RG111 is not black enough? "cornball brother"


God Mod
Jul 21, 2011
First, what the hell is a cornball Brother? Under this context I assume it equates to Uncle Tom...

Regardless, what the hell was this ass hat thinking.... Is he just trying to stir the pot or is he that fucking stupid.

Robert Griffin III is arguably the most popular man in Washington right now. The Redskins’ spectacular rookie quarterback has been winning games, fans, and headlines due to his play this season. Today, he was on the front page of the Washington Post for the third time in a week and a half.

Under increasing media scrutiny, Griffin has been clear he does not want to be defined by his race. In a news conference yesterday cited in USA Today, Griffin, an African-American, said, “For me, you don’t ever want to be defined by the color of your skin. You want to be defined by your work ethic, the person that you are, your character, your personality. That’s what I’ve tried to go out and do.” He continued, “I am an African-American in America. That will never change. But I don’t have to be defined by that.’’

But columnist and ESPN analyst Rob Parker evidently thinks otherwise. On the network’s First Take show this morning, Parker said, “my question, which is just a straight honest question, is [Griffin] a brother, or is he a cornball brother?”

Parker, a columnist at a handful of outlets over the years, has a history of stirring the pot when it comes to race issues in sports. He teeters back and forth between evaluating how “black” Griffin is – “kind of black,” “not really down with the cause” or “not one of us,” but it’s the evidence that prompted his hand wringing that’s so disturbing. “We all know he has a white fiancé. There was all this talk about he’s a Republican, which, there’s no information [about that] at all. I’m just trying to dig deeper as to why he has an issue.”

For Parker, having a white fiancé and potentially being a Republican is “an issue.”

Griffin has been clear that he has no interest in being defined by the color of his skin. Parker, it seems, begs to differ.

Parker should have been fired right away for saying that.

I mean, suggesting that because he has a white fiancee makes him less black is about as racist as you can get.
Parker should have been fired right away for saying that.

I mean, suggesting that because he has a white fiancee makes him less black is about as racist as you can get.

Have never heard the term Cornball brother before.

I found this online, but it was put there today...... Doubt that is what he meant.

Cornball Brother:
A classy, intelligent African-American athlete. The kind of guy who dominates his enemies and doesn't fall in line with the opinion of douchebags--a freethinker and warrior.

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Cornball Brother&defid=6870958
well it obvious

hes a obama lover they love to bring race into everything these dems makes the rich white dems feel good its people like this sportscaster( and i use this term lightly) who fuck up this country allways having to play one against another wow 4 more years of this shit huh?
Parker should have been fired right away for saying that.

I mean, suggesting that because he has a white fiancee makes him less black is about as racist as you can get.

Blacks have more to lose by interracial marriage than other groups since they are already a minority. Always wondered why more blacks don't express concern over it.
By shrugging off the racist strictures of black tribalism he's setting himself up for some Uncle Tomism. Does he give a shit, apparently not.

Yet, you have no problem with Jewish Americans identifying with the "Jewish People" and supporting Israel and other Jewish causes. I guess some tribalism is good and other tribalism is bad?
I bet according to Parker Mike Vick is plenty "black enough"

I guess the reason RG3 is not black enough is that he doesn't act like a gang-banging thug, doesn't speak like he just came from the ghetto, apparently is in love with a white woman rather than just degrading her and seems to actually respect and appreciate the gifts he has been given

Meanwhile in another part of the NFL a piece of shit who murders his girlfriend(leaving their daughter parent-less) is mourned as some type of trajedy

I wonder if Belcher was black enough for Parker?

Ridiculous trying to say a black man isn't black enough, that's as racist a statement as one can make.
Sounds like he just wants to get some of that white pussy. He should come to Africa and meet real African women. Hottest women in the world. He'd never go for that pale smelly puss filled white twat again.
The guy should be fired. If there is a no tolerance for anything like that, it should apply to everyone.

That commentator just made himself look incredibly foolish and very naive and hypocritical.