Report: Trump supports national abortion ban. (So much for his winning back the White House.)

i can't even imagine the crazy shit this nutty bastard thinks but chooses not to vomit.
That anti abortion movement is inherently dishonest.

States rights was always a lie.
As is the idea they are "protecting the unborn."

If they really were opposed to abortion, they would be going out of their way to make sure everyone had access to birth control and contraceptives, and supported comprehensive sex education at all levels.

But guess what; they not only are not supporting these things, in fact, they are actually trying to ban them, too.

Their aim has never been anything but repression and control. And viewing women as little more than government-owned breeding stock.
Someone likes the visibility my popular threads give him, but is too scared to address me.

Amateur sealion troll knows his place. 😎
I wonder what the argument is for picking the time frame of 16 weeks.
sixteen weeks is roughly four months. It's roughly the time frame when an embryo develops into a viable fetus.

I would think that far more people would be amenable to SOME kind of ban after a viable fetus develops, unless of course the pregnancy endangers a woman's life. Maybe 16 weeks is too short, but I think very, very few people would accept "Abortion on demand any time for any reason." Just like to say a ban on abortion at any time- especially the morning after conception- is utterly unreasonably draconian and has very very little support.
As is the idea they are "protecting the unborn."

If they really were opposed to abortion, they would be going out of their way to make sure everyone had access to birth control and contraceptives, and supported comprehensive sex education at all levels.

But guess what; they not only are not supporting these things, in fact, they are actually trying to ban them, too.

Their aim has never been anything but repression and control. And viewing women as little more than government-owned breeding stock.

Hey, hey hey don't be so hard on the ladies. They can give BJs, make sandwiches, do the laundry and in a pinch they make good foot rests or foot warmers if they got that big bottom you can tuck your feet under so she can't have no bony butt.
sixteen weeks is roughly four months. It's roughly the time frame when an embryo develops into a viable fetus.

I would think that far more people would be amenable to SOME kind of ban after a viable fetus develops, unless of course the pregnancy endangers a woman's life. Maybe 16 weeks is too short, but I think very, very few people would accept "Abortion on demand any time for any reason." Just like to say a ban on abortion at any time- especially the morning after conception- is utterly unreasonably draconian and has very very little support.
The anti-abortion crowd will accept nothing less than a total ban on abortion. No exceptions.
As is the idea they are "protecting the unborn."

If they really were opposed to abortion, they would be going out of their way to make sure everyone had access to birth control and contraceptives, and supported comprehensive sex education at all levels.

But guess what; they not only are not supporting these things, in fact, they are actually trying to ban them, too.

Their aim has never been anything but repression and control. And viewing women as little more than government-owned breeding stock.
Contraception is next on the list after they get a total ban on abortion
sixteen weeks is roughly four months. It's roughly the time frame when an embryo develops into a viable fetus.
I would think 25 weeks is more scientifically valid. That's the point in development a fetus brain begins becoming active and arguably a human being starts to exist.
I would think that far more people would be amenable to SOME kind of ban after a viable fetus develops, unless of course the pregnancy endangers a woman's life. Maybe 16 weeks is too short, but I think very, very few people would accept "Abortion on demand any time for any reason." Just like to say a ban on abortion at any time- especially the morning after conception- is utterly unreasonably draconian and has very very little support.
Logically and philosophically speaking, I cannot see a valid argument against terminating a pregnancy at any point. Even if one were to grant a fetus full status as a human being at moment of conception, I don't see it as a valid argument that any human being has a right to use another person's body (without their ongoing consent) to keep themselves alive, regardless of the circumstances.

So, a women terminating a pregnancy at any point strikes me as a valid and morally justifiable position, regardless of timeframe of pregnancy.

However, that being said, terminating a pregnancy shouldn't automatically mean killing the fetus. If it can survive outside the womb, with or without medical aid, there is zero justification for killing it. Terminating the pregnancy to enforce bodily autonomy for women is acceptable at any point. But when anyone suggests the fetus must be killed or not given any chance at life, I don't see any logic, morality or rational justification for that position.
I think it's between a woman and her doctor.

Additionally I believe that any man that debates/discusses abortion from a moral perspective or from one which isn't backed by modern medical science should quietly defer to the American Medical Association as well as the American Gynecological and Obstetrical Society.

Building policy shouldn't be done by talking out of one's ass.
I would think 25 weeks is more scientifically valid. That's the point in development a fetus brain begins becoming active and arguably a human being starts to exist.

Logically and philosophically speaking, I cannot see a valid argument against terminating a pregnancy at any point. Even if one were to grant a fetus full status as a human being at moment of conception, I don't see it as a valid argument that any human being has a right to use another person's body (without their ongoing consent) to keep themselves alive, regardless of the circumstances.

So, a women terminating a pregnancy at any point strikes me as a valid and morally justifiable position, regardless of timeframe of pregnancy.

However, that being said, terminating a pregnancy shouldn't automatically mean killing the fetus. If it can survive outside the womb, with or without medical aid, there is zero justification for killing it. Terminating the pregnancy to enforce bodily autonomy for women is acceptable at any point. But when anyone suggests the fetus must be killed or not given any chance at life, I don't see any logic, morality or rational justification for that position.
Or we could just say up until the baby is born, it's the woman's choice to make.

Making laws to tightly regulate late-term abortion only leads to women being denied emergency medical care.
Or we could just say up until the baby is born, it's the woman's choice to make.
That's exactly what I'm arguing for. Women can choose to terminate a pregnancy at any point.
Making laws to tightly regulate late-term abortion only leads to women being denied emergency medical care.
Like I said, I see zero issue with a woman choosing to terminate a pregnancy at any point. Enforcing her bodily autonomy does not require automatic killing of the fetus/baby, though.
Logically and Philosophically speaking, I cannot see any argument for any government, State or Federal having any say in the matter. Ultimately it is a woman's body and nobody else, man or woman, or government of any kind should interfere. Just trust women, and leave the decision to them alone.
sixteen weeks is roughly four months. It's roughly the time frame when an embryo develops into a viable fetus.
Not correct, viability is around 24 weeks currently. Viability being able to survive outside the womb. However developments in the medical field may lower this by a few weeks, but not much, and doubt it will ever be lower than 20 weeks.
News alert for the “pro-lifers” out there: Trump will abandon you and your cause if it’s in his interest to do so.
Like I said, I see zero issue with a woman choosing to terminate a pregnancy at any point. Enforcing her bodily autonomy does not require automatic killing of the fetus/baby, though.
I am not sure what the purpose of this statement is supposed to be. I mean it is correct but seems irrelevant to the discussion as these pregnancies end in birth and have nothing to do with abortion.

You won’t be able to find a documented case where a healthy pregnancy is aborted in the third trimester. It simply doesn’t happen. If a pregnancy complication arises that threatens the health of the mother or fetus, the result will be an induced delivery, not an abortion.

The only abortions you will see at this point in a pregnancy is if it has been determined that the fetus has developmental issues that are not compatible with life and continuing the pregnancy threatens the health of the mother. These situations are tragic and traumatic for the parents and their physician, and the last thing they need is the government interjecting itself into the process.
For the purposes of this thread I suppose the point actually is McConnell was a dick for trump and got SCOTUS in place. SCOTUS reverses roe v sending abortion back to the states. Some red states institute draconian abortion laws. Now their orange god backs a nationwide federal abortion ban.

Baby steps to dictatorship, but one has to start somewhere