Drew's Teaching Adventure


Literotica Guru
Sep 6, 2001
The New Teacher

This is a closed thread for Poprokz and cgraven. You are invited to read along and enjoy.

West Run was the main town where the fog that often covered the isolated mountain hollows and villages. The fact be told it was really the only town in the rural mountains region for miles around. The village was sparsely populated, there were more men than women. The men stayed because hard scrabble farming was all they knew and moonshining to make them some money. Most women fled the mountains as they wanted more than just a man and squalling brats. Yet it had a one room school that covered Kinder Garden to the 8th grade. The school was small and the students few, there was a need for only one teacher.

Duncan Batard ran his fingers through his ginger hair. Miss Johnson had suddenly quiet and had left the village and mountains for civilization and the fall semester was only a month away. As superintendent of schools, it was his responsibility to hire a new teacher. He decided to place a notice in several of the profession journals.

Teacher’s position West Run. Teaching certificate required.

Contact Mr. Duncan Batard superintendent of schools……
The rest of the add told of the school, that it was a one room school and because of its location, the salary was twice the starting salary for a newly graduate teacher.

Duncan Batard new exactly what he was looking for in a new teacher for West Run. Ideally he was looking for a young single female teacher, she had to be attractive, and a bit naïve as well. Once she had accepted the teaching position and arrived in the isolated mountains and found that the isolation could be oppressive.

Duncan Batard was sitting in the schools regional office. He had already interviewed several candidates but none where what he was looking for. “Send in the next candidate……..”
Drew Roberts stood up as the assistant called out that the next applicant could enter. Since that was herself, she took a deep breath to compose herself before straightening her back and trying to look confident. Her long, red hair was in a ponytail, and she was wearing a black pencil skirt with a white button-up blouse and a blazer. The woman’s high-heels clicked as she entered the office, smiling as she made eye-contact with Duncan,

She really wanted to teach rurally, hoping that it would be a new experience from the hustle and bustle of the city. Thus, she wanted to make a good first impression.

“Hello, I’m Miss Roberts. Pleased to meet you.” The woman held out her hand for him to shake.
Duncan Batard watched as the young redhead beauty walked into his office. Her skirt hugged her hips, her white blouse, and blazer were neat but well worn. As she crossed the room her pony tail gave a sensual little sway. Duncan had to admit that Miss Drew Roberts was a tasty little morsel. “Hello, I’m Miss Roberts. Pleased to meet you.” The woman held out her hand for him to shake.

Duncan took Drew’s offered hand. “Have a seat Drew… “ Batard cheeks colored as he said “Your application said Drew Roberts for some reason I thought you were a man. We do not have many young ladies applying for rural teaching position. The teaching positions in rural Jefferson county have a tendency to be in the western end of the county isolated in the mountains. To be honest there is not much of a social life for a young woman like yourself.

As he was speaking he called his secretary to bring in Drew’s application. As he went over it he noticed that it did not ask the sex of the applicant or their marital status. “There is a point I do need to clear up Miss, or is it Mrs. Roberts? I apologize for the forwardness of the question, but the teaching position comes with housing……. He let his voice trail off.

Batard cleared his throat. “What makes you interested in teaching in a rural school, which I can assure lacks many of the modern teaching aids.”

As Drew answered his questions Duncan was hardly listening to her. She was young, pretty, and very attractive with a touch of innocence and a lack of guile. He stroked his chin his cousin the reverend Enos at West Run had a weakness for pretty young redheads.

“Drew I have one rural school that needs a new teacher. Miss Johnson had to leave the position over some family problems. West Run is in the western mountains there is only one road in and one road out.” The salary they were offering Drew was twice the normal starting salary normally offered to a new teacher and the position came with a cottage at no cost.

Batard studied Drew Roberts as he waited for her decision. If she took the position he would call Enos and let him know he found a replacement for Jean Johnson. A pretty little redhead.
She wasn't offended about the question about her marital status, though usually that sort of thing wasn't something an interviewer should ask. That being said, it was understandable that they would need to know considering the question of whether her accommodations would be enough to house a possible husband and children.

"Oh, it's 'miss.' I'm currently unattached, so it's a good time for this sort of move," she had answered openly. "As far as the teaching aids go, that's absolutely fine. People have been teaching kids for ages without internet aids, so as long as I have the required coursework, I can whip it up into something that's still engaging. I simply see it as an opportunity to focus on honing my ability to translate the lesson into something kids can relate to."

The new job had twice the salary and came with no-cost housing? That was simply too good of a deal to pass up. It meant that she would be able to pay off her student loans twice, maybe thrice as fast. And with her being in the mountains, it wasn't as though she was going to making a whole lot of shopping trips or internet purchases, so she would save money that way too. Besides, if she got tired of it, she could always relocate to the city after a couple years. It would be a good experience for her.

"That sounds perfect!" she said excitedly. "When would you need me to start?"
"Oh, it's 'miss.' I'm currently unattached, so it's a good time for this sort of move," Duncan nodded his head in apparent agreement. The young redheaded beauty continued “As far as the teaching aids go, that's absolutely fine. People have been teaching kids for ages without internet aids.”

Drew showed how really naïve she was and new to all this. Duncan knew he was sending this adorable little lamb into the lion’s den. Oh, how they would eat her up. The very thought brought a smile to his lips. He would have to make a note to visit West Run in a month or two to check on Drew’s progress.

The young redheads voice brought Duncan back from his sweet dark musings. "That sounds perfect!" she said excitedly. "When would you need me to start?"

“Well Miss Roberts you would need to settle in to your cottage and get to know the community before school actually starts Could you be ready to leave in a week. I Do have to arrange for a car and driver to show you the way.”

Duncan hoped that as a newly graduated teacher Drew did not have her own car but if she did then there were ways to deal with that little problem.


In a week’s time Batard’s cousin Enos Worthington was waiting for Drew Roberts. Batard had not mention that Enos was a Ravened and he was dressed the part. He was a man in his fifties his hair was a wild mane of silver and chestnut. He appeared to be more and old testament prophet than a modern preacher. He held his gnarled hand to the gorgeous young redheaded teacher. “Miss Roberts I presume.”

Enos Worthington was many things but handsome he was not. “Miss Roberts I apologize for my appearance, but it was a long drive from West Run the going was slow. Will you be following me in your own car or riding with me.
Drew had been ecstatic- she had landed such a good opportunity! She practically threw all her personal belongings into boxes and luggage before loading them up into her car. A storage unit had been bought and paid for to store any of her excess belongings, as she didn’t want to bring everything with her. The place was supposed to already be fully furnished, so she really just needed clothes and a handful of personal belongings. It was just enough to fill up her car without the need to hire a trailer or a moving van.

She beamed at the man who had been sent to fetch her and shook his hand without hesitation. “Oh, no need to apologize: a long drive is tough for most people, including myself. I have my own car, so I’ll be following behind, if that’s okay.”

The young redhead indeed had a used Toyota Camry, and though it was older, it had so far been a reliable vehicle. She wondered just how long the drive was. It was a remote location of course, but who knew how long of a drive it would be.
When Drew arrived in an older used Toyota Camry both Duncan Batard and the Rev. Enos Worthington were disappointed and Enos made a mental note to deal with her car later. Worthington was brought back to the present when sweet young Drew commented, “Oh, no need to apologize: a long drive is tough for most people, including myself. I have my own car, so I’ll be following behind, if that’s okay.”

“Well then shall we get started?” Enos called to the gorgeous young redhead.

It was indeed a long drive to West Run hollow, it took ten hours as the roads grew worst and worst until they were narrow dirt tracks as the two cars wound into the rugged mountains. They stopped in the little town of Harris for a bite to eat and gas. During their break from driving Worthington studied the young beauty before him, she was indeed ravishing. He smiled kindly, his conversation light and friendly as he anticipated getting the young beauty out of her clothes in the near future.

It was late evening when they arrived in West Run. Not much could be seen of the town but a few dim lights. They stopped before a cute stone cottage. “This is your cottage Miss Roberts.” It was a lovely stone cottage, there was a kitchen, setting room, and an upstairs bedroom that was dominated by a four poster bed. The room was furnished with a clothes cupboard , chair, and nightstand. The rest of the house’s furnishing were neat and clean if a bit old fashion. The only oddity were several attachment points in the down stairs setting room ceiling, obviously from the cottage’s past.

“I shall stop by in the morning and show you the school Miss Roberts.” Enos left the gorgeous young redhead to begin to settle into her little cottage and new life as West Run's new teacher.

At ten the next morning there was a knock-on Drew’s cottage door. It was the Rev. Worthington. “Are you ready to see the school Drew”? He had used her Christian name not Miss Roberts, as his eyes took in her sweet youthful charms.

The school was indeed a one room school. There was a black board, instead of a whiteboard. There were no desks but tables, and there were no computers, it could have been 1900 instead of the present day.

“I know that the school lacks many of the modern aids that you must be used to Drew………..” Worthington seemed to blush at this admission. “

The reverend blushed as he asked the young teacher, “Would you like to see the town now Drew?”

Enos was eager for the folks of West Run to get a good look at their new teacher.
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He wasn’t lying: it was a long trip. To think he had already driven the 10-hours up, it was quite impressive. No wonder the two of them had travelled together; it would be no easy task for one man to drive 20 hours to fetch her.

She enjoyed getting to know them at the diner, her demeanor being friendly and bubbly. The two men seemed very nice, and that put her at ease.

When the Rev showed up at her house, she was wearing a short-sleeved fit and flare dress that was a soft pink with a black polka-dots and a black ribbon right below her breasts. It showed very little if any cleavage, but one could obviously see the shapeliness of the woman regardless. With this, she wore tan pantyhose and a pair of black Mary Jane’s. There was a ring on her finger where a wedding band would be, though this one was just a simple rose-gold band; it was her promise ring to remind her of her promise to God. Her red hair was once again in a ponytail, swaying as she went to open the door.

She greeted him warmly before going with him to the schoolhouse. It was just as she expected: small, cute, and quaint. It was perfect! The woman beamed as she looked around the place, thinking to herself that this was going to be a really good gig.

“Oh, no. It’s perfect!” She gushed. “You don’t need internet or fancy tools to teach. All you need is knowledge and a passion for teaching. This will be absolutely fine!”

Drew gave one last excited look at the schoolhouse before nodding at him. “Yeah! Let’s go around the town. I’m going to need to know my way around.”
When Drew answered the door of her cottage she was wearing a short-sleeved soft pink with a black polka-dots and a black ribbon right below her firm young breasts, it showed very little if any cleavage, yet the viewer’s eyes were drawn to her supple, firm, young breasts by that little black bow. The flare of her dress showed off her shapely legs.

Worthington noticed the ring on her finger, where a wedding band would be, though this one was just a simple rose-gold band. Enos knew it was her promise ring to remind her of her promise to God. So, this gorgeous young redheaded beauty was very likely a virgin, a sweet little virgin. A sly smile bowed his lips at the very real prospect Drew was a naïve innocent virgin when it came to sexual matters.

Their inspection of the one room schoolhouse over Drew exclaimed. “Oh, no. It’s perfect!” She gushed, “You don’t need internet or fancy tools to teach. All you need is knowledge and a passion for teaching. This will be absolutely fine!”

Drew gave one last excited look at the schoolhouse before nodding to Enos, her sassy little ponytail swayed so sensually. “Yeah! Let’s go around the town. I’m going to need to know my way around.”

West Run was nestled below the high foreboding cliffs of the hollow. A cluttered of little stone cottages, and weathered wooden houses, like steppingstones lead from West Run single main street up the steep slopes behind the little school. West Run hollow was hardly a picture poster of a rural village, there was a tired look to the village. There was a general store that served as a gas station, with a single pump. It also served as the village Post Office. The village focal point was Rev. Worthington’s church. The street was a dirt track. All eyes were on the reverend and the gorgeous young redhead by his side and the sensual sway of Drew’s ponytail and the seductive roll of her hips as they walked. The village's men seemed unable to take their eyes of the stunning young redhead.

“Drew I think a social so the town can meet you and get to know you better.”

It took several days to arrange the social. Enos came to get the charming young beauty.
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When he knocked on her door, she was wearing a cream-colored wrap dress, a pair of matching wedges on her feet. There were pearl earrings in her earlobes and a pearl necklace around her neck, while her make-up was done tastefully.

“Hello, Reverend,” she greeted him cheerfully, stepping out of her cottage and closing the door behind her.
It had taken a week to arrange the social where the Village folk could meet and greet their new young redheaded teacher. On Friday evening of the social there was a soft knock on Drew’s cottage door. “Hello, Reverend,” the young redhead cheerfully greeted Rev. Enos Worthington.

Drew had chosen a cream-colored wrap dress that accentuated her youthful figure, and her pair of matching wedges accentuated the sensual curve of the gorgeous young redhead’s calves. The pearl earrings Drew had chosen, her little pearl necklace around her slender neck, and her make-up gave the impression of innocence. Worthington looked forward to getting the gorgeous young redhead teacher out of her clothes.

Stepping out of her cottage and closing the door behind her. The Rev. Worthington linked his arm with Drew’s. “The social is in the church’s basement’s hall Drew.” Enos paused a moment, “I don’t know your beliefs Drew, but it is just a social hall dear.”

Rev. Enos Worthington had become Drew’s only close friend in the isolated village and to a degree her protecter as some of the rowdy men had made questionable remarks about what they would like to do to Drew and with Drew. But one look from Enos stilled them and had them slinking away like a scalded hound.

Drew entered Worthington’s church. There were no oblivious religious signs. Enos hurried Drew down to the church hall were the men outnumbered the women. Yet far from being dressed in jeans and work shirts they were dressed in slacks and sports jackets. The women present wore cocktail dresses. “They clean up nicely don’t you think Drew?”

Worthington turned to the gathered Villagers, “This is Drew Roberts our new school teacher.”

The gathering was cordial and the conversation light and friendly. Enos gave Drew a glass of cider. “I hope you like it Drew I made it myself.” He watched the young redhead as she innocently conversed with the villagers. He watched as her drugged cider slowly took effect.

Drew stumbled into Enos’s arms. “Shall we get you out of those clothes Drew.” Slowly sensually the men of the village began to strip the young teacher. Enos had no fear that the gorgeous young redhead would remember the evening, at best all she would recall would be a haunting sensually seductive dream.

When they had stripped Drew they carried the naked young beauty on their shoulders and laid her on the church’s alter. Drew’s hands were bound and drawn above her head. Then her shapely legs were drawn apart and bound. Enos and the men of the village gazed down on the young redheaded naked perfection. “Prepare her supple young body for me.”

Worthington had no fear that they would fuck Drew but merely seduce her gorgeous young body with their lips, teeth, and tongues.
Over the week, she found herself relying more and more on the Reverend for social connection. It felt natural, seeing that he was a man of god while being a kind and generous soul. He had helped her when some of the men made her feel uncomfortable; she felt safe with him. Thus, she had no issue with linking their arms as they walked.

Wow, they did clean up nice, she thought to herself, giggling and agreeing with the Reverend as they entered. She made chit-chat with the villagers and sipped on her drink. It was delicious, and she was impressed that he had made it himself. Slowly but surely, she felt... odd. It was a fuzzy feeling that was coming over her mind, like a fog that made it difficult to think. Drew’s head was starting to get dizzy, and she found herself unable to walk straight.

When they started to strip her, she very weakly tried to keep her dress on but it was no use. She was confused, not knowing why this was all happening. "Give them back..." They were not given back, of course, and soon she found herself on a table, bound and exposed. She had never been so exposed in public, and she could feel all the eyes upon her pale skin. "Reverend... help me..." she called out weakly, hoping that he was somewhere nearby to protect her from all the approaching men.
They made young Drew’s stripping a slow sensual affair. The ravishing young redhead found herself sandwiched between three men. Lust for the young teacher shown in their eyes and a lecherous grin bowed their lips. Slowly they pulled open Drew’s cream-colored wrap dress. The man behind her cupped the stunning young redheads, firm breasts, his thumbs rolling the young innocent’s nipples under his thumbs, the only barrier was the thin material of her lacy bra.

In her dark foggy world, her little dress slid down her arms, then cascaded down her stunning young body to pool around her trim ankles. Drew weakly tried to keep her dress on, but it was no use. Worthington saw that she was confused, apparently not knowing why this was all happening to her, thank to his cider.

"Give them back..." Drew gasped as the men continued there sensual assault on the young redheaded teacher. Drew’s bra, and pantyhose soon joined her discarded dress. The man before her slowly kneeled and kissed her sweet virgin pussy as he eased the ravishing young redhead panties over the swell of her hips and down her long statuesque legs.

All eyes were on the naked young teacher as she gasped and called "Reverend... help me..." but there was no answer to her plea for help.

Drew was carried on their shoulders, bound to the alter. It was then that the Rev. Enos Worthington let his disguised slip from him, his body shimmered in a dark light as the village men feasted on Drew’s breasts, and pale pink nipples as they began to seduce her supple young body.

Where the kindly old Reverend Worthington had stood, now a creature of unbelievable beauty stood. He was so beautiful it actually hurt to look at him. Yet his head was now crowned by two curled horns and a pair of leathery wings arched upon his back.

“You are adorable Miss Roberts………Drew you look good enough to eat my dear.” The creature’s voice was that of Enos Worthington, yet huskier. The creature vestige shimmered once more and it now it wore Enos’s face. The creature lowered his head and his forked tongue tastened the young virgin for the first time.
She stared at him in his other-worldly form before having to avert her eyes. There was something about his visage that was so wrong it stirred some primal fear within her, yet she couldn’t help but feel drawn to him at the same time. It didn’t seem real, and in her drugged state she couldn’t wrap her mind around it.

The woman whimpered as she felt the men lick and suck on her nipples. She didn’t want this at all, but it was making her body feel strange. Drew had never even masturbated before, so each sensation was new and unexpected.

When his face returned to what she was familiar with, she looked at him once more, beseechingly. “Reverend please… Why won’t you help me?” She didn’t understand. He was her friend, the man who had laughed and joked with her just earlier that day.
The Deamon loved each little gasp and moan that bubbled from Drew’s moist ripe lips as the villagers kisses as light as the caress of a butterfly’s wing. Their kisses traced the line of the gorgeous young redhead’s jaw, floated down the slender, sensual column of her neck. There was a little lover’s nip at the hollow where Drew’s neck and shoulder meet and where her life force beat just below her soft supple skin. Those kisses floated lower as they explored the firm contours of the young virgin’s breasts. The tip of their tongue lazily circled Drew’s dusky pink areolas, their teeth grazed the sensitive tips of her nipples. “Um it feels so good Drew…..give into the sweet sensation my beauty.” A man whispered in her ear then his teeth grazed ravishing young redhead’s ear lobe.

The Deamon’s forked tongue slid along the length of Drew’s labia to dip with in her chaste young body, to coax the hooded guardian of her virgin’s treasure from its hiding place. “Umm you’re so sweet Drew!” he whispered to the young innocent.

He lifted his head from between Drew’s lily white thighs. His gaze held the young virgin’s soft innocent eyes as she gasped “Reverend please… Why won’t you help me?”

But it was not the Reverend Drew saw but the darkly beautiful Deamon who now wrapped his leathery wings around the gorgeous, bound redhead.

Asmodeus, the daemon of lust slowly kissed his way up Drew bound body paying close attention to all the little spots that would enflame her passion. Then his lips brushed hers in a sensually seductive kiss and for the first time in Drew Roberts young life she felt naked flesh pressed to her own naked flesh.
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She shivered in the coolness of the room, though it wasn't truly the temperature that caused her to do so. Every kiss, lick, and nip was arousing her whether she wanted it or not. Never before had she felt her body heat up this way, an ache settling within her loins. Her breath had picked up into a soft pant, and she wasn't sure where this was all going to go, but she didn't like where it seemed to be headed. It seemed like they intended to have their way with her body, and she imagined they wanted to do things with her that only married couples were supposed to do within the sanctity of marriage.

There was naught she could do though- her wrists and legs were so firmly tied. Even if they weren't, she doubted she would have the strength to run, let alone stumble out of the basement.

Was that a tongue? Her body flinched as she felt that long, slick ribbon make contact with her wet sex. It felt very sensitive wherever his tongue went, and she couldn't help but let out a choked whine as it slipped near a particularly sensitive spot.

"Who are you?" she asked, somewhat afraid of the answer she might receive.
Asmodeus loved the little shiver that passed through Drew’s gorgeous young body. He smiled at the first musky hints of the young redhead’s growing arousal as he feasted on her sweet innocence. Every kiss, sensual lick, and seductive lover’s nip of the villagers was arousing her whether Drew wanted it or not. Oh, how this young redheaded beauty fought the effects of their dark seductions. Nothing in Drew’s young life had prepared her for what they were doing to her.

Asmodeus, the Deamon of lust, lifted his head from Drew’s sweet succulent pussy. His dark eyes seemed to smile into her soft eyes. He saw the confusion in the gorgeous young redhead’s eyes as her conflicting emotions flashed in their clear depths. Slowly he began to sensually kiss, seductively lick, and nibble his way up Drew’s supple young body. His tongue slowly reamed her dimpled naval, traced the contours of her firm young breasts. His lips seductively brushed the bound young beauty’s, a dark invitation to surrender to him. Then for the first time in her young life she felt naked flesh pressed to her own naked flesh.

Little bulges along Asmodeus spine and blossomed into withering tentacles. The tentacles slithered, entwined around, and caressed Drew’s shapely legs. Another pressed to her naked and exposed pussy but did not enter the young redhead’s chaste young body. Others encircled the sensual curves of her torso to massage and squeezed her proud young breasts. Their heads had little mouths that now fastened to Drew’s nipples to sensually suckle those sweet rosebuds. The tentacle at her chaste pussy began to lick and suckle the young redhead’s clit.
She would be lying if she said that she didn’t feel attracted to… whatever he was. He was seductive and beautiful in a way humans couldn’t hope to replicate. That being said, Drew still had a strong will and thus was still unwilling, in mind and soul at the very least. Her body was slipping beyond her grasp though, as he was exerting such an effect on her.

Her eyes had widened in horror when she saw the tentacles emerge, though the next moment she felt them all over her body, helping themselves to whatever they wanted as though she was a feast they had been invited to partake in.

When his lips brushed hers, she turned her head away from him to the side, unwilling to allow him to continue. It saddened her though, knowing that her first kiss had gone to this thing in the basement of a church.

The redhead squirmed and struggled, but the pleasure followed her hips regardless. Whatever he was doing down there was like nothing she could have imagined. It was pleasure that made her need to gasp for air, that made her pussy drip onto the table she was tied to.

It wasn’t long before her chaste body couldn’t handle any more of his sensual attentions, and she found herself crying out into the basement. A font of pleasure had blossomed from her pussy and she could feel it flow up her body. It made her eyes water and her toes curl, and she wondered whether this intense sensation was what they called an orgasm.

Drew then passed out, unable to keep consciousness any longer.
Asmodeus’ black heart soared as Drew gorgeous supple young body began to respond to his sensually seductive caresses. He could see, in the depths of those clear expressive, that the young redhead was attracted to his dark beauty. Yet Drew still had a strong will and she fought so diligently not to give in to him or her own treacherous young body. In mind and soul at the very least she struggled not to give in.

Yet the daemon could see that this spirited young beauty, despite her best efforts, was losing the battle of her sensual seduction. The redhead squirmed and struggled, but the pleasure followed her hips regardless. Drew turned her head denying him the sweetness of her kiss. Her soft shimmering eyes growing wide at the sight of the creatures tentacles which claimed her supple young body.

It was not long before Drew cried, out as her toes curled and the tidal wave of the young innocent first orgasm claimed her body and soul. So searing was Drew’s orgasm that she lost, was unable to keep consciousness any longer as blessed oblivion claimed her young mind.

The sweet young virgin arms and legs were freed. Then, Asmodeus, in the guise of Rev. Worthington, swept the naked young beauty into his arms and carried Drew to her cottage. He laid the naked young redhead in her bed to her own dark haunting dream. Asmodeus knew Drew would have no real memory of the nights events. Morning would bring a new day and her first day as Wet Run’s New teacher.

A soft knock came to Drew’s door and when she opened it her friend and protector, the Rev. Enos Worthington smiled. “Ready for your first day of school Drew.” His voice was the same kind, reassuring, voice that the young teacher knew so well. Yet there was a sweet dark sensual tone to it now.
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Drew woke up that morning feeling somewhat bewildered. She remembered going to the social with the reverend, drinking a bit, and then… nothing. It was unlike her to drink to the point where she wouldn’t remember anything, and it was highly unlikely that any of those people would drug her. So, it left her wondering what exactly had happened.

She got the feeling that her dreams had been highly erotic, but they were the sort of dreams that you couldn’t quite conjure an image for.

In any case, it was her first day actually teaching, so she got ready for school. When she heard the knock at the door, she opened it, wearing a black skirt, green blouse, and back Mary Jane’s. This time, her hair was in a side-ways braid that rested on her shoulder. The reverend sounded… different today. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Perhaps his voice was deeper? She wasn’t sure.

In any case, she went with her escort to the schoolhouse and taught for the day. There weren’t very many students, but that was just fine. When school let out, she let the students go home and started packing up her own personal items to do the same. Well, perhaps the cottage wasn’t “ home” yet, but it was where she lived.
Enos smiled when Drew opened the door. She was a vision of innocent beauty. The little black skirt she wore highlighted the sensual curve of her hips and the firm line of her tight little derrière. Worthington loved the way Drew’s breasts strained against the material of her green blouse. The single braid of crimson hair complimented her complexion. The young redhead teacher wore the braid draped over her shoulder giving Drew an air of youthful innocence, and the back MaryJane’s only enhanced that image.

Again, Enos hooked his arm in Drew’s as they set off for the one room school and her first day of teaching. As they walked the Reverend’s hip sensually brushed Drew’s with every step they took. As they arrived at the schoolhouse Enos turned to The young beauty, “Are you all right Drew?” His lips were just a breath away from hers and as he spoke his lips sensually brushed the young redheaded teacher’s. He stood close to Drew, she could feel the heat of his body. “You appeared a bit under the weather last night Drew.” Enos blushed then wished the young redhead luck in her first day teaching.

Drew had only a few students, yet they kept her quit busy throughout the day. When school let out, Drew let the students go home and started packing up her personal items to do the same. Well, perhaps the cottage wasn’t “ home” yet, but it was where she lived.

“Miss Roberts……..Drew I was wondering If you would join me for dinner.” Rev. Worthington shyly asked. “ I could bring it over to your cottage, fried chicken, potato salad and some sweet cider……or milk if you prefer. ” He paused before continuing. “I know you have papers to correct, and lesson plans to draw up. But you need some recreation as well Miss.”

Oh, how he hoped she would accept his offer as Asmodeus desired to once more to have the stunning young redhead in his grasp again to sensually continue her seduction.
When he got so close to her, it made the woman a bit uncomfortable, so she politely stepped back. She wasn’t sure whether that was simply something they did around these parts, but he was entirely too close for a casual friend. The proximity of his lips made her feel like there was something she was forgetting, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up.

Drew cleared her throat and nodded at him, avoiding his eyes, "Yes... I'm not sure what happened, but thank you. I'll see you later then." With that, she had left the man, wondering why his presence seemed rather mysterious today.

When he approached after school, she put her purse on and shrugged. "Well, I suppose having dinner brought over by a friend would save me the time it would take to make it, so it'll even out," she answered with a smile. "I think milk would be better this time though- I'm not sure what happened, but I think it would be best for me to stay away from the cider for the time being."
Asmodeus was not pleased that the young teacher had taken a step back and opened the physical distance between them. Patience he chided himself. This young creature had a firry spirit, and he could not just take her. That damn promises ring and her untouched innocence meant he had to rely on seduction. Before he could claim her innocent virginity he would have to seduce her to give him her promises ring.

Drew cleared her throat and nodded to him, avoiding his eyes, "Yes... I'm not sure what happened but thank you. I'll see you later then."

Asmodeus approached the young redhead after school as the kindly Rev. Enos Worthington and suggested that they share dinner together. "Well, I suppose having dinner brought over by a friend would save me the time it would take to make it, so it'll even out," A sweet smile bowed Drews lips it seemed the awkwardness of the morning had been forgotten. “That is wonderful Drew. Shall we say eight or is that too late.”

"I think milk would be better this time though- I'm not sure what happened, but I think it would be best for me to stay away from the cider for the time being."

Enos made sure that the young trusting teacher’s dinner would be drugged to make her more pliable for what he had planned for young Drew.

Dinner was a pleasant interlude, the conversation was light as they talked about her first day as the village’s teacher. He watched to see how the drugs, he had laced Drew’s dinner with, was taking effect. He waited and watched. When this gorgeous young creature head began to lull from side to side as she sat on the couch. Wentworth let the guise of Worthington slip as Asmodeus assumed his natural form. Slowly he came to the young beauty, he settled beside Drew, his leathery wings enfolded the young redhead. “Your quite lovely Drew.” His voice deep and sensual it was felt as much as heard.

His lips pressed to the young innocent’s, his fingers loosed the top button of her blouse. His tongue slid across the sensual bow of her lower lip. “Shall I please you as I pleased you last night Drew?” It was not so much a question but a statement of what was to come.
She was all done with her lesson plans and grading by the time he showed up for dinner, so she was able to relax as they ate and chatted. Despite the fact that she was drinking milk this time, she soon felt her head becoming muddled again. It was a gradual change, but by the time she realized something had a hold on her, it was far too late for her to do anything about it.

The young woman was surprised when Asmodeus showed himself as he was, though there was something very familiar about him. It was as though she had seen him somewhere before, but where? She thought she would remember seeing a demon too beautiful to look for more than a few moments without her eyes watering. There was no strength in her legs- not enough to lift herself from the couch at least, so she sat helpless as she was wrapped in his leathery embrace.

His lips felt warm and enticing, but like a poisoned dessert she knew it would be unwise to indulge in that feeling. Drew pulled away from his lips and turned her head again, trying weakly to push his hands away and prevent him from unbuttoning anything further. "No..." she huffed, "I don't want it... Please just let me go!"

What did he mean by last night? What happened last night? Drew was confused, but at the same time she was almost able to recall something. Maybe it was the feeling of his tongue? Or perhaps it was him laying upon her? She wasn't sure.
Asmodeus loved Drew’s futile little struggles as she pulled her moist ripe lips from his. "No..." she huffed, "I don't want it... Please just let me go!"

The daemon of lust had no intention of letting the gorgeous young redhead go. His fingers sled to the second button of the young innocent beauty’s blouse. “Miss Roberts I long to see you naked again my dear.” He could see in Drew’s glazed expressive eyes that she was fighting to understand what was happenings, and what he saying send what did he mean by last night? What happened last night? Those questions were written in her clear lovely expressive eyes.

The daemon of lust slid his fingers between the material of Drew’s blouse and her silken skin, revealing the sensual curve of the young teacher’s breasts. His lips kissed the newly bared skin. As he continued to slowly strip her blouse from her. His maddening kiss traced the sensual curve of Drew’s slender neck. They floated lower till he kissed the sweetly scented valley between her breasts.

It seem, if like magic, as his kisses worked down her gorgeous young body, her clothing seemed to evaporate leaving her bared to him. Asmodeus kissed Drew’s dimpled naval, as his hands were working her black skirt down over the swell of her hips. Soon the young beauty was laying in all her naked glory before him.

As the night before he was between her lily white thighs as he feasted on her virginal innocence as he let his tongue call to the dark pleasure of the night before. Yet this time Drew’s hands and legs were free.