Reverse World The 40's Sign up


Literotica Guru
Jun 17, 2002
The 40's. Time of detetives, gangstas, and crazy Dames. It was a time of looming war and optimistim falling toward pesitmisim. It was the glory days of the century. America was grand and powerfull. Hollywood were gods. Men were men and women were women.

This is the time the story takes place in. But with a twist. The roles are reverse. Women are in the rolls you expect men to be. Men are in the roles you expect men to be. So women are the soliders, the detetives, the power of the household, and genraly the sexist ones

Men are the dames, the fem fatales

The setting is on a new Blimp by encentric millionar Lana Huges. She invited people of all races, ages, and classes on the Blimp to Party. The Blimp is over the water. Have fun and maybe mingle. You have a lot of rooms, a pool hall, a dance hall, there even some seedy areas for the people who want to get a little kinky

But NOT ALL IS WELL. For on the Blimp a murder has taken place of a star Harry Monroe with suspect all over the place. Apparenly harry had his legs open longer then a 24 hour nightclubs Don't let a little thing like that ruin your party. Just ignore the odd incident of murder and the detective looking for answere. Try to enjoy your party