

Dec 31, 2009
I've always had in the back of my head a little town where things were a bit different from anywhere else. The norms aren't normal if you will. Rules are done in a way that they can't really be changed easily and those who rock the boat are wished away, never to be heard of again, even in names or memories.

I wanted a name for the place that was uncommon and had not been used on maps anywhere.

Lo, comes 'Reproach'. Accurate or not, a search pulls up a site that says it is not a current name of any place on Earth.

Those signs you often see as you enter or leave a town ... the one leaving would say 'Beyond Reproach'.

Give it an offbeat vibe like Eeerie, Indiana or Eureka. Have some fun with it in addition to the other odd bits of activity and debauchery. A candy store might be named 'Reproach Mint". A temporary jobs office might be called 'Reproach Able'.

And stickin' it to the Fundies ain't all bad either.
Reminds me of the old Harry Chaplin song, “The Mayor Of Candor Lied.” 🤓

But how about a helicopter tour service, “Above Reproach”, where for a fee they put a mattress in the back and couples can fuck at 2,000 feet? (This was an actual service in the 80s at SJC airport except it was in the back of a Cessna.)
The private club on the hill over looking the town with the rooms where you do what you don't confess is called "Above Reproach".