Republicans and Democrats to be crushed by American Idol...


Rural Racist Homophobe
Nov 29, 2001
Yeah, Rupert Murdoch (sp?) is going to revitalize the American electorate ala Jesse Ventura with an American-idol style show to select an American-candidate for the '04 elections.

If I were Bush, Hillary, or Gore, I'd be VERY, VERY NERVOUS!

SINthysist said:
Yeah, Rupert Murdoch (sp?) is going to revitalize the American electorate ala Jesse Ventura with an American-idol style show to select an American-candidate for the '04 elections.

It's an idea thatmight have some merit, but given the fraudualent contestants booted from American Idol for falsifying thier age, Mr. Murdoch is going to have to do some serious work on insuring the contestants credibility.

I really don't see how tis is going to be any less a popularity contest than the party conventions are -- at least it's not claiming to be anything more than a political pouplarity contest.
I'd love to see a winner like the kind we had in the congressional elections in Missouri in 2000...a dead guy right proponents never thought we'd see that day...
I'd love to see a winner like the kind we had in the congressional elections in Missouri in 2000...a dead guy right proponents never thought we'd see that day

Hey I'm from Missouri and I voted for the dead guy! He did a damned good job too. Just goes to show you that sometimes a corpse can be better than your run of the mill politician.
Mr. W. Harold, you are slipping.

WTF does credibility have to do with being a politician? Yes, I agree, for a contestant, yes, it is neccessary. But a contestant vying to BE a candidate should not be so handicapped :D !
I think it's a great idea. And I love the idea of an Australian millionaire influencing (okay, we'll see if he influences...) american politics. Maybe more than the usual 40-50% of people who actually vote will turn out to cast their ballot.

here's some useless trivia...

The American Idol show is based on a New Zealand programme called Popstars. Since it has been sold to so many countries now, Popstars is the largest cultural export EVER from New Zealand. They must be proud! :)
If Americans could vote from the couch, we'd have turnout in the 90% range... It's just too inconvenient to get a fat ass up, off the couch, and into the polling booth... Just as well. Considering where they get their information from.
Could you see foriegn policy done as a millionaire-style show?

Okay George, you have three lifelines left, what should you do about Iraq?

I think I'll call Dick, or Dad, gee, I dunno, at a time like this, I think I'll call Mom and see what she'd do...
yes but then some Demlican after a loss would challange the findings in a Florida Court demanding all the dimpled chips be counted as intent. In retort, some Repubocrat would fire a legal salvo from the California 9th circuit Apellate court crying foul, if we count the the dimpled chips, we must also count the rippled chips. We all know the vast rippled chip discrimination that exists. They are the first eaten, the poor bastards!
oooo, do they get to wear the cool outfits like the WWF?
weed said:
oooo, do they get to wear the cool outfits like the WWF
while I am pretty positive Dubya wore a tutu in his cocaine days, I dont think I want to see Cheney in tights....
I could see America going for a great pair of legs, some silicone and hairspray...
SINthysist said:
I could see America going for a great pair of legs, some silicone and hairspray...

...he would need a good speechwriter, though.
SINthysist said:
I could see America going for a great pair of legs, some silicone and hairspray...

Like the Italians when they voted for Ciccolina, the former porn star, electing her to the parliament.
Our governments need glamour and aesthetic values!
weed said:

His make-up person never quite got it right.
I thought we were talking about false looks, not drag queens? If drag queens are the issue, lest we never forget J. Edgar
SINthysist said:
Yeah, Rupert Murdoch (sp?) is going to revitalize the American electorate ala Jesse Ventura with an American-idol style show to select an American-candidate for the '04 elections.

If I were Bush, Hillary, or Gore, I'd be VERY, VERY NERVOUS!


You are making this up, right? LMAO
wait a minute...

... does that really mean they're going to have these auditions and castings ?
First round contests in each county ?
Second round in each state ?

Contestants have to perform the national anthem ?
Declaim the list of former presidents ?
Fund raising via nationwide tv ?

Runners-up winning a free carribean cruize ?

Gawd, I'll vote for that big chested blonde exotic dancer (she looks so cute in her starspangled banner aerobic dress)....
too bad she couldn't make any points in the "MtRushmore spelling contest" ... but then again who cares since her flic-flac was the best.
wait a minute...

... does that really mean they're going to have these auditions and castings ?
First round contests in each county ?
Second round in each state ?

Contestants have to perform the national anthem ?
Declaim the list of former presidents ?
Fund raising via nationwide tv ?

Runners-up winning a free carribean cruize ?

Gawd, I'll vote for that big chested blonde exotic dancer (she looks so cute in her starspangled banner aerobic dress)....
too bad she couldn't make any points in the "MtRushmore spelling contest" ... but then again who cares since her flic-flac was the best.

And here are the final results of the "Dade County Jury"... Mrs Bombshell wins a weekend at SixFlags Magic Mountain - woohoo
i posted twice ?
wonder how that happened....

Please Laurel can you delete one of those ?