Regardless of how you feel about last Friday's Supreme Court Decision...


Literotica Guru
Apr 28, 2016
Regardless of how you feel about last week's Supreme Court decision, whether you were in favor of it or not, lets be clear and honest about one thing.

I've heard some people claim that "This was a victory for Freedom" or "A Victory for Liberty."

This is so blatantly false that even an autistic child can see the hypocrisy here. It's like saying that putting a man in prison is "Giving him his freedom."

Because even if you passionately feel that this ruling was justified in the name of "Saving the Unborn," the blatant and honest truth is, it is "Saving the Unborn" at the expense of freedom for women. It is what it is- it is taking away a woman's freedom. Now, you may feel that this freedom is something that women should never have had, according to your own religious philosophy, But don't insult our intelligence by claiming this is about "Giving people more liberty." Because that's exactly why this ruling has angered so many people; it is TAKING AWAY people's liberty. And justice Thomas has openly indicated that more liberties, and more freedoms may be taken away in future rulings. Which should be even more alarming to self proclaimed lovers of freedom and liberty.

It's like the argument that the Ayatollahs in Iran "Gave the Iranian people their freedom" by eliminating Reza Pahlavi, the American-backed ruler prior to 1979. Was Iran more "free" after Khomeini took over? Clearly, no it wasn't. But to devout Shiite Muslims- they had all the freedom they wanted to do exactly what they wanted, which was to practice hard-line Islam. Problem is, nobody else in the country had ANY freedom at all. I don't understand why so many Americans cannot understand this. You can call the Supreme Court ruling a "Victory for Christianity" if you will, or a "Victory for the Unborn," but you simply cannot call it a victory for "Freedom or Liberty." Whether you are pleased with the ruling or not... It is a defeat for both.
Because they don't care. All they want to do is stick it to the Dems and people who are different. If that means trampling on civil liberties then so be it.
Not sure why "federal level BAD, state level GOOD" is relevant....why not take it to the city level? I live in the city of Houston, which if it was a state would be the 26th biggest STATE. Yet we as a city are bound to the whims of grandstanding Texas governor Greg Abbott and the most corrupt attorney general in America Ken Paxton. why shouldn't cities decide their own standards?

We know why.....
Regardless of how you feel about last week's Supreme Court decision, whether you were in favor of it or not, lets be clear and honest about one thing.

I've heard some people claim that "This was a victory for Freedom" or "A Victory for Liberty."

This is so blatantly false

No, it's not.

It's absolutely a victory for liberty and American democracy.

The PEOPLE in their respective states will largely get to decide how abortion is regulated in their states, just like with every other right, as it should be.

The only blatantly false thing put out with regard to Roe was the idea that it created some ABSOLUTE and totally untouchable right to abortion more bulletproof than even the enumerated rights that explicitly "shall not" be abridged, infringe or otherwise fuck with.

Because even if you passionately feel that this ruling was justified in the name of "Saving the Unborn,"

No it's justified in the name of rule of law, and the right of 90% of the country that isn't radical pro-abortion to govern their communities how their democracy has decided.

Democracy isn't JUST for radical leftist.... ya Mao wannabe totalitarian psychopaths can cry about it.

You lost the democracy game in red states.... suck that throbbing American cock of freedom and maybe think about tending to those dumpster fire blue states before coming unglued over the fact that red states will get to govern differently than how team blue wishes they could force them to.
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Regardless of how you feel about last week's Supreme Court decision, whether you were in favor of it or not, lets be clear and honest about one thing.

I've heard some people claim that "This was a victory for Freedom" or "A Victory for Liberty."

This is so blatantly false that even an autistic child can see the hypocrisy here. It's like saying that putting a man in prison is "Giving him his freedom."

Because even if you passionately feel that this ruling was justified in the name of "Saving the Unborn," the blatant and honest truth is, it is "Saving the Unborn" at the expense of freedom for women. It is what it is- it is taking away a woman's freedom. Now, you may feel that this freedom is something that women should never have had, according to your own religious philosophy, But don't insult our intelligence by claiming this is about "Giving people more liberty." Because that's exactly why this ruling has angered so many people; it is TAKING AWAY people's liberty. And justice Thomas has openly indicated that more liberties, and more freedoms may be taken away in future rulings. Which should be even more alarming to self proclaimed lovers of freedom and liberty.

It's like the argument that the Ayatollahs in Iran "Gave the Iranian people their freedom" by eliminating Reza Pahlavi, the American-backed ruler prior to 1979. Was Iran more "free" after Khomeini took over? Clearly, no it wasn't. But to devout Shiite Muslims- they had all the freedom they wanted to do exactly what they wanted, which was to practice hard-line Islam. Problem is, nobody else in the country had ANY freedom at all. I don't understand why so many Americans cannot understand this. You can call the Supreme Court ruling a "Victory for Christianity" if you will, or a "Victory for the Unborn," but you simply cannot call it a victory for "Freedom or Liberty." Whether you are pleased with the ruling or not... It is a defeat for both.
Well said.

Still, will the Democrats do anything? Honestly, there is no rule on the number of SOCTUS judges. If it was me, i would now have "stacking" the court in all the Democratic campaign policies. For all the arguments over RvW. In the end, under it, women had the freedom to choose. That freedom has been removed.

For those who claim,no it has not, it now a just been moved to an each state decision, to allow or make abortion illegal, that does not mean women's freedoms have not been curtailed. The word portability come to mind as the rebuttal to those who say woman have not been disenfranchised by this ruling. Yes a woman could travel to another state to seek an abortion, that is true, but needing to travel to another state is still a denial of freedom.

For a country that "claims" to be the freest in the world, this ruling proves the USA is not the freest. Only a fucking idiot would claim otherwise.

Edited after the fact....and look who just posted before me, proving my final sentence is true....*chuckles*
Well said.

Still, will the Democrats do anything? Honestly, there is no rule on the number of SOCTUS judges. If it was me, i would now have "stacking" the court in all the Democratic campaign policies. For all the arguments over RvW. In the end, under it, women had the freedom to choose. That freedom has been removed.

God knows ruling by dishonest activism is the lefty way, ya'll certainly couldn't get actual legislation passed.

You guys don't have the support for it and you know it.

For those who claim,no it has not, it now a just been moved to an each state decision, to allow or make abortion illegal, that does not mean women's freedoms have not been curtailed. The word portability come to mind as the rebuttal to those who say woman have not been disenfranchised by this ruling. Yes a woman could travel to another state to seek an abortion, that is true, but needing to travel to another state is still a denial of freedom.

An implied freedom that's not even remotely secured by even general legislation much less an amendment.

Which even if you had an amendment that said "The right of women to an abortion SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!" there is no reason why red states couldn't regulate abortions as heavily as blue states regulate guns.

For a country that "claims" to be the freest in the world, this ruling proves the USA is not the freest. Only a fucking idiot would claim otherwise.

Not the freest, but it took a step towards freedom and in favor of democracy.

Only leftists hacks who think "freedom and democracy" = leftist getting whatever they want however they want all the time think otherwise.

Edited after the fact....and look who just posted before me, proving my final sentence is true....*chuckles*

Your sentence wasn't true, it's been shat upon extensively.

Freedom =/= totalitarian leftist always getting their way. You're wrong.
Not sure why "federal level BAD, state level GOOD" is relevant....

Because that's how the USA is structured.

States are a thing Rob, you and the other totalitarians should cry about that more.

why not take it to the city level?

In California many things do. Maybe you should move to that progressive paradise and enjoy some of that progress you're such a fan of.

Yet we as a city are bound to the whims of grandstanding Texas governor Greg Abbott and the most corrupt attorney general in America Ken Paxton. why shouldn't cities decide their own standards?

We know why.....

Because the people of Texas haven't voted for that, that's why.
Do you not think it ironic, that the same people who decried mask mandates and vaccine mandates as "Leftist Big Govermnent Telling Us What to Do with our Bodies/Taking Away our liberties"(sic) are now praising the Supreme Court and the "red states" for doing the exact same thing to women?

So, it's perfectly okay to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term- nothing wrong with THAT at all- but to tell people to get vaccinated and/or wear a mask to prevent the spread of a potentially fatal disease...THAT's crossing a line.

Makes no fucking sense, no matter how you try to spin it.

Whether you like it or not, in a free society, people either have rights and liberties- and this included bodily autonomy- or they don't.

And by the way, equating pro-woman's choice policies with poorly run "Progressive" city government is a false equivalency. They have nothing to do with each other. If "Red states= good/blue states=always bad" then Mississippi, Idaho, and Alabama would spend more per capita on education than California and Connecticut...and they do not. Texas would have a reliable energy grid- which they do not (though to be fair, California does not either.)
Do you not think it ironic, that the same people who decried mask mandates and vaccine mandates as "Leftist Big Govermnent Telling Us What to Do with our Bodies/Taking Away our liberties"(sic) are now praising the Supreme Court and the "red states" for doing the exact same thing to women?

So, it's perfectly okay to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term- nothing wrong with THAT at all- but to tell people to get vaccinated and/or wear a mask to prevent the spread of a potentially fatal disease...THAT's crossing a line.

Do you not see how that goes both way with the "SHOOT ANYONE WHO REFUSES THE VAXX!!!!" gang is now screaming "My body my choice!!" and pretending to be pro choice when we all know god damn good and well you guys fucking HATE choice and care NOTHING for bodily autonomy??


Makes no fucking sense, no matter how you try to spin it.

Right back at you and the vaccine gestapo champ. :D

Whether you like it or not, in a free society, people either have rights and liberties- and this included bodily autonomy- or they don't.

No shit.....some of them are even protected by Constitutional amendment which states they "shall not be infringed" and yet you and yours argue regularly that no right is absolute and all are subject to regulation by the government.

Except abortion, but not a single one of you can explain what makes that one absolute and totally beyond the reach of government regulation unlike those enumerated rights that shall not be infringed.

If "Red states= good/blue states=always bad" then Mississippi, Idaho, and Alabama would spend more per capita on education than California and Connecticut...and they do not.

Red states aren't judged by blue metrics... they're judged by red ones.

No, setting more money on fire for a shittier public baby sitting service to hire drag queens at insane rates to entertain and lecture them on gender identity instead of actually educating our kids isn't doing better anywhere but in the minds of lunatic leftist who think they get to decide what is best for all 330 million Americans across all 50 states.

You don't.

Texas would have a reliable energy grid- which they do not (though to be fair, California does not either.)

Then don't live in Texas.... so simple!!!

You and the comrades aren't entitled to a blue Texas or Florida anymore than I am entitled to a red California or New York.

Democracy means letting other people in other states do things differently, how they vote to do things..... as soon as you psychotic totalitarians figure that out, the better off our nation will be.
Precedent has no meaning anymore. In the face of their partisan ideology precedent means nothing.
Precedent has no meaning anymore.

Not when it's based in pure fantasy that flies in face of the law.

In the face of their partisan ideology precedent means nothing.

You mean that same ideology you support for infringing upon every other enumerated right much less implied ones???

No right is absolute, and I don't see any legal reason why abortion., a wildly dishonestly implied one would be so absolute and bulletproof when those in the Bill of Rights are so subject to regulations.

Can you argue for abortion as an implied right being absolute and bulletproof beyond government regulation while you also claim the enumerated and explicitly protected ones are TOTALLY subject to Democrats regulating the shit out of them however they like??
We lost medical freedom a long way back. The American Medical Association protects its very profitable monopoly by prosecution of "practicing medicine without a license." Putting hard barriers around medicine to prevent competition also excludes voices of dissent, knowledge, and ideas for better healthcare. Doctors who suggest something not on the approved list of treatments can lose their licenses.
Not when it's based in pure fantasy that flies in face of the law.

You mean that same ideology you support for infringing upon every other enumerated right much less implied ones???

No right is absolute, and I don't see any legal reason why abortion., a wildly dishonestly implied one would be so absolute and bulletproof when those in the Bill of Rights are so subject to regulations.

Can you argue for abortion as an implied right being absolute and bulletproof beyond government regulation while you also claim the enumerated and explicitly protected ones are TOTALLY subject to Democrats regulating the shit out of them however they like??

Blah blah blah usual escapist blame the woman sexist bullshit.

So, which original account are you?
Blah blah blah usual escapist blame the woman sexist bullshit.

So, which original account are you?

Oh so you can't actually argue that abortion is an ABSOLUTE right totally BEYOND any government regulation.... how totally NOT shocking. :D

There is no blame the woman or sexist anything.

You either think rights are absolute or you think they are subject to regulation, what is it??

I think you only give abortion the "absolute" rating and throw max regulations at all the others because yer fee fees.
Oh so you can't actually argue that abortion is an ABSOLUTE right totally BEYOND any government regulation.

There is no blame the woman or sexist anything.

You either think rights are absolute or you think they are subject to regulation, what is it??

Abortion is an absolute right for women as a factor of biology.

So you can't answer who you actually are. Interesting for such supposedly (ha) strong arguments from a coward who can't admit who he is.
Abortion is an absolute right

Then so are all the others, especially the ones that congresses is explicitly forbidden from abrading or infringing upon and trigger the ever living shit out of authoritarian control freaks like yourself.

Why all the alts, Lakeside Chode?
No alt's this is the only account I post on.

I'm guessing you're having a hard time arguing for abortion being an absolute right beyond the governments regulatory reach without looking as big of a hypocrite and hack as Adrina hua???
Then so are all the others, especially the ones that congresses is explicitly forbidden from abrading or infringing upon.

Including my right to have all the machine guns, grenade launchers and a fuckin' F/A-18 fighter jet and whatever else my pockets can handle.


So, coward won't say who he is.

Massively not surprising.

Yes abortion for a woman is an absolute right. Your weapons only speak to your insecurities.
So, coward won't say who he is.

What's it matter, who I am isn't the topic and is completely irrelevant to the conversation .... you know the one you're DESPERATELY trying to get away from??

Massively not surprising.

That you're deflecting away from what a hack you were just outed as? Not in the slightest I agree.

Yes abortion for a woman is an absolute right.

No, it's actually not and red states can regulate that right the same way blue states regulate AR-15's.

Suck that throbbing cock of democracy delivering some COMMON SENSE REGULATIONS. :D

Your weapons only speak to your insecurities.

Only in the minds of those ignorant enough to think having in interest in machines has something to do with insecurity.

For those of us who are secure in our masculinity, it's just another mechanical device.... like the lawn mower or HEMI big block sitting out in the garage, that high precision AR-10 is just a 2,500 dollar thinggy waiting to be worn out.
What's it matter, who I am isn't the topic.... you know the one you're DESPERATELY trying to get away from??

That you're deflecting away from what a hack you were just outed as? Not in the slightest I agree.

No, it's actually not and red states can regulate that right the same way blue states regulate AR-15's.

Suck that throbbing cock of democracy. :D

Only in the minds of those ignorant enough to think having in interest in machines has something to do with insecurity.

For those of us who are secure in our masculinity, it's just another mechanical device.... like the lawn mower sitting out in the garage, a 2,500 dollar thinggy waiting to be worn out.

Bawk bawk bawk.

If it doesn't matter then you should have zero issue saying so.

Abortion for women is an absolute right as a factor of biology.

Bawk bawk bawk.

If it doesn't matter then you should have zero issue saying so.

Name is Chris Yi. One of the most common first names and Korean names out there.... there are literally thousands of us just in California.

There.... that totally made your claim that abortion is an absolute right because fee fees, somehow less absurd or somehow not a steaming pile of copium in the face of objective reality??

Abortion for women is an absolute right as a factor of biology.


No, it's actually not and is entirely subject to COMMON SENSE REGULATION...... no right is absolute.

You're the one who can cry. I'm not the one all upset because the SCOTUS defended American democracy and rule of law by confirming Roe didn't make abortion somehow an absolute right and it's absolutely subject to legislative regulation.

Yay freedom and American Democracy!!!
Name is Chris Yi. One of the most common first names and Korean names out there.... there are literally thousands of us just in California.

There.... that totally made your claim that abortion is an absolute right because fee fees, somehow less absurd or somehow not a steaming pile of copium in the face of objective reality??

No, it's actually not and is entirely subject to COMMON SENSE REGULATION...... no right is absolute.

You're the one who can cry. I'm not the one all upset because the SCOTUS defended American democracy and rule of law by confirming Roe didn't make abortion somehow an absolute right and it's absolutely subject to legislative regulation.

Yay freedom and American Democracy!!!

Duh. Yes it is. As a matter of biology. As women are the ones who gestate and give birth it is the woman's right to terminate that process.

So, coward still won't admit who he is because if he did it would mean that he would have to acknowledge that he has no ability to abide by site rules but expects to be accommodated regardless.

No pattern there, none at all.

What a pathetic joke.