Regrets I have a few


Literotica Guru
Sep 21, 2008

Here are the top five, recorded by and Australian nurse.
5 Top Regrets People Have At the End of Their Lives
A palliative nurse has recorded the top five regrets of the dying.

1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard.

Could be good for a 'Second Chance' story.
Nonsense. If people did those 5 things they'd be me and have no friends to keep in touch with. I DID IT MY WAY is a prescription for dateless Saturday nights. Its much better to be a fraud and fool people for a while.
Nonsense. If people did those 5 things they'd be me and have no friends to keep in touch with. I DID IT MY WAY is a prescription for dateless Saturday nights. Its much better to be a fraud and fool people for a while.
I actually agree with this. AND I agree with the people who regretted.

Your path doesn't have to be all about you versus never about you. Life is giving and taking, sharing and keeping, some of each. We are tribal animals. Not herd animals that blindly foloow the lead cow(although is sure seems that way sometimes) and not pack animals that are content with or place in the hierarchy. We need a place among our fellows, and we need status, and we hunger to raise our status. We absolutely depend on compassion in our baby years, and we are perfectly capable-- even need to-- give compassion. Human nature is a blend of selfishness and altruism, and it's perfectly possible to blend them in anyone's life.
I live without regret.

Are there things I could have done better, or should not have done?

Of course their are, but acknowledging a mistake is not the same as regret.

"Do as thou wilt is the sum of the law"

I lead a pretty happy existence and don't really care much about what othrs think of my existence.

hence the happiness.
"This above all, to thine own self be true."

William Shakespeare. (Hamlet Act II, Scene 3)

If you're comfortable in your own skin, plot your own course, care not what others say, are true to your convictions, hold on to your dreams and never intentionally harm anyone with word or deed; your regrets should be, as the song says, "Too few to mention."

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'it might have been'.

John Greenleaf Whittier.
"This above all, to thine own self be true."

William Shakespeare. (Hamlet Act II, Scene 3)

If you're comfortable in your own skin, plot your own course, care not what others say, are true to your convictions, hold on to your dreams and never intentionally harm anyone with word or deed; your regrets should be, as the song says, "Too few to mention."

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'it might have been'.

John Greenleaf Whittier.

Unintentional harm is the worst kind.
If you're comfortable in your own skin, plot your own course, care not what others say, are true to your convictions, hold on to your dreams and never intentionally harm anyone with word or deed; your regrets should be, as the song says, "Too few to mention."
In order to refrain from harming others, it behooves us to care what other say. Otherwise, how are we to know?
Nobody does it all their way. No one is an island.

Which got me thinking--

I've always wanted to hear what Jack Kerouac's girlfriend had to say about him-- you know, the one that he would abandon for the road, coming back for more food and his clean laundry?

And what do you know, she's written about him-- lovingly, as it happens :)

What's really nice for us authors is she talks about his writing process.
In order to refrain from harming others, it behooves us to care what other say. Otherwise, how are we to know?
Nobody does it all their way. No one is an island.

Point taken. ;)

What I meant by not caring what others say was to eschew the herd mentality and take all advice and criticism with a grain of salt and in the spirit that it's offered. I wouldn't be indifferent to someone just to be mean.

In that regard, constructive criticism and someones pointless carping are two entirely different things and in life the sooner you recognize the difference. the better off you'll be.:D

When I was in college some of my peers were coo-coo over Kerouac; I could never get into his fiction, but I did enjoy On the Road as it was based on fact.