Return of the High - Low


Jul 24, 2001
High Today - Sometimes, the thing you are want most in life, and are looking for least, shows up one day. Taps you on the shoulder and says, “Hi, what took you so long?” I have a smile on my face, I can’t seem to hide. I try to make my face relax and I end up laughing. Tonight, for the first time in ages, I am going out with people from work, to a Pubs open house. My sophomoric boss made me laugh so hard today I cried. I’m pretty sure my beautiful car has seen its last days, but I don’t seem to care. For once, I think everything is going to be okay. I can see a hint of light.

My Low - Negative Ghost Rider.
My High~ I heard his voice

My Low~ My sons warped obsession with Halloween (long amusing story)

It's still early in the day. I might come back with more.
High - I was told today that I speak a certain language that I am studying "like a nightingale."

Low - My nose is cold.
My High - having someone tell me something that made my stomach flutter.

My Low - Realizing said person is out of reach
My High - remembering to bring my cell phone in to charge it up today - and so he can call me easily.

My Low - He's only called once all day!
High- The sun is still out. I am trying to make new friends where I just moved.

Low- It is almost dark and I am not done with my painting yet.
High - Meeting with my lawyer to review the divorce papers today.

Low - Forgetting I should be wide awake before I start shaving.
High~ I got the cajones to tell someone something I normally would keep to myself

Low~ See high...I am filled with self doubt
High - Got to talk to my fav lit girl on the phone today. YEAH!

Low - 2 hours of frustration in traffic this morning going to work.
High : Just knowing he loves me. :heart:

Low : Taking an exam this afternoon and missing simple questions. I hate when that happens. :mad:
High: Talking to someone I have wanted to talk to on the phone for a long time

Low: Dealing with my roomies smothering depression
High: Talking and laughing with someone for hours, and seeing a multitude of pictures.

Low: knowing it's a waste of time.