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Literotica Guru
Mar 27, 2003
I knew you poofters reply to everything for a reason. I need a hundred to have my own personal avatar. Joy! Count me in the joining the crowd posting and replying just for the count. I need how many more now?
nah i have one that is the product of an abortion. everyone else has a cool one. I want a cool one, chopped up baby! but hey its not a baby right? its thier body and they can do what they want. sure looks like a baby, put in a blender!

earning my own personal avatar
I take it you are against abortion. Nothing wrong with that view. Just that showing an aborted fetus may actually be counterproductive.
My views on abortion have nothing to do with it. It is just a cool avatar. People with avatars protesting the war. might not be about the war at all just might be cool. But then everyone see things different. someone will take offense. cant help it, i take offense to seeing nude men. but that is just me. i'm sure there are girls who get wet over it. Can you follow what i'm saying sis?

Why do they call it a fetus when it looks like a baby?

earning my own personal avatar
d8Rape said:
My views on abortion have nothing to do with it. It is just a cool avatar. People with avatars protesting the war. might not be about the war at all just might be cool. But then everyone see things different. someone will take offense. cant help it, i take offense to seeing nude men. but that is just me. i'm sure there are girls who get wet over it. Can you follow what i'm saying sis?

Why do they call it a fetus when it looks like a baby?

earning my own personal avatar

I understand what you're saying. Actually know of sites that provide the pictures you're considering for your av. Personally, for me, seeing that strengthens my feelings on abortion.

Why is it called a fetus? Probably to avoid responsibility.
Are you telling me you know where i can get some avatars of abortions or partial births. Thank you but I have my own. might be the same ones.
and that is what i was thinking "responsibility"
d8Rape said:
nah i have one that is the product of an abortion. everyone else has a cool one. I want a cool one, chopped up baby! but hey its not a baby right? its thier body and they can do what they want. sure looks like a baby, put in a blender!

earning my own personal avatar
I hate to break it to you dude, but those chopped up baby pics are fakes. But the ones showing intact babies being cut inside women's abdomens are real (although they're pics from in utero surgeries, not abortions - but what can ya do, blastocysts just don't inspire much public outrage).

Have you considered autopsy pics? Or maybe road kill? At least you'd know you were getting genuine dead stuff then - plus, road kill just has so much more creative potential than dead babies.
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crysede said:
I hate to break it to you dude, but those chopped up baby pics are fakes. But the ones showing intact babies being cut inside women's abdomens are real (although they're pics from in utero surgeries, not abortions - but what can ya do, blastocysts just don't inspire much public outrage).

Have you considered autopsy pics? Or maybe road kill? At least you'd know you were getting genuine dead stuff then - plus, road kill just has so much more creative potential than dead babies.

Hate to burst your bubble real or not very cool. anyways I'm earning my own personal avatar. You can be the judge in a few more posts.
anyone ever tell you your avatar looks like the frankenstein that starred gene wilde and his wife. Where he sings well it goes like this if your blue and you dont know what to do try fashion six puttin on the ritz

earning my own personal avatar
d8Rape said:
Hate to burst your bubble real or not very cool. anyways I'm earning my own personal avatar. You can be the judge in a few more posts.
Burst my bubble? :confused:

I'm just stating my opinion of the relative coolness of genuine corpses vs. fake dead babies.

No skin off my breasts if your tastes aren't refined enough to be able to appreciate the inherent artistic superiority of genuine dead stuff :D
hold up cool is cool real or not. Shit special fx in a movie is cool and it is not real.

I'm earning my own personal avatar
Sure, special fx can be cool, even very cool - but dead-body cool? I think not!
death is a part of life. if you believe in an after life death can be cool.

I'm earning my own personal avatar
If death were really a part of life, we wouldn't need the word 'death' would we?

The fake dead baby wasn't very cool.

This one's not all that cool either.

I still say you'd be better off with road kill.
