Reset Button

Would you hit the reset button?

  • Yes, I would hit the button

    Votes: 25 61.0%
  • No, I wouldn't hit the button

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • Other, I am a whimping out on the poll

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Grumpy Doms Union 361
Apr 18, 2002
If you could hit the reset button for your life, would you?
Like in the games you would remember your mistakes.
No. While there's many things that I wish I could take back, and I wish I could change. There are to many things I would lose in "hitting the reset" that I love.
Definitely - even if I couldn't remember my mistakes, it would be another 50 years of relative youth. For me, physically, it is all down hill from here.
Just knowing what I know now about lube when I lost my virginity would make hitting that fucker worth it.
Mona Lisa said:
Just knowing what I know now about lube when I lost my virginity would make hitting that fucker worth it.
All the things that have happened in my life - both good and bad - have made me who I am today. And I like who I am.

Who's to say I wouldn't have turned out worse if I had it all to do over again?
I would highly recommend a book by Ken Grimwood titled "Replay", that is about this very thing. The movie "Groundhog Day" was a second rate ripoff of the book, the difference in the book is that the protagonist relives decades of his life over and over again, instead of the same day...
Nope, taken as a whole, I have a pretty good life.

Starting over might mean I'd make DIFFERENT mistakes than I did the first time. It wouldn't guarantee a better life at all.
Nope, even though I would remember my mistakes, I would be without the experiences of them. And those are the ones that formed me into who I am today.
Cheyenne said:
Nope, taken as a whole, I have a pretty good life.

Starting over might mean I'd make DIFFERENT mistakes than I did the first time. It wouldn't guarantee a better life at all.

I dunno Cheyenne, I can think of some huge differences.

If as a sixteen year old I could have known about women what I know now, high school would have been entirely different... :D

(Though on the other hand, knowing what I know now, how could I possibly go "steady" with a 16 year old girl? :confused: )

Ah, to be in college again with a genuine desire to learn, instead of just doing the minimum necessary to make As...

And I would definitely take a couple of years off between college and grad school the next time, to be a ski and beach bum! :D
Get the fuck out of my way! Where's that button? Huh?

Gimmie the button!!!!!!!!

Does that answer your question? :eek:
Homo_Erectus said:
I dunno Cheyenne, I can think of some huge differences.

If as a sixteen year old I could have known about women what I know now, high school would have been entirely different... :D

(Though on the other hand, knowing what I know now, how could I possibly go "steady" with a 16 year old girl? :confused: )

Oh to be that 16 yr old girl, though. *swoons*
Cheyenne said:
Nope, taken as a whole, I have a pretty good life.

Starting over might mean I'd make DIFFERENT mistakes than I did the first time. It wouldn't guarantee a better life at all.
Well, the premise is that you would remember your old mistakes, therefore you would probably make less mistakes the second time around. We all generally make similar mistakes as we grow up, and I can guarantee that if I could avoid the mistakes I made the first time my life would be much better now. Plus I am presuming that mistakes wouldn't be the only thing I would remember. The old saying that youth is wasted on the young is somewhat true.

Plus, quantity has a quality all its own; as I said, I am going over the hump as I will be 50 next year. Being able to start over again assumes I would start over with a new body.

Finally, if I could start over from this time period forward, life would be a lot easier; in general, over the last few centuries at least, life has been better for each suceeding generation. I had it easier than my parents and grandparents did, and my kids had it easier than I did, as will my grandkids. If I could start over now it would entirely be possible that medical science would enable me to live significantly longer than I will now.

There are a lot of if, ands, and buts in such a scenario - but in general the fact that I am almost 50 makes me wish for my younger days.
I'm not feeling my mortality yet. I'm still looking forward to things to come, not backwards at any "mistakes" I may have made along the way.
Homo_Erectus said:
Do the time warp with me and re-do our Senior Prom, Nora? :devil:

It's just a jump to the left... ;)

I'll be there in my-my-my-my-my boogie shoes!
me first, me first!

Yes, yes yes yes yes!!!!!

I'd try to stay healthier longer, and hang onto that energy I had as a kid for running around. I'd try to not let maturing early (tits & hips, and thighs, lol) let me believe my classmates when they called me fat, and get so bummed out and convinced that, well, I am fat. Yeah, I'm sort of making excueses here, but looking back on what I remember, and pictures of myself as a kid and a teen - I really think that's what happened. I'm working on that now, but how much more fun would it have been to've just kept running around in the woods with the dog, and stayed in better shape all along???

I'd skip sex with several folks in college, not all, but a good number.

I'd try to run up less credit card debt, and be braver in my choices to travel while I was free of paying rent and car payments and all this junk.

I like my life, but if given the chance to remember it, and start over - hell, yeah! Gimme the button, gimme the button!
It depends largely on the mistakes you've made.

I would love the chance to redo my life. Change some things here and there. Not do some of the major mistakes that've made my life intolerable at times.
Nora said:
It's just a jump to the left... ;)

I'll be there in my-my-my-my-my boogie shoes!

Just as long as you have those green gloves... :heart:

A night with Nora in Transexual, Transylvania... could life get any better? :p

Yes, I want the reset button for that night over and over again!
Cheyenne said:
I'm not feeling my mortality yet. I'm still looking forward to things to come, not backwards at any "mistakes" I may have made along the way.
Well, since I suffer from the results of 7 car and 3 bike wrecks, a failed marriage, wasting my high school years in a drunken stupor - I think I could redo the whole mess much better. I know people who are 20 years younger than me that are further along professionally, financially, and in their personal lives than I am - with the exception that my kids are raised and married - and the latter I could have done much better.

I had a decent life, better than many have had, but I could have done it oh so much better - and the older I get the more I realize that.

Plus, as I said, the chance to add another fifty years of relative youth onto my life would just be too much to pass up - assuming that is what hitting the reset button would entail. Even if my life stopped at age 50, I would be way ahead of the game; I really doubt that I will live to be 100, and even if I do, it won't be of the same quality as if I could redo my first 50 years over again.
Homo_Erectus said:
Just as long as you have those green gloves... :heart:

A night with Nora in Transexual, Transylvania... could life get any better? :p

Yes, I want the reset button for that night over and over again!

Ok, I'll wear the gloves. You wear the fishnets and bustier. ;)

Homo_Erectus said:
Mmmmmm... fishnet...

my favorite!

if only I had known it at 16!

Bend over Brad... oh! I mean Janet!

You'd be so cute with your varsity jacket and fishnets, too.

Janet! Dr Scott! Brad! Janet! Rocky! *grunts*

I would have saved my virginity for someone more worthy of the gift...I would NOT have married my ex (who I can thank for adding to my low self-esteem, which contributed to my weight problem)...I would not have slept with as many men as I did, opting for masturbation instead *smiles*...I would have still been with Steve and Brian....the fathers of my children....Aries always seems to draw me...And I love my children more than anything in this world! :)