Regarding Ignore Lists


Rear Window
Sep 24, 2000
I feel compelled to say my peace on this matter. Those of you who add anyone, and I mean anyone to your ignore list strike me as one who cannot stand any kind of dissention whatsoever in their everyday lives as well. Do you disassociate yourselves with any and everyone who disagrees with you? Call them names behind their backs and in mumbled whispers over cupped hands over your mouth? Maybe you even go as far as to start ugly rumors about them just because they espouse beliefs you disagree with or have attitudes that you simply just don't like?

People who do this in everyday life strike me as judgemental and narrowminded.

Everyone has the power to ignore someone's comment or look the other way when someone commits an act that may be offensive to you. The "ignore" button, in my opinion, is a type of censorship that allows people the option to live in their own happy-go-lucky bubble without having to think about a unique or even *gasp* an offensive comment or opinion someone else may have.

I boycott the "ignore" feature.

That's all.
It only counts as censorship if it's imposed upon one by someone else.
RastaPope said:
It only counts as censorship if it's imposed upon one by someone else.

how so?

definition of "censor":

Main Entry: 1cen·sor
Pronunciation: 'sen(t)-s&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from censEre to give as one's opinion, assess; perhaps akin to Sanskrit samsati he praises
Date: 1531
1 : one of two magistrates of early Rome acting as census takers, assessors, and inspectors of morals and conduct
2 : one who supervises conduct and morals: as a : an official who examines materials (as publications or films) for objectionable matter b : an official (as in time of war) who reads communications (as letters) and deletes material considered sensitive or harmful
3 : a hypothetical psychic agency that represses unacceptable notions before they reach consciousness

or more to my point:

Main Entry: 2censor
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): cen·sored; cen·sor·ing /'sen(t)-s&-ri[ng], 'sen(t)s-ri[ng]/
Date: 1882
: to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable
well, I added every Lit member to my ignore list

I encourage all of you to do the same. This place is really quite peaceful now. Except for those damn newbies that sneak a post in here and there. I guess no one said life would be easy.
I have not put anyone on ignore. In my humble opinion, for me the iggy button is for spammers, stalkers and Yayati.

Actually, I wish I could put Yayati on ignore but he is kind of amusing in that way that a train wreck can be a thing of interest. You can't help but look.
Re: well, I added every Lit member to my ignore list

Zephan said:
I encourage all of you to do the same. This place is really quite peaceful now. Except for those damn newbies that sneak a post in here and there. I guess no one said life would be easy.

Yeah, isn't it fun to live in such a sterile existance? One where no one questions anyone else? *Ahhhhhhhhh* Sweet, sweet life.
I have maybe 2 or 3

On my ignore list. Thats to keep me from going off on them and making the board uglier. Most people I just dont read.
I am fine with confrontation ect.. In fact, Im so good at it I try to avoide it because once Im good and pissed I try to hurt people badly and end up regretting it later.
i've never used the ignore button on these chat sites....if i want to ignore someone i'll just ignore them
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TN_Vixen said:
I feel compelled to say my peace on this matter. Those of you who add anyone, and I mean anyone to your ignore list strike me as one who cannot stand any kind of dissention whatsoever in their everyday lives as well. Do you disassociate yourselves with any and everyone who disagrees with you? Call them names behind their backs and in mumbled whispers over cupped hands over your mouth? Maybe you even go as far as to start ugly rumors about them just because they espouse beliefs you disagree with or have attitudes that you simply just don't like?

People who do this in everyday life strike me as judgemental and narrowminded.

Everyone has the power to ignore someone's comment or look the other way when someone commits an act that may be offensive to you. The "ignore" button, in my opinion, is a type of censorship that allows people the option to live in their own happy-go-lucky bubble without having to think about a unique or even *gasp* an offensive comment or opinion someone else may have.

I boycott the "ignore" feature.

That's all.

I totally and completely agree with this. I would bet I am on more ignore lists than anyone here, a distinct honor. :) However, I have absolutely noboby on my ignore list. I read all posts to me and, even though many are quite negative, take them in stride. I can be quite critical and opinionated. I would not dish it out if I could not take it myself. :) Ignore is the refuge of weaklings. It makes no sense to go to a message board, put up something, and then pick and chose the opinions one wishes to receive. :)
Re: I have maybe 2 or 3

Bluesboy2 said:
On my ignore list. Thats to keep me from going off on them and making the board uglier. Most people I just dont read.
I am fine with confrontation ect.. In fact, Im so good at it I try to avoide it because once Im good and pissed I try to hurt people badly and end up regretting it later.

Sounds like you could use anger management classes and not an ignore button.
well I have one 'person' (more like, personality) on my ignore list, and I did it last night for the first time ever. I have no problem reading stuff I don't agree with, I just didn't want to be bothered with this particular incarnation's idiotic spew. It wasn't even like soemthing that had vague value, it was the equivalent of reading farts. So I just said fuck that, I don't need it. If you don't care to use your ignore button, that's fine. I hope you don't use caller ID to censor your phone calls too...
bootstomper said:
....if i want to ignore someone i'll just ignore them


I don't have anyone ignore either. People just don't bother me that much that I can't even read what they write. We all have our days when we bitch about stuff..sig lines, cock av's, someone's drama or whatever. But really, I think we like to bitch every now and again. At least I do. :) I think if you have someone on ignore they ultimately win. You cannot control how you react to whatever it is that you put them on ignore for. No one makes me do anything. No one makes me argue with idiots. I choose to do so of my own free will. I can control how I react. For the most part. ;)

Besides, if I had people on ignore I'd forget what I put them there for. I have short term memory loss. ;)
I don't have anyone on ignore here as my internal "ignore feature" works perfectly well.

I do feel that anyone who wants to use it should feel free to do so. The 'Net, as we're using it here, is a tool for entertainment. I don't think anyone should have to watch commercials (the power of the mute button, or simply changing the channel). By the same token, I feel that people have the right to "mute" annoying posts.

It's not a matter of declining to view any contentious material, it's more a matter (in my opinion) of taking control of one's free time and spending it on what gives them enjoyment without the incessant buzz of material that doesn't add to the enjoyment of their free time.
I don't have anyone on ignore. If I want to ignore someone I just do.
Sorry, vaporrub, but you are wrong. Firstly, its not censorship. Secondly not all ignored people are the result of 'dissention'.

I have a few people on ignore. One because of her sigline and her propensity for posting several times in a short time to a thread. Scrolling by her posts, which I don;t bother to read very often, was becoming tiresome. Another person is on ignore because it is difficult for me to not point out their insanity ona daily basis. I ignore them for convenience and so if the y venture into athread I am reading I don't even see themt here.

Two others are on ignore because they simply have nothing to say except the same one liners over and over. They dont interact. I consider them a TV commercial and ignoring them is simply a choice to save scrolling.

Vaporrub, you have applied the way you use ignore to the way you think everyone must use it. You're simply wrong.
I don't have anyone on ignore, either... never occured to me to use it for people whose opinions bother me. The only time I think I'd use it is for a stalker or spammer.

Jeez- now I feel like I should have someone on ignore. If only someone would annoy me with lots of troublesome PMs and give me a valid excuse!
I have Kinkylove and its other personalities on ignore because when it posted, I couldn't deal with the huge, multicolored writing.

I tried putting someone else on ignore a long time ago, but realized that it was fruitless. I ended up clicking on th eposts to see waht useless things the person had to say.
TN_Vixen said:
I feel compelled to say my peace on this matter. Those of you who add anyone, and I mean anyone to your ignore list strike me as one who cannot stand any kind of dissention whatsoever in their everyday lives as well. Do you disassociate yourselves with any and everyone who disagrees with you? Call them names behind their backs and in mumbled whispers over cupped hands over your mouth? Maybe you even go as far as to start ugly rumors about them just because they espouse beliefs you disagree with or have attitudes that you simply just don't like?

People who do this in everyday life strike me as judgemental and narrowminded.

Everyone has the power to ignore someone's comment or look the other way when someone commits an act that may be offensive to you. The "ignore" button, in my opinion, is a type of censorship that allows people the option to live in their own happy-go-lucky bubble without having to think about a unique or even *gasp* an offensive comment or opinion someone else may have.

I boycott the "ignore" feature.

That's all.

I couldn't possibly disagree more.

There are a lot of reasons why you might put someone on ignore.

You assume that it is to avoid dissention and then go off about what those people might be like in real life.

I've put people on ignore that are troll and spam the board.

I've put people on ignore that I don't feel add anything to the board also.

I've also put people on ignore that make really long thread titles that stretch out the board.

None of those have anything to do with avoiding contentious posters. Personally, I think it's far more ridiculous to think that not having anyone on your ignore list is some sort of badge of honor.
No, there are people here on the GB who complain of being annoyed with certain posters. The Ignore button should provide a reprieve from this annoyance, yet im sure there are some who just like to complain. Perhaps its a low self esteem or somehow it satisfies a need, either way, your Lit experence can be enhanced with the Ignore button!!!
Much ado about nothing.

I don't ignore anyone except the Jesus freaks who spam every so often.