Rex Lionheart and the Hunt-(SRP-OPEN)


Time Walker
Sep 6, 2006
Rex Lionheart.

Ship name: Star Dreamer
Height: 6'2'"
Weight: 195
Hair: Sandy in a longish Military style.
Eyes: Hazel
Species: Human
Race: White
Nationality: Anglo-American/Moon, third generation 'Moonie"(born on Terren moon)
Background: Five years in military flying scouts. 3 years back won the interplanetary race from Earth to Neptune with three second place finishes previously. Talks about engines and drives and tech chat to anyone who will listen. Drinks some, but not to excess, no nose candy or vein runners, that is simply as the 20th Century for him. Loves all women, anything female catches his eye, though he prefers humans as bed mates, has an alien side kick. She is a NEON a race that glows when excited. Her name is Halo. Her hue is blue.
Mission in Life: Kill the Gatekeeper- Shortly after Rex leaves the military a gang of marauders attack the mining outpost, Morgantown. The attackers were led by a sick and twisted individual. Rex's wife and two small girls were killed in the attack.
It is Rex's mission to hunt down and kill the Gatekeeper.