, Democrats, center-left. Josh didn't care at all whether someone was gay. He supported gay marriage, even serving as one of the two "best men" at a gay male wedding. Trans? - well, he was still working on that, but had no interest in campaigning against that movement. A 35, he hoped to see the end of racial distinctions in the U.S. by the end of his lifetime.

Josh just wanted the government to stand aside and let entrepreneurs, like himself, do their thing. Fewer regulations on business, more focus on economic development. But, this "almost socialist" emphasis in the Democrat party drove him nuts, along with the emphasis on "economic justice". People could elevate themselves through hard work, just as his grandfather and father had done. Though he wasn't entirely sure, he strongly suspected that Rose was one of the "economic justice" types. He could, he thought, sense that as something like a continued identity with the working class, rather than embracing the idea of the "opportunity society".

The deadline for formally filing to be included as a candidate as the Democratic party nominee for Daniel Miller's State House of Delegates' seat was fast approaching. He had confided only in his closest friends about his ambition. There were, yet, no other announced candidates. He could be comfortable, he decided, running against any of the party regulars who might want to be nominated, except for Rose Hepworth. God, he hoped that Rose wouldn't run. His bias and has anger toward her would mean that a campaign in which she was also running would be ugly.
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Rose had given herself the weekend to think about it and come to a decision. She could not deny that the Democratic Party nomination would be excellent publicity for her causes but she knew that politics was dirty and that she should expect at least that Josh Henderson to run. She was pretty sure he would likely be the warm favourite and had backers in high places. Just how could she compete with that? But if she was not to run what else could she do? Well there was the opportunity of writing a book to explain to a wider audience how things really were and what needed to be done and why. She had carefully considered this and also of course there was the option of just continuing as she was, after all she was not doing a bad job at all. However she had a feeling that she was now at a crossroads in her life and this was the time to put her hat in the ring and move forward.

Well into Saturday evening over some wine she discussed the situation with her husband. He was run off his feet as a social worker, budgets had been cut and staff had left, meaning that more was put on the shoulders of those that remained. The local centre had been shut for lack of funds. It was a mess, it was a nightmare. Mike worked so many more hours than his contracted time and what for? Just to keep his head above water was the answer.

Rose was quite clear, money and profits were going far far too much to the shareholders and senior managers in business whose salaries had risen to the sky. Far far too little reached the workforce who toiled and even then were reliant on foodbanks. The benefits given to those out of work and in need were an insult, a disgrace. Absolutely there needed to be some redistribution of wealth down and more influence to the workforce, the everyday man who went about his work and then went home to recover for the next day. It would take time, she knew that but if she got the nomination she intended to be the one to pursue the cause of the common man. She would not take bribes or sweeteners. She would be an honest politician working for the general good.

It was with Mike’s arm around her and clutching her bosom that she went to sleep on Saturday night. He was a good man and when she roused in the morning to find him looking to adjust her body she was fully compliant. It was only usually on Sundays, the one day a week that sex happened. There was not the passion of old, that had long disappeared but more his physical need to thrust deep into her body and release the sperm that had built up of the preceding week. She smiled weakly as she sought to rouse herself as he lifted her legs and put them on his shoulders. At first she closed her eyes to relax and then she opened them to look at his face as his penis moved in and out of the vagina that she had willingly given him. She felt him and moaned and sighed just a little before the deed was done and they were lying side by side, his cum oozing out onto her thighs. It had only taken 5 or 10 minutes at the most. They smiled and caressed each other happy with their connection. Rose knew they should fuck more, make love even and rediscover their lust but there was so much else going on, so many other challenges that it got put aside.

Once breakfast was over and Rose sat down to read the Sunday paper she knew what needed to be done. She sent a text to Josh Henderson. It read ‘I think we should meet regarding the Democratic nomination. Do you have time Monday pl? x’ Rose was going to try and work with him and perhaps even if she could not get the nomination she could persuade him towards some of her ideas, to at least consider them on a local level. There was so much that could be done in the neighbourhood with the necessary drive and determination, it just needed money. There was enough there, it just needed to be in the right place.
Sunday night, Josh sat alone in his apartment. Usually by this time of the week he was feeling quite relaxed, ready to start the new work week. But, tonight he was tense. Though he was exhilarated by the prospect of running as a candidate in the Democratic party primary contest for the state House of Delegates, he was also feeling anxious. Running for elective office, even in the primary contest, required a lot of work and energy. Most importantly, though, if there was another challenger the race would be tough. Especially, if that challenger was Rose Hepworth.

There was, Josh realized, another and unrelated contributor to his tension. He hadn't been dating anyone for a full year and a half. Sex was only a very occasional event. Well, except for solo trips, but that wasn't the same. A good, hard fuck always reduced Josh's tension a lot. Unlike Xanax, sex didn't require a doctor's prescription - and it was a lot more fun. As his mind rolled over his recent thoughts, he remembered that when he had come back from the store, he had seen Eva's car in the apartment parking lot.

Eva - interesting story. She was Josh's junior by almost 10 years, yet at only 26 she was already an established, international businesswoman. Despite her youth and her really hot body, there was no "steady" boyfriend in her life. Her work required her to travel internationally several times each month. Given that, her life had no time for a committed relationship.

She lived three floors lower than Josh. They met, initially, in the stairewell one day when the elevators were temporarily not working. In walking the five floors to the lobby, they flirted openly. Josh invited her for coffee, Eva accepted. Over coffee, she accepted his invitation for a nice dinner later that very evening. It was clear to both of them that they were equally hot for each other. Upon returning to their apartment building and entering the elevator, Eva pushed the button for her 5th floor, turned and smiled at Josh and covered the button for his 8th floor apartment with her hand. They didn't even make it to her bedroom; her couch and floor was all they needed. Josh and Eva had had only three other encounters over a six month period, two similar dates and one just sex in her apartment.

Josh grabbed his phone and punched in Eva's number; she answered quickly and warmly. "Just saw your car in our lot; you've been away a lot. Welcome back, he said." She replied with an upbeat tone, "Thanks for calling. Long time, no see. I was thinking about you just this morning as I flew back from Madrid." It was already 8:15 pm, Josh had eaten dinner, presumably Eva had done so also. And, she had just arrive back from a long trip; she was likely not up for a night out. Still, though. Josh quickly weighed his options. Bold was the only way to get what he so needed. "So, Eva", Josh offered, "you're probably tired out from your trip but how about letting me welcome you back with a glass of wine? I can uncork a very good Chablis; I know that's one of your favorites. Eva didn't hesitate, "Great! I'll at your door in 15."

Like the time that they had had date-less sex, Eva made no attempt to pretend that she didn't understand Josh's intent. She arrived on time dressed in sweatpants, bedroom slippers, and a tight pullover that outlined her breasts and their already partially stiff nipples. Josh had similarly dressed in sweats, a T-shirt and warm socks. The two locked gazes instantly and held them for close to a half-minuted. Breaking the gaze, Eva grinned and cooed warmly, "I think we should at least drink a glass of wine that you offered."

They sat on Josh's couch, their bodies pressed close together as they drank their wine. Their wine-drinking was less like sipping and more like gulping. Still, they had time for some social chatter. Eva and Josh, notwithstanding their no-intimate-relationship sex, actually did like each other. But, in no more than a few minutes, empty wine glasses were on the side tables as they looked longingly in each other's eyes.

Eva struck first, wrapping her arm around Josh's neck and pulling them into a passionate kiss. They were practiced lovers, they knew what each other liked, including that "fast and hard" was their preferred tempo. Their tongues teased each other only briefly before thrusting deep into each others mouths, foreshadowing what would soon be true for the rest of their bodies.

Josh responded in kind; only seconds after the start of their kissing, he was massaging Eva's left breast, paying special attention to rubbing her nipple. Gasping, Eva broke their kiss only momentarily as she used both hands to pull Josh's T-shirt over his head. Returning to their passionate kissing, she grabbed the bulge in his sweats and squeezed hard. Groaning at her touch, Josh pulled Eva's pullover over her head, exposing her breasts and nipples to his fondling.

They both knew, without saying it, that they were not going to stop even long enough to move to the bedroom. They rolled off onto Josh's soft carpeted floor, shedding their sweat pants as they did. Neither of them knew, but both suspected, that the other wasn't wearing underwear; their suspicions were confirmed. Eva used her finger to catch some of the juice that was already flowing from her vagina, smeared it on Josh's cock and began to stroke him hard. Groaning now loudly, Josh was not to be outdone, jamming two fingers into Eva's pussy while rubbing her clit with the palm of his hand.

There was now no silence in Josh's apartment. Moans and grunts filled the air loud enough to be heard in the outside hall. Neither of them gave a fuck about that. Indeed, fucking was the only thing on their minds. Josh mounted Eva, sliding his now rock-hard, slimy cock into her. Once all the way in, he grabbed her hips with his hand and panted, "I'll fuck you just as hard and fast as you fuck me." Though Josh was quick to slam his mouth on hers, before he could do so, Eva wrapped her legs around him and thrust her pelvis up to him with all of her strength.

As before, this didn't take long. Eva and Josh fucked each other like two hungry animals. After a few lunges they each exploded in orgasmic ecstasy and collapsed in a heap on the floor. And...like all the other times, that was it. No intimacy, barely any cool down. Eva cleaned herself up in Josh's bathroom, quickly redressed, kissed Josh lightly and said, while showing herself out, "Thanks. That's just what I needed. Let's do this again sometime.

Josh hardly had time to say "good bye" before Eva was gone. No matter, though. In addition to the obvious joy of hot sex, he was now feeling more relaxed. Washing himself up, he redressed, sat back on his couch and picked up his cellphone. There was text. Rose! "I think we should meet regarding the Democratic nomination. Do you have time Monday pl? x". Fuck! Josh's tension returned at twice the level that he had had before his fuck match with Eva. He knew, though, that he couldn't avoid this. His fingers shaking, Josh replied "Sure. How about tomorrow at 10:00 at the Starbucks on 33rd and Wilson St.?"
With two teenage children about the house life was never quiet for Rose but on Sundays in the late afternoon they routinely sat down for a Sunday roast. Today was no different. Mike had got on with some DIY during the day and Rose and her two children had gone for a nice walk around the park. Rose had tried to relax but she was on tenterhooks awaiting a response from Josh which never came.

"Relax, he's only playing a game with you", they all told her. "Of course he will meet but he's just trying to aggravate you and gain the upper hand. Stay calm, it's only a meeting, you're better than him, just believe it mum"

The words of her family were very welcome and helpful but still, Rose was not calm and she was on edge. She knew she would have to improve, she could not go on this. She would have to find a way. Perhaps this was telling her something. Aggression and confrontation would only bring more tension and issues, maybe even make her ill or at least affect her work. She could not want that, her professionalism taking a hit due to politics.

Mike opened a bottle of wine and they all had a glass and became a little friendlier and chattier. Both Matt and John were now well in their teenage years and shortly to leave them behind. They loved sports and had nice circles of friends. The said they had no girlfriends but it didn't seem that way to Rose, perhaps friends came with benefits in the modern world, it was certainly different in her day with her parents. Rose always tried to be there for them. Of course her sons and their friends were really young man and young ladies and it was fun for Rose to fantasise about them. She was sure that all mothers did in some way and she was no different. She kept that to herself though and used such thoughts to enrich her rather stagnant sex life. She needed it and expected that her desires would soon pass. She had been saying that for a few years now though. She loved her masturbation and particularly in the most unusual of places. At times her hand seemed to be drawn up her skirt and inside her panties to feel the moistening of her hairy sex as she closed her eyes and relaxed. It did her good, she knew she got too uptight from the pressures of everyday living.

Rose would try hard with Josh. She would try her best and remain polite, respectful and professional and not rise to any bait that he would thrown her way. She would stay on course. Come the evening though she had more or less given up on him when she received the text.

"It's Starbucks" she shouted out. "He wants us to meet in Starbucks tomorrow"

Of course Rose got the usual "told you so, knew he would!" She took little notice though, her mind was thinking to the meeting and beyond. Just what was she going to wear.

That night in bed Rose massaged Mike's muscles which ached from his DIY. He then drifted off to sleep. Of course there had been no sex and Rose lay awake for a little bit, daunted and a little excited by what lay ahead. She saw tomorrow as the beginning of a new chapter in her life, she just hoped that it would make for good reading. Her hand moved between her thighs and she teased herself gently before she moved onto her front to finish. Sleep soon came after.
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Josh hadn't had much time to talk to many of his politically-connected buddies in between his email to Rose and their appointed time to meet. But, he had time to chat on the phone with Brian, who had been a consultant to a few local politicians in the local Democratic party. After Josh gave him the details of the situation, Brian gave him some quick advice. "Look", he said, "Rose reached out to you. Let her lead. If it seems like she is on the fence about whether to run, tell her that you are likely to run and that, if you do and you win, you will take her views, as well as others into consideration when voting in the legislature or advocating policy positions. Try to reduce any fears that she might have about you pushing too hard away from positions that she has. Of course, you don't actually have to do this if you get elected but you should say that you are going to."

Before Josh could reply, Brian continued, "But...if it's clear that she is going to run, then tell her that you intend to do so also. Don't be too confrontational but do project a position of strength. You want to scare her just enough that she might change her mind about running."

Josh listened carefully to Brian's advice. He wasn't sure that he entirely agreed but he realized that in order to beat Rose Hepworth, if she ran, was to run a fairly ballsy campaign; Rose was no meek competitor.

Almost every aspect of this meeting potentially was critical, Josh realized, including symbols of power. He decided to arrive two to three minutes after their 10:00 am appointment time. Arriving just slightly late, he theorized, would show a lack of anxiousness on his part and that he wasn't afraid to let Rose wait just a couple of minutes.

Arriving as Starbucks at 10:03, Josh immediately spotted Rose already sitting at a two-person table. He stopped by her table very briefly, extended his hand while sporting an artificial smile, and told her that he would join her as soon as he could get a cup of coffee. Having quickly gotten his latte, Josh took a seat across from Rose, took a slow sip and said, "So, Rose, you said that you wanted to meet to discuss the Democratic nomination from our district for the State House of Delegates. What's on your mind?"
Rose didn't really need much preparation for today's meeting. She simply wanted to touch base with Josh and look to establish some ground rules. After all they were in the same party, for the same overall cause and it would likely do neither of them any good if this were to become a mud slinging fight between them both. She didn't have too many fears of Josh in that regard but more of his supporters looking to gain an advantage for their man perhaps more by enthusiasm than any evil intent. She knew it was best to nip anything like that in the bud, before it even started.

Rose was drinking a mocha, she liked her chocolate as was evidenced by her figure. There were curves a plenty on her figure which she usually covered with modest everyday outfits from the High Street chain stores. She was not a lady for glamour.

'Thanks for coming Josh, I know you are a busy man but I wanted to let you know that I am very interested..... in fact yes I am going for the nomination. I feel to be true to my beliefs I have to put myself forward. At this stage I want to say if you do win you will have my full support. For that I am asking though that we have a fair fight, if it is to be that and not one of mudslinging and upset. I don't want that for either of us.'

'Maybe in fact we should have a bit more contact to try and smooth out any problems, rather than let them fester. I know you seem to have had some concerns about me in the past. Maybe we can perhaps deal with those and be a powerful unit together going forward in the future'

'Now how does that all sound Josh, what do you have for me?'