Here's How Donald Trump Could Become President

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Don stuck a gun to POTUS's head and forced him to do something?

LMFAO!!! When did this happen? That one is gonna need some citation.

From what I saw Obama wasn't forced to do shit and could have just as easily told Don to eat an AIDS dick.

Citation? No problem.

Sen Grassley's radio interview with KCJJ in May of 2011.

Trump has also claimed he did it, below is his quote.

“I’m the one that got him to put up his birth certificate. Hillary Clinton was unable to get there, and I will tell you she tried. And you look at her campaign and everybody knows it happened. I would say that pretty much everybody agrees with me. But she tried and she was unable to do it, and I tried and I was able to do it. So I’m very proud of that"

Obama could have but didn't instead he did exactly what The Don wanted.
The dum, dum Trump. Picks a fight with Ms. Universe and won't let it die....keeps picking at the scab....can't leave it alone....she's a drug dealer, and god knows what else, but Trump gets down in the mud with her....idiot. Even cheerleader Newt had harsh words for Trump....

Can the man NOT Tweet at 3am? or, maybe don't Tweet at all? Can the man just act Presidential??? Now, Obama can kid around here and there, but its nothing compared to the dumb stuff Trump does...

Sorry, I can't vote for a guy that just doesn't have the sense to realize how to run a campaign....can't do it. Love him on The Apprentice, love him on Howard Stern....but not running the country.

Okay, his voters want a fighter.

After the ads of who is going to answer the call at 3AM...

;) ;)

Hillary wasn't available, too tired, but Trump just proved that at 3AM, he's your guy...

All Hillary needs to do is just keep doing, what she's been doing. Playing it cool, not getting to deep into ideas and mandates. Just look Presidential, and stop trying to be likeable....give that up already, she is NOT likable and never will be.

Let her VP smile Ad Nauseam, that dude creeps me out....

Too bad she unloaded on Millennials...

;) ;)

Her "Les Deplorable" voters.
Citation? No problem.

Sen Grassley's radio interview with KCJJ in May of 2011.

Trump has also claimed he did it, below is his quote.

“I’m the one that got him to put up his birth certificate. Hillary Clinton was unable to get there, and I will tell you she tried. And you look at her campaign and everybody knows it happened. I would say that pretty much everybody agrees with me. But she tried and she was unable to do it, and I tried and I was able to do it. So I’m very proud of that"

Obama could have but didn't instead he did exactly what The Don wanted.

None of that even implies much less proves force against Obama.

Nobody MADE him do shit, they asked and he voluntarily gave them what they asked for. There is a fundamental difference between the two.
None of that even implies much less proves force against Obama.

Nobody MADE him do shit, they asked and he voluntarily gave them what they asked for. There is a fundamental difference between the two.

Not at all what happened and the citations proved that. There were several people who asked and he didn't release it for them. He didn't release it until Trump forced him to.
Not at all what happened and the citations proved that.

No they didn't, they in fact proved there was no force.

There were several people who asked and he didn't release it for them. He didn't release it until Trump forced him to.

Obama had the option to continue telling Trump to get fucked.

Trump couldn't take Obamas shit, throw him in prison or beat his ass if Obama didn't comply.

You know, just like when the government FORCES you when you don't comply?

Trump didn't force, he asked.

Obama's consent isn't proof of force.
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No they didn't, they in fact proved there was no force.

Obama had the option to continue telling Trump to get fucked.

Trump didn't force, he asked.

Obama's capitulation isn't proof of force.

You're repeating things that have been refuted.

LOTS of people asked him to release his birth certificate and he didn't It was Trump that got him to release it.

You're right, Obama could have told Trump whatever he wanted, but Obama didn't, Obama did exactly what Trump wanted him to.

Feel free to say ask or force or whatever you want, the point still stands that Trump has never held office but got the POTUS to do exactly what he wanted.
That's all irrelevant to the effect on minority and educated white voters that Trump's demand and behavior has been on the birther issue--which isn't an effect that his campaign staff can crow about, even if Trump himself is oblivious to having shot himself in the foot over this.
Again, that perception is very helpful to getting out the Democratic vote. :)

Keep the claim going that Trump won the first debate too. :D

He did kinda kill it in the first debate. Then tried to phone it in on 2nd.
Then again Hillary supporters are swayed by what they see on tv, being the clueless vapid sheople they are.

Know why Trump is running, seriously, pulled the trigger and in it for all the marbles, this time around?

I can't wait for the moment when he hands the keys to the oval office to Trump.
Too bad she unloaded on Millennials...

;) ;)

Her "Les Deplorable" voters.

Someone didn't actually listen to what Hillary said about millennial voters. Couldn't make it past the headline to listen for the three minutes it took to blow that narrative conservatives are pushing out of the water

Maybe you should stick to short attention span theater.
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He did kinda kill it in the first debate. Then tried to phone it in on 2nd.
Then again Hillary supporters are swayed by what they see on tv, being the clueless vapid sheople they are.

Know why Trump is running, seriously, pulled the trigger and in it for all the marbles, this time around?

I can't wait for the moment when he hands the keys to the oval office to Trump.

Perfect example of the delusion of conservatives. Bravo.
It is sad, no doubt, but also funny, if you can make yourself laugh. How in the hell did the country put itself in this situation? Ridiculous.

Anyway, suffice it to say Pence is far, far more disciplined than Trump, as will undoubtedly be made clear in the veep debate.

my only theory is that talented people choose not to put themselves in the position to be scrutinize over every single thing you've done in your life since the age of 5.

but other than that, not sure. We have a talent drain in all aspect of life, business and even politics. Clearly there is no talent at the federal level.
Nice spin: in the news feed that comes with my phone the headline is Clinton expresses empathy in hacked recording.

As if she isn't part of the the administration that presided over the worst recovery ever while encouraging even more people to go to school, rack up debt and add to the glut of people with worthless degrees.
Too bad she unloaded on Millennials...

;) ;)

Her "Les Deplorable" voters.

I didnt see it that way, but once Hillary said, " I guess I could just stay home and bake cookies", most women didnt like that either. Her downside, is that she isnt a dymamic speaker, or has a way with words and she doesnt move people..... She isnt likable to anyone besides her daughter.

My guess is, Millennials just look at her as if they were looking at their Grand Ma Ma....she IS that old! and Oy, when she ears hurt. Get ready to hear that voice for 4 years....Somehow Bernie, the old dude himself, managed to move the Millenials....go figure
Someone didn't actually listen to what Hillary said about millennial voters. Couldn't make it past the headline to listen for the three minutes it took to blow that narrative conservatives are pushing out of the water

Maybe you should stick to short attention span theater.

Anything like how you gaveva full hearing to the full remarks when Romney explained (preciently) that 47% of the country would never consider voting for him because they have a vested interest in not shrinking the bloat of government?

...Those same people will vote Clinton if they bother to vote for the same reason regardless of any policy positions.
Anything like how you gaveva full hearing to the full remarks when Romney explained (preciently) that 47% of the country would never consider voting for him because they have a vested interest in not shrinking the bloat of government?

...Those same people will vote Clinton if they bother to vote for the same reason regardless of any policy positions.

It is the big reason she gets the black vote.....handouts. Govt is huge, it employs so many people, one way or another....
I didnt see it that way, but once Hillary said, " I guess I could just stay home and bake cookies", most women didnt like that either. Her downside, is that she isnt a dymamic speaker, or has a way with words and she doesnt move people..... She isnt likable to anyone besides her daughter.

My guess is, Millennials just look at her as if they were looking at their Grand Ma Ma....she IS that old! and Oy, when she ears hurt. Get ready to hear that voice for 4 years....Somehow Bernie, the old dude himself, managed to move the Millenials....go figure

Good point, except everyone gives Grandma the benefit of the doubt...


And she's been telling the that if you pick me over Grandpa, you get cookies, but she tells everyone else that she has no plan, time, or intention, to bake cookies.

:D :D :D
As I'm watching Hillary speak in 1992 I have to ask...

What has this woman touched that hasn't blown up in her face? Her husband's governorship, her attempt at Obamacare, Libya...

Seriously, apparently she's great at being Teflon, but WHAT has she actually done in her life?

THAT'S why I'm a Trump supporter.
As I'm watching Hillary speak in 1992 I have to ask...

What has this woman touched that hasn't blown up in her face? Her husband's governorship, her attempt at Obamacare, Libya...

Seriously, apparently she's great at being Teflon, but WHAT has she actually done in her life?

THAT'S why I'm a Trump supporter.

What all successful women do...

;) ;)

Pick a winning husband and ride his coattails.


As I'm watching Hillary speak in 1992 I have to ask...

What has this woman touched that hasn't blown up in her face? Her husband's governorship, her attempt at Obamacare, Libya...

Seriously, apparently she's great at being Teflon, but WHAT has she actually done in her life?

THAT'S why I'm a Trump supporter.

You didn't even mention her main sin, which was compromising national security and thereby endangering the lives of people who were risking their life for this country, as well as endangering the country as a whole. For that alone, I hope she loses, even if that means Trump wins.
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