Real Peeping

I do like watching nature. Birds, you know, all kinds of tomtits, half a dozen different ducks, three types of herons, kingfisher darting low over the water, green woodpecker holing out the old willow broken in half at that stormy night over a decade ago, cranes dancing in the abandoned farmlands, and that's to name just a few; animals, a deer mom nursing her kid, a fox sitting on watch for a mouse to leave their hole, hares playing behind the next bush. Play drop me pine cone with a squirrel, argue with papa beaver with three he's family is allowed to gnaw down and with maybe not, and watch them pulling bushes across the river. Or even see otters to play, making flip-flaps in unison at sunset time.

If humans wander in my hunting grounds I treat them no differently. Weird animals they might be, but I like to watch them too, especially if they decide to go with nature in their natural look for a little change.

There's a fairly frequented swimming hole not too far. Actually too frequented and too close to the bridge to be really interesting in daylight, but sometimes I still like to slip in my place between years old piles of flotsam, tree trunks up to four feet wide in many layers, on the little island across from the access lawn where visiting people leave their cars. If I ever feel guilt doing so, I joke with myself I double as a life guard: I really wouldn't hesitate to intervene if ever would think the situation goes out of control. My own nudity would have to be excused then.

Once in a long while something interesting happen there, mostly in the long northern twilight hours in the evening or during rain, especially if surprise showers catch cyclist girls on the road. For some reason soaking in the rain almost warrant a skinny dip right after. Well, getting dripping wet clothes off as soon as possible is mostly the right thing to do, at least if those are made of anything other than natural wool.

Perhaps the most interesting there was a young couple, perhaps a decade ago as well. They come mostly shortly after sunset in his car as on schedule (with had a not so trivial two week cycle) and had sex, at first only in the car, then become more brave and moved out, at the car, on the car. In any case, they went for a short skinny dip after, then sometimes sit in their car cuddling still in the nude for some time, other times left shortly, no system for that. I think they get added trills of it being semi-public place, and that they could, and sometimes was interrupted.

Who collided with the fucking couple most often, there was one set of women. One perhaps in her thirties and two under twenty (one of with was nursing a toddler, sometimes but not always present) who always used swimsuits when bathing in daylight, but infrequently slipped in on bicycles for twilight skinny dip and towards autumn often left in pith black darkness not bothering to dress, just wrapping a towel if even that. I would guess from that, they lived not too far away, perhaps in one of the handful then new homes there was roughly within a mile in the direction they left.

First few encounters were quite awkward, but then they established they are not a treat for each other's privacy and mostly politely ignored each other, creating some rather surreal sights. Imagine a couple vigorously fucking on the hood of a car, three girls step of their bicycles, acknowledge that activity as normal and uninteresting and strip chatting, then go in the water nude not ever really looking at the pair approaching orgasm.

Both sets had to be careful to leave before bunch of guys from local sawmill's evening shift went over the bridge on foot, mostly already drunken, going home to the two miles distant hamlet, and often coming down to the river for a quick dip too, but I didn't had any interest in them.

Next summer only the women in the thirties returned from this set, interestingly, with different set of younger teens.

Great description. Years ago, an area 'back woods' from my house....there was a nice view from the edge of the woods..down below was an old watering area for cattle, now w/o any around. The water is a kind of deep green from the algae....and yet, it was a secret place where some of the couples in the area would slip off to bath naked and often lie out in the sun on the smooth grass area around it. Some of the couples were the adults who lived in the neighborhood and was sort of 'known' that one could see anyone from the higher area on the edge of the woods.

One late afternoon there was a couple who lived a block away from my house....they stripped down and played in the water and got out to towel down. She had a tiny little paunch and yet was all legs with smallish breasts..he was frankly built and big.very big.....and that one evening she was horny and began stroking him. He tried to stop her but she was persistent...and could he really resist her licking his hardening cock? Eventually she climbed on his lap, her facing toward me, he facing the opposite direction. They went at it eagerly and roughly.she began to cry out and he covered her mouth. When they settled after, she still on his lap, she looked up toward me and blew me a kiss!

I grew up in a small holiday town which had a main beach where the tourists would go and then a very quiet "back"beach which was mostly deserted except for a few fishermen. Between the road and the beach sand there were large clumps of bushes and trees which gave really good cover.

My best friend and I would sit on the beach and wait until we saw older guys and their girl friends walk down to the beach. Obviously some would come all the way down to the beach but more often than not they were coming down to use the cover provided by the bushes. We saw a lot of awesome voyeur sights from just kissing and petting to full blown sex.

We would always go to the area where they had been and quite often found some yummy worn panties that had been discarded. We would then jerk off using the panties we had found.

Its a great pity that most often these kinds of places have become too dangerous and another voyeur opportunity lost.