Reparations Aren't Big In Colorado


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Denver Councilwoman Who Floated Reparations Gets Blown Out in Re-Election Bid​

Matt Vespa | June 10, 2023 8:30 AM

Remember Candi CdeBaca? She’s the Denver councilwoman who endorsed reparations, suggesting that white-owned businesses be taxed more to help minority ones. It wasn’t part of her re-election platform, claiming that her comments, which were clipped and posted by Libs of Tik Tok, were not an actual policy she plans to pursue on the city council. Yet, to avoid offending her progressive supporters, Ms. CdeBaca did clarify that she remained an advocate of this policy in her newsletter last month:

"The District 9 council race between incumbent Candi CdeBaca and challenger Darrell Watson is notable as one of the biggest blowouts of the last decade.

CdeBaca lost by a 21.42-point margin. She got 39.29% of the vote while Watson got 60.71%."

Apparently, the seizure of the private income of one race for the benefit of another race is frowned upon in Colorado.
In other equally-worthy news, Alabama rejects gays, and Florida rejects gun control.
There's more than a little bit of irony here. The C. de Baca's were at one time among the largest land owners in CO and NM. They held over 500,000 acres. Through partitioning via inheritance, mis-management, and/or out and out sale virtually all of the land is no longer held by the family. The largest contiguous part of the original land grant remaining is the Valles Caldera National Preserve, 88,900 acres.