Rich Girl Shoplifter is taught a lesson (SalesGirlAnna & DarelHute)


Literotica Guru
Jul 30, 2007
Annabelle Morris
Age: 26
Height: 5' 6"
Hair: Long Red
Eyes: Brown
Body Type: 115 lbs. 36D 26 34. Long legs. Has the body one gets from using a personal trainer and being raised to obsess about her weight and looks.

Annabelle Morris was a spoiled brat. She graduated college and moved right into middle management at her daddy's company. Life was easy. She always got what she wanted. And she was bored. She had discovered the thrills of shoplifting.

She went into the upscale store--not too upscale, their security was too good. But it had to be someplace that actually had clothes worth wearing.

She looked through the racks for things she could wear out clubbing. She found three outfits and went into the dressing room. She didn't waste much time, no salespeople were around. She carefully rolled up two of the dresses and put them in her over-sized Louis Vutton purse. She casually walked out of the dressing room and put the outfit she didn't want back on the rack. Then she looked at her watch and casually strolled out of the store. She thought about doing more shopping, but she really didn't want anything else. She only shoplifted things she wanted. Her heart pounded. It always gave her a rush.

Annabelle headed toward the exit glancing in a few store windows as she walked by taking in her reflection. She was wearing her hair up and had on a short skirt that showed off her legs. So far so good.
Name: Richard Halls
Age: 34
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Body type: Athletic

Richard was the proud owner of a very successful women's clothes store. He had inherited it from his father just before it almost went bust. He spent a lot of time in marketing and advertising to reinvent the brand and launch it again. It was working well. He recently installed a new security system with very discreet cameras.

"What the hell?" he exclaimed as his eye was caught by a young woman entering the dressing room with three dresses and exiting with only one.

He zoomed in and got a closer look as she was leaving the store. He quickly uploaded a screen-shot on his phone and stormed out the office to go looking for her. He spotted her a few yards away, looking through a store window. He walked up to her.

"Excuse me, miss! Would you mind coming with me? There's something I need to show you!" he said and showed her the screen-shot on his phone.
Annabelle was sure she got away with it but then a guy came up to her and showed her a picture of her taking the clothes. "I think you've got the wrong person..." She held onto her purse tightly.
Richard spotted a security guard and signaled him to approach.

"I think you should come with me unless you want to law involved. It would be more discreet that way, don't you think? Otherwise I can hand you over to him and the police will be here in minutes! What will it be?" he asked just as the guard walked behind her.

"Is there a problem here?" the guard asked.

Richard looked at her, waiting for her answer.
Annabelle bit her lip she knew that if the law got involved her father would hit the roof and cut her off. She looked at the guard and said, "No... There's no problem..." When the guard left she looked at the man who stopped her and said, "I'll go with you..."
"Good. Follow me!" he said after he nodded to the guard.

He lead her through the store and straight into the office. He pointed to a seat and then turned the monitor to her and played the video.

"Do you see that? Open your purse please!" he said to her.
Annabelle watched the video and hung her head... He had her dead to rights. Without protest, she set her purse on his desk and opened it.
He reached for her purse and extracted the two rolled up dresses. He looked at her and shook his head. He then reached inside and took out her wallet. He pulled out her driving license and looked at it.

"Miss Morris!" he said and looked at her. "Can you explain this?" he asked as he looked at her head to toe with a grin.
Annabelle sighed... "Look... I'm sorry... I'll gladly pay for the items I tried to take and I'll promise to never shop in this store again... I'm very sorry... If my dad finds out about this... My life will be over..."
Richard smiled with the corner of his mouth. He walked to the copier and made a copy of her driving license. He then walked back to her and handed her the license.

"That's it? I'm sorry and I'll pay for what I stole?" Richard said as he looked at her with a stern gaze. "You dad may be the least of your problems! If I hand you over to the police it will be even worse. I know you realize that!" he said and then walked back behind his desk and sat down.

"What are you willing to do to get out of this? Besides saying sorry and paying for the dresses? That's not enough!" he said as he looked at her head to toe.
Annabelle started to cry... She didn't know what to do... She wished she'd never thought of shoplifting... She looked up at him with tears running down he face, "Please... I'm sorry... Just let me go... I'll do anything... I just can't have my dad find out!"
"If you do exactly as I say, there is absolutely no reason that he would ever find out. Him or the police. All you have to do is follow my instructions to the letter, and your secret will never leave this room!" he said and handed her a tissue box.

He looked at her and paused for a few seconds.

"When do you get out from work every day?" he asked her.
"Good. From Monday to Friday you will report to me here, at exactly 6pm. If you fail to show up, you will be punished. Three strikes, and you're out! Police! Do I make myself clear?" he asked looking straight at her.
Richard smiled at her naivete.

"No, not yet. You will start today. You have work to do! Go into the store and find the sluttiest dress you can find, and bring it back to me! Go on!" he said and showed her the door.
Annabelle walked through the shop and picked out a black dress. It was sleeveless, very low cut, so low cut that she wouldn't be able to wear a bra and on her it would just cover her ass. Then she returned to his office with the dress.
Richard looked at the dress and grinned.

"Good choice! I will leave you alone for a few minutes. When I return, I want you to wear this dress and nothing else except your shoes! No underwear. Just the dress and shoes!" he spelled it out again, as if he was speaking to a dumb blonde.

He grinned and left the office.
Annabelle cried as she took off her normal business wear... She removed her underthings and shivered as she briefly stood naked in the office. The she pulled the dress on. Once it was on she tried pulling on the skirt to will it to be longer... but of course it wouldn't budge.
Richard returned to his office holding a ruler in his hand. He looked at her and smiled ear to ear.

"It suits you well!" he said as we walked around her. "Now bend over the desk and bare your ass! I will spank you now either with this ruler or with my hand. I will give you a choice. What will it be?" he asked without showing any emotion on his face.
Annabelle bent over the desk and pulled up the skirt of her dress and revealed her bare bottom. She looked over her shoulder and said, "With your hand please...." She couldn't believe this was happening... She had never been spanked before in her life.
"Very well!" Richard said and moved behind her and to her left.

He extended his palm and smacked one of her ass cheeks just hard enough to make a sound and inflict a slight sting.

"I want you to count every stroke out loud! After each five strokes, you will thank me for teaching you a lesson, and vow to obey me entirely! Let's hear it!" he said a raised his hand for a second blow.
Annabelle counted every stroke. When he reached five she said crying, "Five... Thank you for teaching me a lesson and I vow to obey you entirely..." She wished now that she would have gone to jail for what she did.
"Good!" Richard grinned and continued to spank her, increasing intensity slightly after each blow, listening to her counting, getting turned on by her voice: six, seven, eight, nine... and then he stopped.

He stepped back and looked at her beautiful ass.

"Now I want you to go out there, find a male client, and convince him to spank you one more time in a dressing room. Just once. The cameras are on so you can't cheat. After it's done, come back!"
Annabelle went out in to the shop and convinced a male client to spank her. She had never been so humiliated. Then she walked back to the office.