Revealing Mother Son Incest Case


Aug 16, 2013
I live in Dhaka. One day, I was wandering on the roof of my building and looking through the open windows of others. By chance, I found a man and a woman lying on a bed. The woman is in her late thirty or maybe a bit above forty. It seems the man is an adult but it he appears to be her which I found later. The way, they lied together was the way of a married couple. I also believed at that time they were couple. So, I thought it was normal. But later, I found out they are mother and son. So, it grows a suspicion in me and I started spying on them and I discovered few alarming things about them which I will share with you later if anyone of you feels interested in this case. Now, I need suggestions from you guys how can I reveal this matter? I need cam coder in that flat but how can I do it? Pls, help guys...
then again it could be one of those comma games with the title of this thread, even with my previous reply
why would you need to reveal it? what business is it of yours what this mom and son are doing?
I am not against the their privacy. Curious mind wants know what is going on. If it is incest I will keep that to me as it is. They don't do any harm to others. It is just an obsession to see a real incest.
So you are just a horny little Perv that wants to watch and record some stroke material during a free on going show?

Just say would get more respect around here.

Be careful with invasion of privacy laws and do not tell people or post about it.
So you're "obsest with incest"?

(obsect pronounced "obsessed") ;)
I know what is the spelling of "obsessed". Christopher2012: it's 2013 now.

Yeah 2012 was the year I graduated. Plus, I thought the world was going to end.
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am i the only person that finds the idea of someone spying on a couple that clearly want to be secretive... and then that person trying to expose them... completely abhorrent?
am i the only person that finds the idea of someone spying on a couple that clearly want to be secretive... and then that person trying to expose them... completely abhorrent?

Well, I believe it's a complete hoax. I'm was just pointing out the play-on-words of the OP's username along with the word "incest."

Nobody believes this shit. That's why there are very few serious responses. If this were serious, this guy could be facing charges of felony peeping tom. Yes, in Georgia that's an actual crime. :)