Reminder - Please Read


Kitty Mama
Aug 27, 1999

The purpose of this forum is for members to share photos of themselves that they themselves took and therefore own the copyright on. It is NOT here for people to post copyrighted photos they have appropriated from other websites.

By uploading these photos to the Literotica server, you are putting this site in danger of being shut down.

Please stop.

Thanks. :)
Thanx for the post.

I just wish people would listen
Bumping this post to the top

Stated so sweetly

Let's not put this site in jeopardy

There are plenty of sites for professional/copyrighted pics

But there is only one Lit
*big BUMP*

People this truly is it...all of it! Don't hurt Lit by going against the rules. They are simple and straightforward and don't hurt to follow. Geeesh...*sighs*

~ Rora :rose:
Can you or do you start removing threads or posts wherein there is a violation?
MissTaken said:
Can you or do you start removing threads or posts wherein there is a violation?

YA ... what she said ...and blatant violators should be banned .. and the copyrighted material removed!
I think this should be a sticky. But on the other hand, it's always nice to bump Laurel back to the top ;)
These should be very simple rules to follow, but still it looks like people can't do it, so that's why I've made it a sticky.


SHIT!.....That hurt!
I have a decent arse, so I am going to bump this little fucker myself.......*S*

I only post pics I have taken, or that have been taken with my camera.