Return of the Jedi is on

Don't you ever wish you could have that cool Darth Vader music play whenever you enter a room? That would be so fucking awesome, dude.
Although I have to say there are things about this film where you can start to see it all beginning to go wrong for George - surrounded by people who were too enamoured and sycophantic to say "ummm, maybe giving the rebel forces a general with a great big trout head ISN'T a great idea..."
mmmm! calamari

Just like George to name a race after an appitizer.

I'm still trying to get over "Midiclurians" or however it's spealt.

And btw I'm sure that Darths theme is always playing when you're around :)

"dom dom dom doom de-dum dom de-dum ..."
I was too young to understand what's interesting about Star Wars the first time around. Except the gold bikini.
I have a Metalica version of the Imperial March, it soo rocks!

George made the best stories, and when he did it with no budget in A New Hop, he made the best film too. ESB and RotJ were good, he didn't direct them. But he shouldn't be alowed to write the screen plays either.
Ok here's a thing that has always irked me about this movie:

When you finally get to see the Emperor, he's this veiny ugly bluey decrepit old fucker. Now if the Darkside is meant to be so seductive and powerful, shouldn't he be more, you know, sexy? Sean Connery-ish, or something? I mean, if you're the head of the Darkside and so potent and shit, shouldn't you look like a more happening kinda guy, instead of like some chemo patient?
peachykeen said:
Ok here's a thing that has always irked me about this movie:

When you finally get to see the Emperor, he's this veiny ugly bluey decrepit old fucker. Now if the Darkside is meant to be so seductive and powerful, shouldn't he be more, you know, sexy? Sean Connery-ish, or something? I mean, if you're the head of the Darkside and so potent and shit, shouldn't you look like a more happening kinda guy, instead of like some chemo patient?

It's the power that is seductive and yet dangerous. His looks are meant to show that power is beautiful, yet the results often aren't.

Btw, I totally agree about the music coming on everytime I walk into a room. Although it could do dangerous things to one's ego.
The dark side gives you imense power, but eats you from the inside. It's powered by negative emotions, bad karma man. Sith are the flame that burns too bright, too fast. Plenty of people can confirm how seductive that life style is.
No, sorry. I'm not buyin it. If you're the evil fucking overlord of the goddamn galaxy, you should look like you can afford to get a friggin facial.
By the way, my last comment sounds a lot better if you read it like it sounds in my true voice in my head - with a heavy joisey accent. If it helps, imagine Carmella Soprano saying it.
peachykeen said:
Don't you ever wish you could have that cool Darth Vader music play whenever you enter a room? That would be so fucking awesome, dude.

You mean it doesn't !!!!

Damn it really was just all in my head !
peachykeen said:
No, sorry. I'm not buyin it. If you're the evil fucking overlord of the goddamn galaxy, you should look like you can afford to get a friggin facial.

I agree. What good is having all the power in the universe if you're just going to go around looking fucked up, hiding behind hoods and helmets. If I were an evil ruler you better believe I'm going to be putting the mack down on every woman I can find. Even the green ones!
medjay said:
I agree. What good is having all the power in the universe if you're just going to go around looking fucked up, hiding behind hoods and helmets. If I were an evil ruler you better believe I'm going to be putting the mack down on every woman I can find. Even the green ones!

Twi'lek and Rodian?!
That accounts for either of those races. But I just can't imagine boinking a Rodian.
peachykeen said:
No, sorry. I'm not buyin it. If you're the evil fucking overlord of the goddamn galaxy, you should look like you can afford to get a friggin facial.

You're like the REDWAVE of space movies :D
Hey, I'm just sayin.

You know what else about this one is crap? How at the end Yoda and Obi-wan and Annekin/Darth are all hanging out together dead and buddy-buddy like at the Ewokfest. Like "Oh terribly sorry about the whole galactic domination thing, and whacking you at the old Death Star there, old chum. Jolly good to see you again though, really, mate. And Master Yoda! Splendid job you've done with the boy. Frightfully sorry about that bit where I had to cut his arm off. You're looking well I dare say."
Hey, if Lea was a princess and the sister of Luke, doesn't that make Vader the king, and slaving for the Emperor? Jadi is a religion, right? See, what happens when the State and Religion is one and the same.
Harrison did well after that.

The same cannot be said about Mark.

Whatever happened to him, I wonder...
ChilledVodka said:
Harrison did well after that.

The same cannot be said about Mark.

Whatever happened to him, I wonder...

He plays the voice of the Joker in Batman the Animated series...

Has his own comic book he writes

A tiny part in the Children of the Corn movie ...i think the one with Christie Alley...?
Silverluna said:
He plays the voice of the Joker in Batman the Animated series...

Has his own comic book he writes

A tiny part in the Children of the Corn movie ...i think the one with Christie Alley...?
he also had a chameo in Jay & Silent Bob.... and yes they cut his hand off in that as well :p
Oh and also plays the Joker in the TV series Birds Of Prey... well the voice anyway