Request to Review New Favorites Hub & Feedback Hub Designs

Pretty sure that was a post in the site feedback forum from Manu on an unrelated thread many moons ago. I could be remembering wrong, because it was a long time ago. More certain that it was a public post than the who or where.
Gotcha, thanks
Clarifying what I was trying to ask: for someone here with a story actively getting comments, is your control panel still delayed, compared to the new dashboard?

My own spot checking (n = 3 or 4) is inconclusive. A couple of the comments I sent to myself showed up on my Control Panel / Works page right away. A couple didn't. I couldn't really figure it out.
Clarifying what I was trying to ask: for someone here with a story actively getting comments, is your control panel still delayed, compared to the new dashboard?

Since my spot checking (n = 2) showed comments in the new dashboard aren’t showing on stories (clicking into random other people’s stories I mean, not mine), I was wondering if the delay also applies to authors own control panels. I’m wondering, is the delayed posting of comments really gone or not?
Ahh, gotcha. Unless you trawled through the Comments Dashboard and happened across a comment to one of your stories, and went straight away to check, how would you ever know?

I've got my CP saying, "you've got a comment left five minutes ago" - but it won't show under the story yet (x? hour lag). It will show when I click on Works. It's time stamped (sort of), but of course, I've got no way of knowing when the comment was actually posted.

My sense is, there's still a sizeable lag (6 - 12 hours??). I've got someone methodically going through my story file at the moment, leaving either comments or feedback, so I'm getting some sense of timing from that. Mind you, I'm in Oz, so there are night and day time zones going on, too.
Ahh, gotcha. Unless you trawled through the Comments Dashboard and happened across a comment to one of your stories, and went straight away to check, how would you ever know? …
Exactly. That’s why I was asking if someone with a new and oft-commented story can check theirs.

One thing for sure, no shortage of comments on the new page, that don’t exist when I go to the story. Just start near the top
One thing for sure, no shortage of comments on the new page, that don’t exist when I go to the story. Just start near the top
Yes, that's a definite lag. As I'm seeing it right now, a comment shows up on your CP straight away (that is, after it's got through whatever screening goes on), you can delete it at that point if you choose, and some time later (duration unknown) it shows up under the story.

But in doing whatever was done, the Series functionality has been broken - chaptered stories have lost all the links to previous chapter, next chapter. On that basis alone, the new comments functionality is a negative feature, since it's broken a positive feature that was working okay.
Yes, that's a definite lag. As I'm seeing it right now, a comment shows up on your CP straight away (that is, after it's got through whatever screening goes on), you can delete it at that point if you choose, and some time later (duration unknown) it shows up under the story.

But in doing whatever was done, the Series functionality has been broken - chaptered stories have lost all the links to previous chapter, next chapter. On that basis alone, the new comments functionality is a negative feature, since it's broken a positive feature that was working okay.
I'd never thought about the fact that delays could give authors the ability to delete a comment before it goes public. Although, if the comment arrives in the middle of the night, chances are I won't see it before it goes public. Also, I do think some comments go public almost immediately. My hypothesis is that the filter is run more often, on smaller batches of stories at a time, perhaps category by category. Or something.

Also, it's not clear that the series linking problem is necessarily related to the new Feedback Portal. I think I've still seen series linking on some stories in some series but not in others. I'm perfectly willing to believe that with all this new construction the site can have multiple un-related bugs at the same time.
Also, it's not clear that the series linking problem is necessarily related to the new Feedback Portal. I think I've still seen series linking on some stories in some series but not in others. I'm perfectly willing to believe that with all this new construction the site can have multiple un-related bugs at the same time.
Could be, but I've seen this before - perfectly good functionality goes pear-shaped when something new is rolled out. Given that comments and the chapter links both hang off the main story data files, I imagine there's fairly close connectivity.

Edit: I'm also getting two notifications for each comment on my CP, so there's some weird data compilation going on.
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But in doing whatever was done, the Series functionality has been broken - chaptered stories have lost all the links to previous chapter, next chapter. On that basis alone, the new comments functionality is a negative feature, since it's broken a positive feature that was working okay.

Sorry for the issue the "Also In This Series" block, it seems to be an unexpected result of other changes. We are working to fix it now! :D
I just want to say thank you again, Manu. I complained enough about it, and the positive response deserves as many thanks as I made complaints. I have a wide acquaintance among Lit writers, and we are all celebrating and genuflecting in the direction of Manu and Laurel. I have dozens of emails and DM conversations about how great this is. Props. I made a comment on a new story by a friend, and boom, there it was. That is a dope-ass upgrade.
Manu, there's something I don't understand about the new format for the "Followed Authors" list. There are three subsets to the list: one for all time, one for 30 days, and one for 7 days. But the list does not explain what the 7 day and 30 day lists show. These are new features. I assume that these are ranks of authors by the number of new net followers they have picked up during those time periods, but a) the site does not explicitly say this, and b) it doesn't show the numbers. What's the point of having the list if you don't show the numbers?

I would suggest adding a short description at the head of every list describing what it shows, because it obviously is not always clear judging from some of the comments.
Another suggestion: Make it clearer in your thread post what changes you've made and why. You've made far more changes than I recognized at first, but it's been taking me a while to discover them. For instance, only today did I realize that you've created category-based favorite author lists that rank authors by the number of favorites they've acquired for stories in a particular category. I think that's a useful feature, but I wouldn't have known about it without randomly looking around the main favorites list page.

I noticed on the "Favoritest Stories" lists, the problem I pointed out above is not a problem. The lists for alltime/30 days/7 days indicate the numbers of new favorites that each story has picked up during that period. The drawback of this list is the lack of numerical ranking, which is NOT a problem on the Followed Authors list.
The 'Top Commenters' ranking feature is apparently broken. I've started a separate thread on the issue in the Tech Support forum.

EDIT: The 'Most Commented Stories' ranking feature on the German section of the site also seems to be broken (see screen shot in the linked thread above).
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Hello, is there any way to contact the person, who gave me personal feedback? Or I'll have to write on their email?
I find the comments very hard to parse.


The first is from the new page, the second is the legacy new comments page from the lesbian sex landing zone.

I find the second far easier to understand with my magpie mind - comment on the first row, where / who / what on the second - no extraneous "all comments", no category though it could be put as Lesbian Sex / Moonbow on the row. I also like the soft colour / negative space border around it rather than the hard lines of the new design.

The new design just feels cluttered to me - Lit is primarily a site for text, and design changes should in my opinion really serve that use case. I love the ideas of the new landing pages, I just feel the design needs thought.
Hello, is there any way to contact the person, who gave me personal feedback? Or I'll have to write on their email?
I take it you got some feedback through your email account?

If the person wanted to allow a reply, they'd have ticked a "send my email address" box with the feedback. If there's no email address provided, that's where it stops, they're anonymous.
Hello Authors. :D

We just rolled out the new designs for the Literotica Favorites Hub and Literotica Feedback Hub.

These are the first releases, so we plan to improve them in the coming weeks.

Please have a look and let us know if you find any issues or have any suggestions for improving the new designs.

Thanks. :D

Manu, I've noticed that on the "Favoritest Author" list (not the Most Followed List), the number of favorites is not updating. I think it's been well over a week or so since updating, because I track my total favorites and the real numbers have increased while the numbers on the list have not.
Hello Manu. I noticed, when visiting the 30 day most favorited story list for Mature, that the list appeared to randomly include some very old stories, going back as far as 2011.